Hidden Video Exposes NYT Editor Trashing ‘Idiot' Trump and ‘F***ing Horrible’ Pence

October 17th, 2017 3:58 PM

The latest video from James O’Keefe captures a New York Times editor secretly trashing the “idiot” Donald Trump and the “fucking horrible” Mike Pence. In undercover footage released by Project Veritas on Tuesday, NYT homepage editor Des Shoe conceded, “The New York Times is not...I mean, it's widely understood to be liberal-leaning. But, American newspapers are not supposed to claim a bias, they're supposed to be objective.” 

She added, “Our main stories are supposed to be objective. It's very difficult in this day and age to do that.” Showing the typical elitist snobbery of the Times, Shoe spewed: 



"If you impeach him, then Pence becomes President, Mike Pence, who's f***ing horrible...I think maybe, possibly worse than Trump.

"He's extremely, extremely religious. He [Pence] at one point backed a bill that hinted at conversion therapy for gay people...Which is like electrocution, stuff like that."

Of Trump, she seethed, “I feel like Trump is...is just a...is sort of an idiot in a lot of ways. Just an oblivious idiot.” 

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In a previous undercover video by O’Keefe, a NYT online editor bragged about slanting the news against Trump.