Time Magazine: 'Did the U.S. Incite Iran's Crackdown?'

June 7th, 2007 5:57 PM

(h/t NB's Rich Noyes)

The title and an excerpt from the first two paragraphs make the bias abundantly clear.

"Did the U.S. Incite Iran's Crackdown?"

The article, published June 5, 2007, suggests that American efforts at supporting dissidents within Iran make the U.S. morally culpable for their harsh treatment:

...sources tell TIME that several key Iranian reformers had repeatedly warned U.S. officials through back channels that the pro-democracy program was bound to expose them as vulnerable targets for a government crackdown whether they took Washington's funds or not.

Iranian civil rights activists contacted by TIME say that the cases against the Iranian-Americans have fostered the most repressive atmosphere inside Iran in years, making democracy advocates terrified to work or even speak on the telephone.