Conservative Panel Discusses the Liberal Bias of Hispanic Media

December 1st, 2015 3:44 PM

Barbara Hollingsworth of our sister site has a nice summation from today’s Summit of Conservative Communicators in Washington, DC sponsored by MRC Latino.

MRC president Brent Bozell and MRC Latino director Ken Oliver-Mendez spoke at a panel discussion, as did two House Republicans involved in minority outreach:

Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM), a conservative Republican who represents a district that is over 60 percent Hispanic, said that conservatives must work harder to overcome the bias against them fostered by the Hispanic media.

"There's a built-in bias on their part and our part. They've been told that Republicans hate minorities, and we've been told that minorities hate Republicans."

But Pearce told summit attendees that many Hispanics would be receptive to the conservative message if it's properly communicated to them....

Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) pointed out that there is more income inequality in cities and states run by Democrats, but that the Hispanic media does not report this fact because "it does not comport with their preconceived notions."

“We have to highlight the fact that the policies of the other side - the Democrats - are actually hurting these communities," Labrador said.

Read more here.