The Week

President Trump Draws Nats Support, Media Criticize
November 5th, 2019 10:00 AM
In reporting on the World Series Champion Washington Nationals visiting the White House Monday, reporters and President Donald Trump expressed surprise that a key player on the team wore a MAGA hat. USA Today played the story pretty fairly, but The Washington Post and The Week were decidedly critical.

Bloomberg Finds Warren’s Tax Would Have Seized Half the Rich’s Wealth
September 11th, 2019 2:20 PM
When 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Elizabeth Warren first proposed an annual wealth tax, she claimed it would be just “a little piece,” “a little portion” of the “bazillion” they’ve made.New evidence from her own economists revealed that her constitutionally-challenged two percent (or higher) annual wealth tax would take far more than a little. Try half or more.

About-Face: Liberal Media Herald New Soros/Koch Think Tank
July 9th, 2019 5:10 PM
The liberal media usually take aim at the libertarian Koch brothers, but now that they’ve launched a venture with George Soros, there’s been an about-face.

Media Claim Warren’s ‘Popular’ Wealth Tax Could ‘Save America'
January 29th, 2019 9:44 AM
Left? Lefter? Leftist? In the quest to see which candidate can be the most liberal, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren called for an “ultra-millionaire tax” to force the wealthy to fork over more to the government.

Liberal Columnist: 'Throw the Entire Constitution in the Garbage'
January 29th, 2018 8:05 AM
"Throw the entire Constitution in the garbage." It shouldn't surprise you to find out that this is the secret sentiment of some liberals. However, what is unusual is for them to state it right out in the open as Ryan Cooper did in his January 26 column in This Week. What is different about him is that he flat out stated that we need to get rid of it in America's Constitution is terrible. Let's…

Pundit Predicts GOP ‘Character Assassination’ of 2020 Dem Nominee
October 5th, 2017 5:03 PM
Many persons have started thinking about President Trump’s re-election campaign. One, of course, is Trump himself. Another is lefty pundit Paul Waldman, who in a September 27 column for The Week argued that while recent approval ratings for Trump don’t augur well for his winning a second term, he might pull it off if he cribs from Karl Rove’s 2004 playbook.

Writer: MSNBC Boss Prefers the ‘Mushy Center’ to Profitable Liberalism
May 13th, 2017 1:16 PM
For a real-life example of how to succeed in business without really trying, check out the “Lean Forward” channel, suggests The Week’s Ryan Cooper. Cooper asserts that MSNBC is “attempting to ditch its entire brand as a liberal network just as it is starting to pay off handsomely,” and indicated that the driving force behind the ditchery is Andrew Lack, chairman of NBC News and MSNBC.

New Republic Writer: Obama Showed Us the Path to American Greatness
November 27th, 2016 8:33 AM
According to TNR’s Lovia Gyarkye, one of the less tangible things President Obama has tried to forge is “a liberalism that fuses identity politics with the idea of American greatness.” As for Obama’s successor, “the answer to the Trump presidency is not to abandon the progress we have made. It is not to yearn for the past glories of a nation that has wronged so many people. It is to do the hard…

Liberal Pundit Blasts Trump’s ‘Ridiculous Whining’ About Media Bias
October 19th, 2016 4:58 PM
There is a conspiracy against Donald Trump, believes The Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky, but it’s inanimate: a “conspiracy of facts,” not a “conspiracy of liberals” in the media. The facts, Tomasky claimed in a Tuesday column, “simply do not damn [Hillary] Clinton in the way that [Trump] and his supporters believe they should. Take the new story, about the FBI and State and the alleged ‘quid pro…

Lefty Pundits Explore Why the Media Have It In For Hillary
September 7th, 2016 11:41 PM
Complaints from liberal pundits about media bias against Hillary Clinton have snowballed during the past few days. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman had the most high-profile effort, which contrasted “the impression that [Donald Trump is] being graded on a curve” with “the presumption that anything [Hillary] does must be corrupt,” and some of the others have taken aim at Krugman’s newspaper…

Liberal Pundit Advises Hillary to Keep ‘Uncle Joe’ Biden As VP
July 9th, 2016 10:52 AM
If Hillary Clinton takes Joel Dodge’s advice, one of Washington’s kings of unintentional comedy might be in the spotlight for a while longer. Dodge, a lawyer who also writes for The Week, thinks Clinton should choose current vice president Joe Biden as her running mate. Biden, contended Dodge, “is virtually risk-free and carries more upside…[He] is universally known, vetted, and unquestionably…

IRS Impeachment? Libs Say Obama’s Lack of Scandal Drives GOP ‘Batty'
May 28th, 2016 7:10 AM
Angry, embarrassed Republicans went looking for a scapegoat and settled on a man who’s more than a decade past the normal retirement age. That’s essentially the explanation The Week’s Paul Waldman gives for House GOPers’ move to impeach 76-year-old Internal Revenue Service commissioner John Koskinen.
That effort, asserted Waldman in a Tuesday column, stems from Republicans’ “frustration over the…

Ex-Conservative to Hillary-Haters: ‘Get Over It’ and Vote For Her
May 22nd, 2016 6:25 PM
Damon Linker, a self-described former “conservative intellectual” (he was an editor at First Things) believes that Hillary Clinton’s policy positions are “good enough” to earn the votes of current conservatives, given that a Donald Trump administration would pose a “national threat” and that most right-wing Hillary-hatred “lack[s] any rational connection to reality.”
Take Hillary’s scandals --…

Pundit: Why Won’t Conservatives Admit They’re the GOP Establishment?
February 1st, 2016 10:10 AM
The kids in The Family Circus blame their misbehavior on gremlins with names like Ida Know and Not Me. The Week’s Damon Linker believes grown-up conservatives do something similar when they deny what Linker sees as the plain truth: that they run the Republican party.
In a Tuesday column, Linker contended that the right-wing “counter-establishment” that first gained a share of power in 1981 now “…