
Spanish-Language Nets HIDE White House ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

April 2nd, 2024 12:03 AM

The White House’s celebration of the Transgender Day of Visibility was an “English Only” event, with no mention whatsoever on any of its Spanish-language social media platforms and feeds. So much for diversity! But rather than covering this shameless pander, the nation’s corporate Spanish-language media enabled it.

Jorge Ramos Whines About Biden Describing Illegals As ‘Illegals’

March 31st, 2024 8:03 PM

In a recent opinion column, Univision anchor and Senior Editorial Advisor to the CEO Jorge Ramos complained, yet again, about the use of the word “illegal” to describe people who are in the country illegally. This is a new version of a column written several times before, but that begins to acknowledge the realities of the immigration debate in 2024.


Univision’s Jorge Ramos Gets SHUT DOWN On Immigration, Border Crisis

March 24th, 2024 10:35 PM

The most pro-open borders anchor in television got shut down on his own Sunday show on borders and immigration, and it wasn’t even close. Time and time again, Jorge Ramos was forcefully rebutted on the narratives he’s served his viewership for decades. 


REGIME MEDIA: All But NBC Tout VP Harris' Planned Parenthood Visit

March 14th, 2024 10:24 PM

With the notable exception of NBC Nightly News, the evening network newscasts fell over themselves to promote the historic nature of Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to a Minnesota Planned Parenthood clinic- the first of its kind by a sitting president or vice president. The exuberance at the executive cosigning of the continued slaughter of the unborn was quite palpable.


Univision Anchors Parrot White House Line On Biden’s Mental Faculties

February 29th, 2024 7:14 PM

Univision’s news division has long been known as a liberal messaging pit, eagerly echoing whatever talking points come out of Democrat White Houses. Such is the case during Univision’s midday newscast, when reporting on President Joe Biden’s recent medical examination.


How Univision Covers Immigration: Manipulative Migrant Storytelling

February 28th, 2024 1:44 AM

In discussing how Univision reports on immigration, we often point out the differences in how they cover the issue versus how immigration is covered on other networks. We’ve often characterized Univision as an activist network. And recently, the network aired some of its most egregious pro-immigration propaganda to date.


Univision’s Jorge Ramos Whines About Senate Dems On Border Bill

February 5th, 2024 9:18 PM

During a segment on Univision political affairs show Al Punto, host Jorge Ramos complained that the Senate border bill was too restrictive inasmuch as it didn’t address permanence for those in the country illegally before the ongoing border crisis. No DREAM Act, no DACA, no pathway to citizenship.


Univision's Soft Interview with Kamala Harris: Media Double Standard?

January 31st, 2024 12:25 AM

It’s been close to three months since former President Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Televisa anchor Enrique Acevedo. The Acela Media flew into an outrage and (falsely) accused Acevedo of conducting a “soft” interview with Trump. But now that…


Jorge Ramos Is PAINED By Amnesty Being Left Out Of Biden Border Deal

January 28th, 2024 5:28 PM

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, during an interview with U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX), expressed surprise and pain over the fact that the current border deal being negotiated between the Senate and the White House contains no provision to legalize anyone in the country illegally.


ACCIDENTAL JOURNALISM: Univision Notices Influx Of Chinese Migrants

January 21st, 2024 11:33 PM

Univision’s reputation, historically, has been that of a network fueled primarily but uncontrolled immigration. But what happens when some of the beneficiaries of Biden’s uncontrolled border aren’t able to tune in? Things get very interesting.



Univision Is the Only Network to Fully Report AMLO’s Border Blackmail

January 19th, 2024 12:28 AM

The networks’ coverage of the ongoing border disaster has been spotty, at best, inasmuch as it is a story that is unfavorable to the Biden administration. Therefore, there hasn’t been any reporting on the demands made by Mexico’s president in exchange for assistance at the border. Shockingly, Univision was the network to finally break that ice.


NBC Avoids Reporting on Fani Willis Misconduct Hearing on Trump Case

January 19th, 2024 12:09 AM

Some of our major networks made an editorial decision not to cover the upcoming hearing, ordered by the judge overseeing the Trump trial in Atlanta, regarding misconduct allegations against Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis. We are thus reminded of that great Iowahawk quote: “Journalism is about covering important stories, With a pillow. Until they stop moving.”

The NYT Joins the Acela Media’s Collective Freakout Over Univision

December 12th, 2023 12:01 AM

The idea that the onetime home of Walter Duranty should be taken seriously on anything pertaining to an editorial shift, or concern over an editorial shift at any other media outlet, is laughable. But, alas, here we are. The Old Grey Lady is the latest to weigh in on the Acela Media’s collective panic over Univision’s interview of former President Donald Trump specifically, and over a…

Univision’s President of News Defends Trump Interview

December 4th, 2023 8:28 PM

During a recent episode of his weekly YouTube show, Univision President of News Daniel Coronell weighed in on the controversy surrounding the network’s interview of former President Donald Trump.