Special Report

Dishonest Mediaite Hacks Take Katie Pavlich's Comments Out of Context
The Democrat activists at Mediaite are at it again. This time they deliberately took Townhall editor Katie Pavlich’s comments during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s Special Report out of context. This kind of dishonest reporting is why nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin calls them “Mediocreite.”

Nets Ignore Biden's Callous Dismissal of Hawaii Fires During Vacation
On Sunday, President Joe Biden spent another weekend on vacation on the beach in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware while the country literally and figuratively burns. While Biden was getting into his presidential limo, he was asked by two reporters for his thoughts on the rapidly rising death toll due to the out-of-control wildfires in Hawaii. Biden’s callous response of “no comment” led to outrage on…

Networks Turn a Blind Eye to Newly Released Payment Records to Hunter
On Wednesday, House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R-KY) released records detailing payments that the Biden family and their business associates received from corrupt foreign countries like Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. This was ignored by the “big three” evening news broadcasts ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News.

Hunter Biden's Business Partner Visited WH 36 Times, Nets Yawn at News
Fox News Digital reported Monday that Joe Biden's son Hunter's long-time friend and business partner Eric Schwerin had visited the White House while Biden was Vice President many more times than previously known. In fact, Schwerin made 36 visits to either the Obama-Biden White House or the Vice Presidential residence between 2009 and 2016. All three evening news broadcasts ignored this latest…

Nets Skip Gold Star Parents Demanding RESIGNATION of Blinken & Milley
As we approach the two-year anniversary of the disastrous and deadly withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan in which thirteen U.S. service members died, the families of those brave Americans are still seeking answers and accountability. Only to be stonewalled by the Biden administration. On Monday, House Republicans held a hearing and heard testimony from the family members of the…

Networks Ignore DOJ Investigation of Corrupt NJ Senator Bob Menendez
On Tuesday, The New York Times reported that the corrupt New Jersey Democrat Senator Bob Menendez is once again under investigation by the Department of Justice for violation of Congressional ethics rules. This is the second time in less than a decade that Menendez has been investigated for corruption and ethics violations. Despite this troubling pattern, the leftist networks seem…

Nets Ignore FOUR New Biden Scandals on Hunter’s Life of Corruption
Between Monday and Tuesday, four new Biden family scandals emerged, ranging from Hunter Biden’s artwork to business dealings inside Delaware to conflicts of interest in his tax probe to a former ally finally agreeing to spill the beans to a House committee about the Biden family’s ties to Burisma. If course, none of these scandals made it on the flagship morning and evening newscasts of ABC,…

Damning Silence: Nets Refuse to Cover FBI Form Alleging Biden Bribery
On Thursday, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC kept their viewers in the dark on a major storyline of the 2024 presidential election as Senator Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) office released a rumored form from an FBI confidential source alleging the Biden family coerced the Burisma CEO to shovel them millions if then-Vice President Biden could have Ukraine’s top prosecutor fired (which he did).…

Nets Skip BOMBSHELL Report FBI Obstructing Congress's Hunter Probe
On Tuesday afternoon, The New York Post published a bombshell story revealing that the FBI sought to obstruct the congressional Oversight investigation into the “ongoing” Hunter Biden legal case. According to a letter obtained by The Post, the FBI urged an agent who was set to testify before the House Oversight Committee not to do so. ABC’s World News Tonight, …

Networks Ignore Anti-Semitic Democrat Calling Israel a 'Racist State'
The silence was deafening Monday when the "big three" evening news broadcasts refused to cover the despicable comments made Saturday by anti-Semitic Democrat Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA) who had called America's biggest ally in the Middle East a "racist state" during her speech at the Netroots conference. Jayapal was not some fringe Democrat, she served as the chair of the Congressional…

HYPOCRITES! Nets Ignore Corruption from Obama SCOTUS Judge
The Associated Press committed a random act of journalism Tuesday when they ran a story exposing how left wing radical Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s staff pushed public institutions where she went to visit to purchase her memoirs or other books. Given the heavy interest given by the “big three” news networks on so-called conflicts of interest surrounding constitutionalist justices…

ABC Steers Clear of Whistleblower Speaking Out on Hunter Biden Probe
On Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, ABC’s World News Tonight and Good Morning America kept their viewers in the dark on behalf of the Biden administration and Biden family as the IRS agent alleging misconduct in the years-long Hunter Biden investigation has revealed himself for TV interviews on CBS and the Fox News Channel.

Immune to News: Nets Silent on Confirmation of COVID Lab Leak
Wednesday’s edition of Fox News Channel’s Special Report led with a bombshell report on the origins of the COVID-19 virus. The revelation strongly suggests that the virus did escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology like many conservatives have pointed out from almost the beginning. The “big three” evening news broadcasts ignored this news unsurprisingly.

Nets Ignore Report Joe & Hunter Caught on Tape in Bribery Scandal
On Monday, news broke that an executive from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma has tapes of then-Vice President Joe Biden and his crackhead son Hunter reportedly discussing bribes they received. Despite news of smoking gun evidence, the big three evening news broadcasts have refused to touch the news. NewsBusters has previously reported that the networks have refused to report on the Biden…