Inside Washington

Krauthammer to PBS's Shields: 'You Want GOP Nominee Who's a Squish and
May 21st, 2011 9:36 AM
PBS's Mark Shields on Friday advanced the typical liberal media line that there's a danger to the GOP if it nominates a presidential candidate that is too conservative.
When he finished, his "Inside Washington" co-panelist Charles Krauthammer marvelously responded, "What Mark wants is a Republican nominee who is a squish and then he’ll vote against him anyway" (video follows with transcript…

Krauthammer Scolds 'Inside Washington' Host for Calling GOP 'Mediscare
May 14th, 2011 12:11 PM
"Inside Washington" host Gordon Peterson on Friday joined the ranks of liberal media members claiming Republican calls for Democrats to stop saying the GOP is trying to destroy Medicare is hypocritical due to their support for Congressman Paul Ryan's (R-Wisc.) budget proposal.
When he got his chance to address this absurdity, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer marvelously set the record…

Mark Shields Says 'Amen' When Nina Totenberg Claims 'There Have to be
May 14th, 2011 10:22 AM
NPR's Nina Totenberg on Friday pleaded with Congress to raise taxes in order to balance the budget.
When she did so, her fellow "Inside Washington" panelist Mark Shields, as if at a revival meeting, said "Amen" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Krauthammer: It's Funny to Hear Liberals Talk About How Awful it is to
April 29th, 2011 11:56 PM
Charles Krauthammer on Friday perfectly elucidated the media's hypocrisy concerning their avid defense of Barack Obama against attacks from Donald Trump and the birthers.
As the discussion on PBS's "Inside Washington" turned to the President finally revealing his birth certificate, and liberals on the panel including the Washington Post's Colby King expressed disgust about how the White…

Mark Shields: 'The Most Urgent Priority America Has Is To Find Jobs Fo
April 23rd, 2011 10:10 AM
Out of the mouths of babes...
On Friday's "Inside Washington," during a discussion about American foreign policy in the Middle East and Africa, PBS's Mark Shields actually said, "The most urgent priority that we have is to find jobs somehow, not simply for Americans, which is an urgent priority, but for young Egyptians" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Krauthammer: Media Love Reporting Nonexistent Civil War Between Republ
April 16th, 2011 12:07 PM
As we've seen so far this year, the media on every vote that takes place in Congress love reporting about a supposed civil war between regular Republicans and members of the Tea Party.
Charles Krauthammer on PBS's "Inside Washington" Friday night noted the press continue harping on this despite it not being the case (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Krauthammer Takes On Shields and Peterson for Calling Our Wars Unpatri
April 16th, 2011 8:55 AM
Charles Krauthammer had quite a battle this weekend with "Inside Washington" host Gordon Peterson and fellow panelist Mark Shields.
The fireworks began when Peterson quibbled about how we haven't raised taxes to pay for the wars we're currently waging leading Shields to call them unpatriotic as a result (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Journalists Denounce Ryan for Not Raising Taxes: ‘Rich Get Off Like
April 11th, 2011 9:15 AM
A round-up from over the weekend of journalists denouncing Republican Congressman Paul Ryan for not including a big tax hike in his deficit-reduction plan and discrediting the Tea Party’s pressure on House Speaker John Boehner as a “far right” impediment to good government.
“He doesn't deal with the revenue side at all,” despaired Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas on Inside Washington, arguing: “…

Newsweek's Evan Thomas: Democrats Will Demagogue Paul Ryan All the Way
April 8th, 2011 6:44 PM
Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) predicted last Sunday on Fox News that Democrats were going to demagogue him and his historic 2012 budget proposal in order to assist their reelection chances next year.
On Friday's "Inside Washington," Newsweek's Evan Thomas not only agreed with Ryan, but also said, "The Democrats will now accuse the Republicans – it’s an old page in their playbook – of…

Krauthammer Mocks 'Inside Washington' Host's Claim Tea Party Wants 'Bi
April 2nd, 2011 1:04 PM
A consistent media meme in the past few months has been that Republicans are asking for Draconian cuts to the federal budget.
On Friday's "Inside Washington," Charles Krauthammer didn't let the host get away with furthering this nonsense (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Newsweek's Evan Thomas: Obama Administration a 'Headless Horse' on Lib
April 1st, 2011 6:28 PM
Newsweek's Evan Thomas on Friday took a swipe at the White House's handling of its operation in Libya.
As the subject was raised on PBS's "Inside Washington," Thomas said, "In this case, it’s always hard to know what the Administration is doing because it’s sort of a headless horse" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Krauthammer Battles NPR's Totenberg Over Whether or Not People Want Ob
March 26th, 2011 11:24 AM
For over two years, liberals and conservatives have been at odds over whether the public actually wants ObamaCare.
On Friday's "Inside Washington," NPR's Nina Totenberg took the predictable liberal position that polls show folks want all the "goodies" in the bill, but Charles Krauthammer made it clear that these survey results change drastically when people are told the cost (video follows…

Krauthammer: 'Nuclear Energy Is Dead' After Japanese Crisis
March 20th, 2011 10:11 PM
It was likely not a surprise to "Inside Washington" viewers that most of the usual suspects on the panel Friday saw the crisis in Japan as not being good for the future of nuclear powered electrical plants in this country.
What certainly must have raised a couple of eyebrows though was the strongest opposition to any further construction of such facilities coming from lone conservative…

Krauthammer Asks Totenberg: 'Why Does NPR Have to Live on the Tit of t
March 12th, 2011 10:55 AM
After the public shaming of NPR this week, Nina Totenberg was given the option of taking a day off from PBS's "Inside Washington" so that she wouldn't have to face the music concerning the so-called "news organization" she works for.
Demonstrating admirable spunk, Totenberg showed up to "defend the product" her radio station produces only to have Charles Krauthammer say in the midst of a…