Inside Washington

Politico's Simon Sees Racist 'Dog Whistle' in Anti-Obama Welfare Ad
August 10th, 2012 10:25 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, Politico's Roger Simon claimed to see racism in a campaign ad against President Obama which criticizes the President for granting waivers to some states to loosen work requirements for welfare recipients.
After host Gordon Peterson recalled that fellow panel member Charles Krauthammer had called the ad "accurate," Simon…

Politico's Evan Thomas: Media Imagining Supposed Romney Gaffes
August 3rd, 2012 11:34 PM
On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, regular panel member Evan Thomas dismissed media claims that Mitt Romney's recent trip abroad suffered from gaffes as the Politico correspondent asserted that the GOP presidential candidate spoke the truth about the Olympics in London and the social problems of the Palestinians.

Nina Totenberg Cites Highly-Edited Jon Stewart Video to Bash Romney an
July 28th, 2012 11:19 AM
You know, it's bad enough that a percentage of Americans admit to getting "the news" from Comedy Central's Daily Show and host Jon Stewart.
But when a legal affairs correspondent from National Public Radio starts citing highly-edited videos created by this comedy show to bash presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney while defending President Obama, citizens should be…

Krauthammer Schools Entire 'Inside Washington' Panel on 'The Cowardice
July 28th, 2012 10:33 AM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer perfectly demonstrated Friday why three liberal media members are no match for one conservative armed with the facts.
During a discussion about gun control on PBS's Inside Washington, Krauthammer gave fellow panelists Colby King, Mark Shields, and Nina Totenberg a much-needed education on "the cowardice of the Democrats" regarding this issue (video…

NPR's Totenberg: 'Bankers and Business' Are the 'Super-crooked
July 21st, 2012 12:07 AM
On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, regular panel member Nina Totenberg - a correspondent for NPR - generalized that "bankers and business" are not only the "super-rich" but also the "super-crooked" as the panel discussed the issue of Mitt Romney's taxes and President Barack Obama's "you didn't build that" gaffe in which he dismissed the importance of individual effort in entrepreneurship…

Krauthammer Calls PBS's Inside Washington an 'Arm of the DNC
July 20th, 2012 10:59 PM
On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, regular panel member and conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer chided host Gordon Peterson for leading the show with the story of Mitt Romney's tax returns as Krauthammer argued that the "gaffe of the year" was committed by President Barack Obama the same week.
After Peterson set up the discussion of Romney's tax returns, he turned to Krauthammer,…

Margaret Carlson: Romney 'Wanted the Boos' from NAACP, 'So Proud of Th
July 14th, 2012 12:40 AM
Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, Bloomberg View's Margaret Carlson - formerly of Time magazine - asserted that Mitt Rommey "wanted the boos" he received as he delivered his speech to the NAACP.
She went on to say the GOP presidential candidate is "taking those boos to his fund-raiser with Dick Cheney," and that "he's so proud of them."

Mark Shields: Republicans Haven't Raised Taxes in 21 Years 'And That I
July 7th, 2012 9:38 AM
Liberal media's love for higher taxes is a thing of legends.
On Inside Washington Friday, PBS's perpetually pandering pundit Mark Shields told viewers that since 1991, "21 years, Republicans have not voted for a single broad-based tax increase, and that’s become the theology of the party, the ideology of the party, the definition of the party, and that is irresponsible" (video follows with…

Krauthammer Tells 'Inside Washington' Moderator 'That’s a Clown Ques
June 16th, 2012 1:41 AM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer demonstrated surprising internet and Twitter savvy on PBS's Inside Washington Friday.
In response to a query from host Gordon Peterson, Krauthammer channeled his best Bryce Harper and said, "That’s a clown question, bro" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Politico's Evan Thomas Contradicts Michelle Obama: 'You Can’t Count
June 9th, 2012 5:08 PM
Michelle Obama said at a campaign stop in Philadelphia Wednesday, "When we need a leader to make the hard decisions to keep this country moving forward, you know you can count on my husband, your president."
On PBS's Inside Washington Friday, Politico's Evan Thomas surprisingly said, "That’s precisely wrong. You can’t count on him to make the tough decisions, and I think that most voters…

WashPost's King Charges GOP and FNC Painted Obama as 'Devil Incarnate
May 28th, 2012 10:31 PM
On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, regular panel member and liberal Washington Post columnist Colby King charged that Republicans and Fox News have "painted Barack Obama as the devil incarnate," and warned that, during this campaign year, "The nastiness is going to come out. The Limbaughs are just going to let it all hang out."

Nina Totenberg: Reverend Wright Is Irrelevant Because Obama Killed Bin
May 19th, 2012 12:15 PM
The Obama-loving media had quite a hissy fit this week when the President's America-hating Reverend Jeremiah Wright suddenly became a campaign issue despite all their efforts.
So opposed to the mere mention of Wright's name is NPR's Nina Totenberg that on PBS's Inside Washington Friday, she said he's irrelevant because the current White House resident - wait for it! - killed Osama bin Laden (…

Journalist Grandson of Socialist Presidential Candidate Admits: 'We Ca
April 23rd, 2012 5:19 PM
Even liberal journalist and Politico contributor Evan Thomas has finally figured out that socialism is an unsustainable system, as he boldly proclaimed on this weekend’s syndicated Inside Washington: “The welfare state is something we can’t pay for any more.” The admission by the one-time Newsweek managing editor and co-author of the infamous Feb. 16, 2009 cover story, “We Are All Socialists…

Krauthammer: If Rubio Refuses to Be Romney's Veep 'He’ll Find a Hors
April 21st, 2012 1:13 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Friday used a famous "Godfather" movie reference to dramatize what will happen if Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) were to turn down Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's possible request to be his running mate.
Appearing on PBS's Inside Washington, Krauthammer said, "If he says he doesn’t want the office, he’ll find a horse’s head in his bed. The…