Inside Washington

Newsweek’s Thomas: GOP ‘Selling Smoke and Mirrors,’ PBS’s Pete
January 1st, 2011 2:05 PM
On Friday’s Inside Washington on PBS, host Gordon Peterson used the term "free lunch" to mock Republicans who wish to avoid tax increases while trying to restrain the federal budget deficit. After panel member Jeanne Cummings of Politico predicted a tough fight in Congress over spending, Peterson turned the conversation to Washington Post columnist Colby King. Peterson: "Hold the line on taxes…

Charles Krauthammer Offends Mark Shields by Saying 'ObamaCare
December 25th, 2010 3:42 PM
Syndicated columnist and PBS contributor Mark Shields got offended Friday when Charles Krauthammer called the President's signature piece of legislation "ObamaCare."
This interestingly came less than ten minutes after Shields apologized to his fellow "Inside Washington" panelists for saying "Christmas season" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Mark Shields Apologizes for Saying 'Christmas Season' on Christmas Eve
December 25th, 2010 11:43 AM
Syndicated columnist and PBS regular Mark Shields on Friday apologized for saying "Christmas season."
Such occurred on the most recent installment of PBS's "Inside Washington" broadcast in many parts of the country on Christmas Eve (video follows with transcript and commentary):

PBS’s Gordon Peterson Suggests Dream Act Would Pass if Illegal Immig
December 25th, 2010 11:23 AM
On Friday’s Inside Washington on PBS, during a discussion of President Obama’s failure to secure passage of the Dream Act in the Senate, after panel member Evan Thomas of Newsweek asserted that "stupid politics" was behind the bill’s defeat, host Gordon Peterson brought up a quip by humorist Jimmy Tingle that "if they all looked like Norwegians, there’d be no problem."
After introducing the…

FNC’s Grapevine Highlights Totenberg’s ‘Forgive’ Christmas Cau
December 23rd, 2010 1:32 PM
FNC’s Bret Baier ended his Tuesday night “Grapevine” segment by highlighting NewsBusters’ Monday morning post which has generated quite a buzz on a lot of blog sites, “Nina Totenberg: ‘I Was At – Forgive the Expression – a Christmas Party...’” In Wednesday’s Washington Post, however, The Reliable Source column insisted “her critics got it completely wrong” since “she was, she says, defending…

Nina Totenberg: ‘I Was At – Forgive the Expression – a Christmas
December 20th, 2010 7:36 AM
“I was at – forgive the expression – a Christmas party,” NPR reporter Nina Totenberg interjected on Inside Washington in the weekend’s oddest cautionary separation from a common description for a common event, seemingly embarrassed to invoke any religious terminology for Christmas. She didn’t say what she’d prefer for parties this time of the year to be named. “Winter solstice party”? Just…

Krauthammer and Shields Spar Over Pelosi-Taliban Joke and Rush Limbaug
December 18th, 2010 3:03 PM
Charles Krauthammer on Friday made a humorous comparison between the Taliban's popularity in Afghanistan and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Cali.) approval rating in America that clearly riled Mark Shields.
So put off was Shields on PBS's "Inside Washington" that he not only took issue with Krauthammer's joke, but he also went after something conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said about…

'Inside Washington' Host: Why is it Constitutional to Force People to
December 18th, 2010 1:46 PM
Gordon Peterson on Friday asked either a staggeringly ignorant or intentionally provocative question.
On the most recent installment of PBS's "Inside Washington," the host queried his guests, "Why is it constitutional to require Americans to buy automobile insurance but un-Constitutional to force them to buy health insurance?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Krauthammer Scolds Shields for 'Moaning and Bitching' About the Tax Pl
December 11th, 2010 1:57 PM
Charles Krauthammer on Friday scolded Mark Shields and other liberals for "moaning and bitching" about the President's compromise tax plan after months of demanding the White House implement a second stimulus package.
After Shields on PBS's "Inside Washington" predictably criticized Obama for agreeing to extend the Bush tax cuts on the so-called rich, Krauthammer marvelously struck back (…

Krauthammer on 'Inside Washington' Bias: 'Tag Team Wrestling In Which
December 2nd, 2010 12:52 PM
Appearing on Tuesday's O'Reilly Factor on FNC, columnist Charles Krauthammer described his role on the political panel show 'Inside Washington': "'s a very liberal's tag team wrestling in which I don't have a team. It's three on one which I think the odds are rather good that way – for me....we do this exercise every week and it's a good workout."
Host Bill O'Reilly brought…

Charles Krauthammer Rips Liberal Media for Being Obsessed with Sarah P
November 27th, 2010 10:08 AM
Charles Krauthammer on Friday tore into the liberal media for being obsessed with former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.
After Krauthammer scolded the "editorial judgment" of the producers of PBS's "Inside Washington" for week after week prominently displaying her as the "only representative of conservatism of any importance" in this nation, the Washington Post's Colby King proved his point (…

Mark Shields: I've Never Heard a Democratic Leader Accuse Bush of Lyin
November 20th, 2010 12:31 PM
Syndicated columnist and PBS regular Mark Shields on Friday actually said on national television that he has never heard a Democratic leader or presidential candidate accuse former President George W. Bush of lying America into the Iraq War.
This was said in response to Charles Krauthammer telling his fellow "Inside Washington" panelists that this all too common media assertion is the "…

Charles Krauthammer Schools Carlson and Krugman on Raising Social Secu
November 13th, 2010 11:17 AM
Charles Krauthammer on Friday gave a much-needed education to Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson about why the age at which one can receive Social Security benefits must be raised.
His words on PBS's "Inside Washington" also refuted Paul Krugman's foolish claims on this matter published in Friday's New York Times (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Mark Shields: Palin Quitting As Governor Is Like Kennedy's Chappaquidd
November 6th, 2010 9:27 AM
PBS's Mark Shields on Friday said Sarah Palin's decision to resign as the governor of Alaska is "like Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddick."
This astonishingly came moments after he called Nancy Pelosi the most effective House Speaker in his lifetime on the most recent installment of "Inside Washington" (video follows with transcript and commentary):