
Bozell Excoriates Media’s ‘Censorship’ of Clinton/Russia Uranium Deal

October 24th, 2017 5:39 PM
In a video statement posted on Tuesday, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell offered a blistering critique of the “big three” networks for censoring and downplaying reports concerning the Russian uranium deal brokered in the Obama administration by Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

MRC's Bozell Blasts Network Censorship of Clinton-Uranium Scandal

October 23rd, 2017 9:58 AM
RESTON, VA — Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell blasted the media’s censorship in a Monday morning statement of the developing Uranium scandal involving the Clintons and Obama Administration. 

Media Ignore Real Democratic Scandals

October 21st, 2017 2:15 PM

Why the collective liberal media yawn on the multi-headed Democratic scandals surfacing everywhere except on their pages and airwaves? It's not that the stories are too far-fetched and thin to interest self-respecting journalists, because they are real, damning and supported by sufficiently credible evidence to warrant serious attention and scrutiny.


Of Course: CNN Ends Uranium Deal Blackout....with 19-Second Footnote

October 19th, 2017 2:41 PM
CNN briefly ended their network-wide blackout on Wednesday afternoon of the massive Russian uranium story with a 19-second recap of President Trump’s comments moments earlier in the Oval Office about The Hill’s investigation. “The big story is the uranium that was purchased — that was obtained by the Russians during the Obama administration. He says that's one of the big stories — one of the…

Morning Joe Attacks Trump For Highlighting Clinton-Uranium Scandal

October 19th, 2017 12:05 PM
On Thursday’s Morning Joe, after days of ignoring The Hill’s latest reporting confirming an extensive racketeering scheme organized by Russian government officials that appeared to directly benefit Bill and Hillary Clinton, the show finally decided to cover the story. However, instead of getting worked up about unethical or possibly illegal Clinton-Russian collusion, hosts Joe Scarborough and…

FBI Informant in Russia/Uranium Scandal 'Threatened,' Nets Censor

October 19th, 2017 11:07 AM
On Wednesday, The Hill reported that a key FBI informant involved in the investigation of the Clinton/Russia/Uranium scandal was threatened by the Obama administration and warned not to publicly disclose details. Also, at a Senate hearing that same day, Attorney General Jeff Sessions promised that the Justice Department would take “appropriate action” in response to the new information.So how…

Nets Censor Latest Bombshell on Russia/Uranium/Clinton Scandal

October 18th, 2017 10:44 AM
New revelations that the FBI uncovered a Russian bribery plot before the Obama administration approved a nuclear deal with Moscow, that involved millions of kickback money to the Clinton Foundation, have been utterly ignored the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network evening or morning shows, since the story broke early Tuesday. In fact, the network evening shows have only spent only 3 minutes and 1…

New Evidence in Russia/Uranium/Clinton Scandal, Will Nets Report?

October 17th, 2017 11:36 AM
On Tuesday, The Hill reported new revelations in the scandal surrounding Russia’s obtaining control of American uranium and its payments to The Clinton Foundation. It’s a scandal that the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network evening shows have gone out of their way to shun, spending only 3 minutes and 1 second on the story in over two years.

Carlson, Concha Rip Protests as ‘Giving the Rhetorical Finger’ to U.S.

September 26th, 2017 4:30 PM
Leading off his eponymous Fox News Channel show on Monday, Tucker Carlson delayed bringing on a liberal guest to debate the day’s news in order to spend a few moments lambasting how those NFL players protesting the National Anthem were “giving the rhetorical finger to the country that made them rich.” Carlson was later assisted by The Hill’s Joe Concha as the two lit into the “media bubble” for…

The ‘Salon Left’ Is Killing the Democratic Party

September 23rd, 2017 2:30 PM
Earlier this month, I wrote an op-ed for The Hill where I argued that Republicans should support President Trump and follow his electoral formula, or “die” — i.e., face extinction as a party.  The piece had an obvious target audience — establishment Republicans — with an obvious goal in mind — to get wishy-washy GOP elected officials on board with the President’s agenda.

Velshi Doubles Down on Climate Change Talk as People Suffer Under Irma

September 11th, 2017 12:52 PM
On Sunday night, MSNBC’s Ali Velshi showcased his desire to not let a deadly crisis like Hurricane Irma go to waste, reaffirming his belief that it’s appropriate to discuss climate change as the cause of hurricanes like Irma while lives were at stake. Velshi made this pathetic proclamation during a Twitter debate with The Hill’s Joe Concha, who had tweeted that the media had largely been doing…

Where Is the Corporate Disavowal of Black Lives Matter?

August 16th, 2017 4:49 PM
Liberal business executives are leaping like lemmings from President Donald Trump's manufacturing advisory council. Good riddance. These silly string-spined CEOs have sided with social justice agitators, Beltway media enablers and Democratic resistance knuckleheads who believe Trump was wrong to condemn violence and hatred on all sides of the political spectrum.

When Do Internet Surveys Count? When the Liberal Media Likes Them

July 10th, 2017 4:45 PM
Throughout the 2016 election, journalists were technically correct and yet unrelenting in their criticism of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump’s reliance on the accuracy of entirely insignificant and unscientific surveys that reflected well on his candidacy and debate performances. On September 27, for instance, CNN posted a “fact-check” article, arguing that Trump “[misled] people by…

Chelsea Clinton’s Cheerleading Cult

April 19th, 2017 6:31 PM
Thirstier than an ultra-marathoner lost in Death Valley in mid-July. Hyping the entertainment magazine's latest cover, Co-Editor-in-Chief Claudia Eller gushed this week, "How cool does Chelsea Clinton look on our Power of Women, NY, cover?" Welcome to the liberal media's manufacturing of "cool." Leather jacket? Check. Overzealous airbrushing? Check. Humanizing grin? Check. Democratic…