
Media Mash: Ed Schultz 'Slut' Comment Edition
May 27th, 2011 10:39 AM
Liberal radio host Ed Schultz's May 23rd attack on conservative talker Laura Ingraham as a "slut" was "reprehensible" and "could not have been more vile," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told viewers of the May 26 "Hannity."
That said, Bozell added, he should be commended for owning up to his transgression and offering a "man's apology" Wednesday night on his MSNBC "Ed Show" program.

Media Mash: 'Common' Controversy Edition
May 13th, 2011 11:37 AM
"It is edgy to have people on the mainstream of Hollywood who celebrate cop killers," but it's quite another thing when the president of the United States invites such a person like rapper Common to the White House for a poetry event, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox News's Sean Hannity last night.
Although Common wrote a rap song defending a convicted cop killer and has been known…

Video: Opening Segment from Hannity’s 'Behind the Bias: The History
April 23rd, 2011 1:20 AM
On Friday night, the Fox News Channel debuted a Hannity special, ‘Behind the Bias: The History of Liberal Media.’ The promo declared: “Double standards? Groundless attacks? Blatant bias? Sean calls out the mainstream media! Don’t miss Behind the Bias: The History of Liberal Media.”
The Media Research Center made available to Fox News Channel producers video clips from our archive going back…

Tonight on the Fox News Channel: 'Behind the Bias: The History of Libe
April 22nd, 2011 6:28 PM
Tonight (Friday) the Fox News Channel will air a Hannity special, in Sean Hannity's usual time slot, ‘Behind the Bias: The History of Liberal Media.’
The promo declares: “Double standards? Groundless attacks? Blatant bias? Sean calls out the mainstream media! Don’t miss Behind the Bias: The History of Liberal Media.”
It will run for the hour at 9 PM EDT/8 PM CDT/7 PM MDT/6 PM PDT. It will…

Bozell, Hannity Tackle Media Double Standard Between Iraq and Libya
March 25th, 2011 10:47 AM
In the lead-up to the Iraq War, the media "hammered Bush" about getting congressional approval, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on last night's "Hannity" during the "Media Mash" segment. Yet such scrutiny has been missing in President Obama's actions on Libya, he noted.
What's more, the media have failed to press Obama on violating his own standards on presidential use of military…

Media Mash with Brent Bozell: Japan Tsunami Edition
March 18th, 2011 10:53 AM
The liberally-biased mainstream media didn't let a catastrophe go to waste, using the Japanese tsunami as an opportunity to suggest, falsely, that Republicans would like to cut the budget for NOAA in such a way that would threaten the Pacific tsunami warning system.
NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told the audience of last night's "Hannity":

Juan Williams Calls Disgraced NPR Exec Racist, Bigoted, Sexist and Ant
March 9th, 2011 10:29 AM
In the wake of a stunning video revealing the truly deplorable opinions of one of its executives, NPR has accepted the resignation of President Vivian Schiller while putting Ron Schiller (no relation) on administrative leave.
Fox News's Juan Williams, who was disgracefully fired by the radio network last year for having the nerve to voice his opinion, lashed out at NPR Tuesday evening on the…

NYT Hit Piece on Glenn Beck: Fox May Not Renew His Contract
March 6th, 2011 11:25 PM
It's certainly not surprising that the New York Times would publish a hit piece on Glenn Beck, but coming hours after CNN's Howard Kurtz spent almost ten minutes bashing the Fox News commentator makes me smell a rat.
Add to this the increased pressure Beck has come up against from MSNBC personalities since Keith Olbermann surprisingly left America's most liberal television news network in…

March 3 'Media Mash': Media Celebrate Leftist Blogger, Runaway Wiscons
March 4th, 2011 11:15 AM
Leftist blogger Ian Murphy is "a liar who broke every rule of journalism," with his phone call to Gov. Scott Walker in which he pretended to be conservative donor David Koch, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told the audience of last night's "Hannity."
The Media Research Center founder was reacting to CNN having practically promoted Murphy's prank by awarding him the title "Most Intriguing…

Media Mash: Wis. Protest Edition; Bozell and Hannity Analyze Media's B
February 25th, 2011 10:53 AM
"It's like they have the same writer!" Fox News' Sean Hannity marveled after watching a montage of liberal journalists comparing the labor union protests in Madison, Wisconsin, with the anti-Mubarak demonstrations weeks ago in Cairo.
"Sean, this is really goofy. These reporters should be embarrassed," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell agreed on last night's "Hannity."
"If you want to find…

MSNBC’s Schultz Discovers FNC's Smith and Van Susteren are Not Conse
February 25th, 2011 9:23 AM
Twice this week on the Ed Show, MSNBC host Ed Schultz has paid attention to FNC’s Shepard Smith for not approaching the Wisconsin labor union controversy from the right, and also added in FNC’s Greta Van Susteren on Thursday. On Wednesday, the MSNBC host began his regular "Takedown" segment:
Tonight, in the "Takedown" segment, how about Shepard Smith? I’ll tell you what, he's bucking the…

Sean Hannity and Juan Williams Discuss Liberal Blogger Calling Herman
February 18th, 2011 9:57 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, a left-wing blogger last Saturday racially attacked Herman Cain calling him a "monkey" and a "minstrel."
On Thursday, Fox News's Sean Hannity and Juan Williams had a fabulous discussion about the prevalence of bigotry towards all black conservatives from supposedly open-minded, colorblind liberals (absolutely must-see videos follow in two parts with…

Ann Coulter Tells Lawrence O'Donnell: 'Sean Hannity Knows More Than Yo
February 17th, 2011 11:26 PM
Conservative author Ann Coulter returned to MSNBC Thursday to spar with admittedly socialist commentator Lawrence O'Donnell.
At the end of a highly-entertaining segment dealing with Coulter's previously expressed support for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Ann marvelously told her host after he besmirched Fox News's Sean Hannity, "He knows more than you - you’re a Democrat" (video follows…

Donald Rumsfeld Condemns False Newsweek Story on Koran Flushing: You C
February 9th, 2011 12:24 PM
Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld appeared on Tuesday's Hannity and recounted the harm Newsweek did in 2005 with a false report about U.S. soldiers flushing a Koran down the toilet at Guantanamo Bay.
Discussing the story with host Sean Hannity, he complained, "Later [Newsweek] said 'if part of our story wasn't correct, we apologize.' Of course, the people they were apologizing to were…