Pinkerton Suggests Hillary Sent Stephanopoulos Tough Question For Obam

September 26th, 2009 3:50 PM
When Pres. Obama did the Fox-less Full Ginsburg last week, his toughest moment came when George Stephanopoulos cited Merriam Webster to suggest that PBO's proposal to force people to buy health insurance amounts to a "tax."Some were surprised that Stephanopoulos would put a Dem president on the spot that way. But appearing on today's Fox News Watch, Jim Pinkerton posited an intriguing provenance…

Dem Pundit Powers: Crowley 'Lured' Gates Outside To Arrest Him

August 1st, 2009 8:40 PM
As Dem pundits go, I normally find Kirsten Powers among the more reasonable.  But on this afternoon's Fox News Watch, Powers propounded an incendiary theory of the Gates/Crowley incident: that the sergeant "lured" and "tricked" Gates into coming outside so he could arrest him.Panelist Jim Pinkerton had just made the point that it was only the conservative media, by focusing attention on the…

The 12 Days of Michael

July 8th, 2009 5:56 PM
There's no doubt about it. Celebrity is the media's top priority. Michael Jackson's June 25 death overshadowed all other news for almost two weeks. Nightly news programs on ABC, CBS and NBC featured at least one story each night about Jackson since his death. More than half of those broadcasts aired since June 25 lead with a story about Jackson. A Pew poll found cable news devoted 93…

On FNC, Pinkerton Compares CNN on 'Bold' Obama to 'Stalinesque Fakery

July 4th, 2009 8:53 PM
Picking up on how CNN anchor Suzanne Malveaux hailed, as “a bold display of presidential concern,” President Obama hugging a woman at Wednesday's health care forum, Jim Pinkerton, on FNC's Fox Newswatch, pointed out that “in the middle of all of this Stalinesque fakery at this town hall meeting” Malveaux's characterization “is like Stalin putting Ukrainian family victims on his lap during the '…

FNC Chides NYT for Downplaying Muslim Extremism of NYC Terrorists

June 1st, 2009 1:10 PM

'Fox News Watch' Covers NewsBusters' CNN/ Story

May 9th, 2009 3:30 PM
On Monday, NewsBuster Warner Todd Huston revealed and CNN's statistically unsupported theory that women are leaving men for other women.On Saturday, "Fox News Watch" shared this bizarre story with its viewers, giving NewsBusters credit for the revelation.Host Jon Scott stated (video embedded right, h/t Jeff Poor): 

Goldberg: Double Standard for NBC Networks Criticism of FNC's Tea Part

April 18th, 2009 4:40 PM
Despite all the criticisms of the Fox News Channel broadcasted on MSNBC for promoting tea party coverage, one thing hasn't been pointed out - how the NBC networks, including CNBC and MSNBC are given a pass for their shameless promotion of their Green Week and Green is Universal network events. Jonah Goldberg, editor-at-large for National Review and author of "Liberal Fascism," appeared on Fox…

FNC’s Hemmer: Media Ignoring Obama's Plans to Control Census

February 17th, 2009 4:43 PM
On Saturday’s Fox News Watch, FNC host Bill Hemmer brought up the media’s lack of interest in Barack Obama’s plans to exert control over the 2010 census from the White House, as the show’s panel discussed Republican Senator Judd Gregg’s decision not to accept appointment to the position of Commerce Secretary. Hemmer teased the show: "Is the White House effort to control the census a play to…

In ChiCom Tank: 'Fox News Watch' Rips NBC's Olympics Coverage

December 27th, 2008 8:41 PM
Chinese divers won a record seven gold medals during the 2008 Olympics.  But even they didn't leap as headlong into the Beijing tank as did NBC.  That's how you might describe the collective verdict of the Fox News Watch panel this evening on NBC's regime-friendly coverage.  The subject arose as part of the show's Year in Review, and began with a clip of Matt Lauer unctuously questioning a ChiCom…

Pinkerton On UAW: Not Just Wages—Work Rules

December 13th, 2008 8:10 PM
To the extent the MSM has been willing to report on the disadvantage under which the Big Three automakers operate compared to their non-union competitors, the focus has been on the huge wage differential. On this evening's Fox News Watch, conservative columnist Jim Pinkerton highlighted another issue which has gone largely unreported in the liberal media: the onerous union work rules that add…

Pinkerton: MSNBC Backs Obama, Gets $139 Billion Gov Guarantee

November 15th, 2008 7:47 PM
Is MSNBC being rewarded for having backed Obama?  That's what Jim Pinkerton suggests.  On this evening's Fox News Watch, the columnist and New America Foundation fellow cited the news that GE Capital, a subsidiary of MSNBC's parent company GE, has received a $139 billion government loan guarantee.Host Jon Scott opened this evening's show opened with a clip of Chris Matthews [in a story that NB…

Fox News Watch Bashes Non-coverage of Biden's Crisis Prediction

October 26th, 2008 6:48 PM
One of the finest examples of media bias this campaign season occurred last Sunday when Democrat vice presidential candidate Joe Biden guaranteed an international crisis would befall our nation in six months if Obama is in the White House, and the American press almost completely ignored his warning. To give you an idea of just how absurd the lack of coverage concerning this event was, the entire…

Hemmer Stunned by Maher's 'Ready to Have Sex' Rebuke of MSNBC

August 30th, 2008 9:23 PM
Stunning Fox News Watch host Bill Hemmer, panelist Jim Pinkerton, picking up on a NewsBusters post with video (“Maher: Matthews and Olbermann 'Were Ready to Have Sex with' Obama”), from just hours before the FNC show aired live at 6:30 PM EDT Saturday from St. Paul, pointed out that MSNBC's Democratic convention coverage was so adulatory that it led to:Bill Maher, who's no conservative, who hates…

FNC Discusses NBC's Coverage of China

August 10th, 2008 7:55 PM