Laughable: Soledad O'Brien Thinks Nate Silver 'Doesn't Have a Liberal

November 6th, 2012 12:11 PM
Former Daily Kos blogger Nate Silver turned heads with his Obama-friendly election predictions in the New York Times, but CNN's Soledad O'Brien thinks his conclusions show no bias. Of course, the liberal CNN anchor just might have a blind spot for poll numbers favoring Obama. "Nate Silver is very careful about focusing on the numbers. And he doesn't have a liberal bias in his calculations,…

Rob Portman Smacks Down CNN's Obama-Friendly Talking Points

November 5th, 2012 5:26 PM
CNN's Soledad O'Brien threw Democratic talking points at Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) on Monday's Early Start, but the Romney surrogate was ready as he defended the campaign's Jeep ad. "Was it a mistake then to run that Jeep ad which ran in Toledo, Ohio?" O'Brien pressed. "[I]t was deemed by PolitiFact to be false," she added, despite the claim's accuracy that plans were indeed made to build…

Piers Morgan Scoffs at 'Binders' Frenzy, But Other CNN Reporters Jumpe

October 18th, 2012 5:51 PM
Liberal CNN host Piers Morgan canned the Democratic "binders full of women" attack on Romney as "facile and silly," but CNN reporters hammered on it Wednesday night and well into Thursday. Surprisingly, Morgan threw his criticism in David Axelrod's face by telling him "I find it rather facile and silly, to be honest with you, that the Democrats are trying to make it fun of Mitt Romney for…

Nothing to See Here: CNN Dismisses Controversy In Obama Video, 'Old Ne

October 3rd, 2012 5:00 PM
CNN dismissed the controversy behind a 2007 Obama video that just resurfaced, by calling it "old news" and whitewashing the President's own words. CNN even touted its own 2007 coverage of the speech without admitting that it ignored the most controversial part. Anchor Soledad O'Brien, who has stuck up for Obama more than once before, lamely spun that Obama "was talking about racial…

CNN Touts 'Dire,' 'Disturbing' Poll for Romney

September 26th, 2012 7:14 PM
CNN sounded alarm bells for the Romney campaign on Wednesday, touting a "stunning" new poll showing Mitt Romney down 10 points in Ohio and reporting it every hour save one from the 7 a.m. hour of Starting Point through the 4 p.m. hour of The Situation Room. "Holy Toledo! Mitt Romney is losing Ohio now by 10 points. 10 points," exclaimed anchor Brooke Baldwin. "And it's got to be very…

CNN Explains Obama Gaffe but Rips Romney's '47 Percent' Comment

September 21st, 2012 6:44 PM
President Obama basically admitted failure when he said that Washington cannot be changed "from the inside," but CNN tried to explain his gaffe on Friday's Early Start while later dumping on Mitt Romney's "47 percent" remarks. CNN's John Berman insisted "I know what he [Obama] is trying to say there" and political director Mark Preston argued that "What President Obama said was correct." In…

CNN Anchor Tells David Bossie You Can't Judge OWS By 'Worst Members

September 21st, 2012 3:02 PM
With Occupy Unmasked being released today in select theaters, this morning’s edition of CNN’s Early Start with Zoraida Sambolin invited David Bossie, producer of the film and President of Citizens United to discuss the film.  However, things got hazy towards the end of the interview where Sombolin shamelessly tried to convey the narrative that Occupy is a “peaceful” movement.

It Took Only 20 Hours: CNN Upholds 'Hate Group' Label for FRC

August 16th, 2012 12:34 PM
Less than a day after a shooting at the Family Research Council, CNN dug up a 13 year-old FRC quote to support the "hate group" label by the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center. Early Start anchor Zoraida Sambolin said the FRC was "hate spewing hate." "I want our viewers to actually see some of the things that this organization has put out there so that – we kind of understand why they were…

CNN Repeats Dishonest Obama Attack on Ryan

August 14th, 2012 4:08 PM
Instead of fact-checking President Obama's dishonest attack on Paul Ryan for blocking a farm bill, CNN simply reported it three times on Tuesday morning. Correspondent Brianna Keilar actually repeated the false attack in her own words. "[T]hey [the House] failed to pass a bill for drought relief, which as you know is huge right now because of all of the farmers, all of the cattle ranchers…

CNN Lumps Racists Together With Defenders of Traditional Marriage

July 30th, 2012 5:41 PM
Is CNN equating racism with a store owner refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? In its "controversial marriage news" on Monday, CNN reported both a church refusing to let a black couple marry in its sanctuary and a bakery refusing service for a gay couple's wedding reception. Back in May, anchor Don Lemon compared Mitt Romney defending traditional marriage to infamous Alabama…

CNN Hypes Dying Newsweek's Liberal Slam of Romney

July 30th, 2012 12:53 PM
Newsweek's print magazine has slid steeply toward irrelevance, but that didn't stop CNN from airing its latest hit piece on Romney's "wimp problem" on Monday. CNN devoted over 12 minutes of coverage on its morning shows to the attack disguised as a cover story and authored by a liberal journalist. Early Start anchor John Berman hyped the "pretty brutal" portrait of Romney and even ventured…

Wolf Blitzer Hammers Obama Supporter Over Biden's Attack on Romney

July 26th, 2012 2:54 PM
CNN's Wolf Blizer took a key Obama supporter to task on Wednesday over Vice President Biden's use of an anonymous quote to slam Mitt Romney. The Romney campaign had denied saying the racially-charged remark. "[W]hy would a sitting vice president issue this condemnation of Mitt Romney and his campaign based on a British newspaper with some anonymous quote?" Blitzer asked on Wednesday's The…

CNN: We Don't Call the ACA 'ObamaCare' In Our Reporting...Except That

July 12th, 2012 4:05 PM
CNN's Jim Acosta bragged that his network does not call the Affordable Care Act "ObamaCare," a term he said Republicans prefer. However, CNN has repeatedly referred to the law as "ObamaCare" in its reporting. "He [Romney] used the term 'ObamaCare,' which by the way, that's fine in Republican circles, but there are a lot of Democrats who sort of bristle at using the term 'ObamaCare'," Acosta…

CNN Anchor Gasps When Student That Got Viral Picture With Obama Won't

April 27th, 2012 10:25 AM
Unless you happened to sleep all week, you probably saw the story of a Colorada University student getting her picture taken with President Obama at a bar in Boulder. Even funnier than the photo that went viral on the internet was CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield gasping on Thursday's Early Start when the co-ed in question wouldn't say she was voting for the current White House resident (video…