MSNBC Host Dylan Ratigan Hints at Violent Revolution

November 9th, 2010 10:55 AM
UPDATE (1:52 PM) - Check below the fold if you're convinced this is hyperbole. Dylan Ratigan seemed to tacitly endorse violent revolution on his show Monday. He hosted far-left radical Ted Rall who, when he's not comparing "idiot" American soldiers to suicide bombers, is lauding the necessity of political violence. Ratigan opened the segment by claiming the nation may need "more drastic…

MSNBC's Cenk Uygur Claims George W. Bush Confessed to 'War Crimes' in

November 4th, 2010 6:49 PM
In an attempt to re-litigate the past, MSNBC contributor Cenk Uygur indicted former President George W. Bush for war crimes. Bellowing today from his regular perch on late afternoon Dylan Ratigan Show, Uygur mischaracterized the 43rd President's position on the waterboarding of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as "go ahead and torture him basically" before demanding that Bush be…

Dylan Ratigan Disparages Tea Party as Pyromaniacal Crazies Bent on Des

November 3rd, 2010 6:10 PM
Tea Party members, MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan wants you to know that he’s just like you. Except of course that he’s not a pyromaniacal lunatic hell-bent on destroying America. That’s how the MSNBC anchor leaned forward, no, make that leaped, into insanity during a November 3 segment with Nicolle Wallace. The former George W. Bush staffer told Ratigan that, like him, Tea Partiers who fueled last…

Dylan Ratigan: Tea Party Gutted GOP of 'Political Traction' In Senate

October 21st, 2010 6:50 PM
MSNBC anchor Dylan Ratigan believes the recent developments in the GOP – including the rise of the Tea Party – have shredded the party of its "political traction" in the Senate. When asked by guest-host Peter Morici, an economist and professor of business at the University of Maryland, how much the Tea Party has set the Republicans back in their bid to retake the House and Senate, Ratigan…

MSNBC's Ratigan Falsely Claims GOP Senator's Ad Contained Geographical

October 21st, 2010 6:07 PM
 MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan is apparently so intent on depicting Republican candidates for office as stupid that he's willing to make asinine assertions to do it. Today in his "Ads Gone Bad" segment, Ratigan falsely insisted that an ad by Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) attacking his Democratic opponent Rep. Charlie Melancon communicated to viewers that "illegal immigrants [were] crossing the border…

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Brands Bill O'Reilly 'Liar' and 'Jackass Fool' O

October 15th, 2010 6:47 PM
  Smearing Bill O'Reilly as an "extremist" and a "jackass fool," MSNBC anchor Dylan Ratigan fired back at the Fox News Channel host for saying Muslims "killed us on 9/11." On his Friday afternoon MSNBC show, the liberal host launched a blistering attack on O'Reilly and accused him of lying and being a "fearmonger." O'Reilly made his remarks in a heated debate on ABC's "The View" Thursday…

UNION: MSNBC Calls for Fashion Industry 'Norma Rae

September 20th, 2010 6:47 PM
MSNBC is very upset about one "highly-unregulated industry" and its "questionable and even abusive" working conditions. What industry? Coal mining or perhaps sewage treatment? No. Keli Goff, an author and political analyst who has a "Daily Rant" on MSNBC's "Dylan Ratigan Show," was complaining about the working conditions of models. That's right, models. The people paid to walk down…

Ratigan: 'Default Position' In USA Is To Incarcerate Black Men

August 23rd, 2010 5:57 PM
Dylan Ratigan's "Daily Rant" segment was a treasure trove of controversial statements today.  You be the judge of which statement rates higher on the controversy-meter:Ratigan's claim that the "default position" in the USA is to incarcerate black men rather than educate them; orBlogger Keli Goff's suggestion that to end the cycle of poverty among African-Americans, and to avoid burdening…

Media Use Crazy Weather to Hype Global Warming, Despite Admissions Wea

August 19th, 2010 9:46 AM
Last winter, as blizzard snowfalls piled up into several feet in the nation's capital, conservatives mocked global warming alarmists for trying to link weather incidents to global warming. But as summer heat waves, volcanoes and sinkholes have appeared recently, climate alarmists proved they missed the point. A top Obama administration scientist attacked global warming skeptics during the…

Cenk Uygur's Pitchfork Populism: Raising Taxes Will Solve Income Dispa

August 17th, 2010 10:08 PM
Want to see a textbook example of how the left has tried to frame the debate against extending the Bush tax cuts? Take a look at Cenk Uygur, of "The Young Turks" fame, playing the class warfare/populism card. On MSNBC's Aug. 17 broadcast of "The Dylan Ratigan Show," Uygur was up in arms over the argument that taxes shouldn't be raised by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire. He alluded to…

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Dismisses Ground Zero Mosque Debate as a 'Smokes

August 16th, 2010 5:37 PM
MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan on Monday dismissed the controversy over the Ground Zero mosque as a "political smokescreen." The liberal anchor derided opponents of the planned construction who live in other states, sneering that there are "people in Kansas, California, Alaska, saying 'Oh my God. The sky is falling. The Muslims are going to kill us! It's all going to end!'" He compared, "But, the people…

Politico's VandeHei Takes NAACP to Task for Labeling Tea Party Racist

July 21st, 2010 6:11 PM
Appearing on Wednesday's Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC to discuss the Shirley Sherrod controversy, Politico co-founder Jim VandeHei pointed out the NAACP's role in fueling racial accusations: "If you think about this, where this thing started, the NAACP comes out and makes this charge against the tea party movement."VandeHei rejected the NAACP's claim of racism in the political movement: "It's a…

Dylan Ratigan Shouts Down Conservative Guest for Objecting to Liberal

July 20th, 2010 6:16 PM
On his July 20 afternoon program, Dylan Ratigan shouted down the Washington Examiner's J.P. Freire for challenging the MSNBC host's liberal orthodoxy and accusing him of giving more air time to the liberal panelist appearing opposite him.Eschewing any sense of balanced reporting, Ratigan thundered: "I said I'm in charge of the show. I decide who I'll talk to. I might spend the entire time talking…

MSNBC’s Ratigan: Arianna Huffington ‘Voice of Truth,’ ‘Role Mo

July 17th, 2010 2:31 PM
MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan took time out his Friday show to send a special message to the founder of the left-wing Huffington Post blog: “happy birthday to a good friend of the show…. Miss Arianna Huffington, earlier this week, turned 60 years young and had quite the celebration…. I had the privilege of being able to join her.” Not content with simply wishing her a happy birthday, Ratigan went on…