
Cupp, Stelter Bash Fox News as ‘Roofie’ to the Collusion Conspiracy

March 31st, 2019 10:37 AM
CNN boss Jeff Zucker sent out his liberal media dung-shovelers over the weekend to try to clean up the mess they made by buying into the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory. During Saturday’s Unfiltered, host S.E. Cupp and media correspondent Brian Stelter took to bashing Fox News for boasting about their proper neutral stance for the last two years. At one point, Cupp equated Fox News to a…

Major TV Networks ‘Refused’ To Air Ads for Pro-Life ‘Unplanned’ Movie

March 29th, 2019 3:02 PM
In not-so-shocking-but-certainly-infuriating news, it’s been reported that several big cable television networks have refused to promote the new pro-life anti-Planned Parenthood movie, Unplanned. “It isn’t for lack trying on the part of marketers,” The Hollywood Reporter claimed. “It’s that their “efforts have been consistently rebuffed by TV networks.”

WH’s Marc Short Schools CNN’s Blitzer on Trump’s Toughness With Russia

March 29th, 2019 12:06 AM
As NewsBusters had previously documented throughout CNN's programming since Attorney General William Barr sent his summary letter to Congress, the network had made it painfully clear that they would not let go of their false Trump-Russia collusion narrative. Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff Marc Short was on Wednesday’s The Situation Room on Wednesday and schooled CNN host Wolf Blitzer…

Rush: The Liberal Media 'View Life as a War,' 'Every Day Is a Battle'

March 28th, 2019 11:06 PM
In his first-ever appearance on Fox News Channel’s Special Report, legendary conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh shared his analysis Thursday night on everything from the Special Counsel report, to the 2020 election, to the “drive-by media’s” influence on our discourse. It was on that latter topic Limbaugh really ripped onto the liberal media for their twisted world view the last few years.

Undaunted By the Facts, CNN Continues to Push Collusion Conspiracy

March 26th, 2019 11:38 PM
“[T]he Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the [Russians] in [their] efforts…” That’s what Attorney General William Barr wrote in his letter to Congress summarizing the Mueller report. Yet, despite the facts compiled after two years of investigations, CNN continues to breathlessly push conspiratorial…

Not Sorry: Bitter Late Night Hosts Still Want Trump in Jail

March 26th, 2019 10:40 AM
Americans who expected any sort of real humility from the late night hosts in the wake of the Mueller report clearing Donald Trump were in for disappointment on Monday. Instead, the liberal comedians lashed out in disappointment and anger. Late Show host Stephen Colbert spat, “This weekend, we got some troubling news. Our president is not a Russian asset. Now, it just feels strange to say. Now, I…

Giuliani Demands CNN Apologize to Trump, Cuomo: ‘Not a Chance’

March 25th, 2019 11:41 PM
Sparks flew on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time Monday evening as President Trump’s outside lawyer Rudy Giuliani went toe-to-toe with host Chris Cuomo regarding the President’s vindication and the media’s new obstruction obsession post-Mueller report. In the middle of it, the former New York Mayor demanded Cuomo and CNN apologize for dragging the President down. Cuomo seemed disgusted by the prospect.

CNN’s Stelter Defends Liberal Media’s Russian Collusion Speculation

March 25th, 2019 5:37 PM
During Sunday’s so-called Reliable Sources on CNN (before we learned there was no collusion), the liberal media’s janitor, Brian Stelter was rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic as he played defense for the media’s two years of speculation in the face of no new indictments expected from the Special Counsel. Now, given the Special Counsel’s findings of no collusion, Stelter looked even more…

CNN Desperately Clings to Their Claims That Trump Obstructed Justice

March 24th, 2019 6:33 PM
Moments after first admitting President Trump was “cleared” and “exonerated” Sunday afternoon by Attorney General William Barr’s letter about the Mueller report, then walling it back on CNN Newsroom, the same assembled cast of analysts and journalists insisted that, while there may not have been enough evidence to charge President Trump with obstruction of justice, there was enough for Dems to…

CNNers Admit: Trump Has Been ‘Cleared’ and ‘Exonerated’, Walk It Back

March 24th, 2019 4:47 PM
The assembled cast of CNN reporters and analysts were staring down at their phones and printouts as they were reading Attorney General William Barr’s letter to Congress summarizing the Special Counsel report, Sunday afternoon. They seemed almost mystified by the findings when they began admitted President Trump would not be facing charges. But then once they seemed to realize what they were…

MSNBC Off the Rails: Demand Dems Ignore the Racist Mueller Report

March 24th, 2019 10:55 AM

At different points during their Saturday programming, MSNBC host Joy Reid and her panelists got out their tin-foil hats as they spun wild conspiracy theories of about the Special Counsel’s report and the Trump family. Between claims of racism by the investigators and claims of a collusion “cover-up”, the crazy train was doing full speed out of the station.


MSNBC's Chuck Todd Laments Trump Never Dragged Before a Grand Jury

March 22nd, 2019 8:25 PM
Well, it’s finally here. Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered his report on the Russia investigation to Attorney General William Barr and the liberal media began to conflagrate. During the early evening buzz on MSNBC’s MTP Daily, host Chuck Todd seemed to express concern over the fact that Mueller allowed President Trump and his legal team to answer written questions, instead of testifying…

Nets Ignore Trump Executive Order to Protect Free Speech on Campus

March 22nd, 2019 12:08 AM
In a highly anticipated ceremony on Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order directing the government to take action in protecting free speech on college campuses. It wasn’t something that enthused the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and, NBC) so they omitted it from their evening broadcasts. Instead, they all cheered on New Zealand for their swift movement in banning so-called “…

CNN’s Bash Presses Hickenlooper on National Emergency Against Guns

March 21st, 2019 12:52 AM
Wednesday was CNN’s Democratic Town Hall with former Colorado Governor and 2020 hopeful John Hickenlooper in Atlanta, Georgia, which was only the latest in their series. And while there were some funny moments, there were plenty of far-left questions sprinkled throughout. One of which came from moderator and chief political correspondent Dana Bash, asking Hickenlooper if he would sign a national…