From ABC: A Comprehensive History Lesson in 'Name That Party
March 11th, 2008 10:00 AM
NewsBusters posters have already given Old Media deserved grief about its reluctance to pin the Democratic Party label on Eliot Spitzer, who, as of this moment, is still governor of New York (Brent Baker on evening news show coverage; Ken Shepherd on the BBC; Shepherd on the AP). But, as blogger Ace noted last night (warning: some profanity at Ace's link), ABC has outdone the other outlets one…
ABC Fakes Muslim Prejudice, Unsurprisingly Finds 'Islamophobia' in Ame
February 27th, 2008 1:53 PM
Update at bottom of post.Apparently to prove that the US is filled with Muslim hating Yahoos, ABC went on the hunt to find "Islamophobia" in America and the result is "Witness to Discrimination: What Would You Do?" Since they didn't really know where to find any, ABC News decided to create their own prejudice against Muslims by hiring an actress to put on Muslim dress and get "confronted" by a…
'World News' on Raul Castro: 'Economic Reforms' or Drug Running
February 20th, 2008 10:02 AM
With the symbolic passing of the torch - from Fidel Castro to Raul Castro - comes hope of changes in Cuba, well at least among some in the media. Even though no one is predicting Cuba to usher in a new wave of Adam Smith-style capitalism, there might be some changes according to ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson." "[H]e's talking about significant reforms - liberalizing trade, economic…
Old Media Again Lets Clinton Take Credit for 1990s Economy
February 18th, 2008 2:29 PM
I see that Bill Clinton is once again taking credit for the "good things" that happened in the 1990s, as Jack Tapper at ABC's Political Punch reports: "There are two competing moods in America today," Clinton said. "People who want something fresh and new -- and they find it inspiring that we might elect a president who literally was not part of any of the good things that happened or any of the…
ABC's Greenburg: 2nd Amendment Not for Individuals Is Legal Orthodoxy
February 15th, 2008 6:01 PM
Noting Sen. Barack Obama's recent statement that he considers the Second Amendment an individual right -- setting aside for a moment his pro-gun control record and defense of the D.C. handgun ban -- ABC's Jan Crawford Greenburg dismissed private gun ownership as constitutionally protected, holding instead that the "orthodox" view defends only a state's right.Here's the relevant portion from a…
Why Are Media Calling Obama’s Super Tuesday Victory a Tie
February 6th, 2008 1:07 PM
Pop quiz, hotshot: If you win more states and more delegates than your competitor on Super Tuesday, is this a tie? It is if media say so. Consider if you will Barack Obama winning thirteen of the 22 states up for grabs Tuesday (New Mexico being still too close to call), and, according to multiple sources, taking home the most delegates. Isn't that a win? Not according to CBS which…
Tapper Holds Up Coulter as Symbol of 'Blind Outrage' at McCain
February 1st, 2008 1:55 PM
ABC's Jake Tapper took some jabs at conservative columnist Ann Coulter in a February 1 post to his Political Punch blog. Coulter, no McCain fan she, went so far as to facetiously pledge on "Hannity & Colmes" that she'd campaign for Hillary Clinton if she were the Democratic nominee and Sen. McCain her GOP opponent. To my judgment, Tapper did land a few good hits in laying out his case for…
MSM Ignores Latest Link Between Barack Obama and Indicted Fixer Antoin
January 22nd, 2008 3:22 PM
Last week ABC News broke the deafening silence on reporting Barack Obama's ties to indicted fixer and political influence peddler Antoin “Tony” Rezko. The rare coverage was reported here on Newsbusters and repeated across the blogosphere as people on both sides of the political spectrum reacted. (I put together a montage of the scant television coverage here).But all is back to normal now that…
Who is Angry in the Mitt Romney-AP's Glen Johnson Exchange
January 18th, 2008 2:44 PM
They May Have It BackwardsAccording to ABC News, it is Mitt. Riled! Angry Romney Rips ReporterSparks fly as Mitt Romney tells reporters lobbyists aren't running his campaign. According to anyone else who has watched the video, theirs is a difficult assessment with which to agree.As we stated when we posted the video last night (video below as well), the Associated Press' Glen Johnson angily…
Mika: Edwards's Turn to Cry
January 8th, 2008 8:26 AM
This space has not served as an unmitigated cheering section for Mika Brzezinski. But kudos to the Morning Joe panelist for the well-deserved shot she took at John Edwards today.Perhaps it was the Edwards's lack of candor that incited Mika's ire. It's been widely reported, as in this ABC News blog, that the former NC senator tried to exploit Hillary's now-famous emotional moment of yesterday:… Employs Scary Graphic to Tease Gun Ban Court Story
November 20th, 2007 5:40 PM
Teasing a story about the Supreme Court agreeing to hear an appeal concerning the Washington, D.C. handgun gun and whether it violates the 2nd Amendment's protection of an individual's right to keep and bear arms, employed an ominous-looking graphic on its home page.Pictured at right is the CBS/AP graphic showing in the foreground a right hand grasping a handgun, with an outline of…
AP/ABC Ignore Party Affiliation of Disgraced New Orleans DA
October 30th, 2007 8:00 PM
We know that the mainstream media love to report on all of the following: 1) the mass firing of prosecutors for political reasons; 2) anything about New Orleans; 3) and race issues in Lousiana. So what happens when you have one story that covers all three topics? The answer is almost nothing when the story involves an embattled Democratic official.