In CNN's America, We're Heavily Black and Muslim

CNN, like many liberal media outlets, is very interested in diversity -- in race, creed, sexual preference, everything but ideology.  But check out this image today, as CNN launched a new marketing gimmick asking viewers to fill in the sentence "My America Is...." If we're going to get into bean-counting here, judging from the graphic behind anchorman Tony Harris today, America is majority-…
Tim Graham
October 18th, 2010 3:29 PM

GLAAD Rejects Comedic Actor Vince Vaughn's Defense of 'Gay' Joke

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation isn't backing down when it comes to bullying its way into protected-class status. The gay advocacy group has rejected actor Vince Vaughn’s defense of using the term “gay” to describe electric cars in his yet-to-be released movie, “The Dilemma.” According to the Hollywood Reporter, a post on the official GLAAD website rebutted, “Vince is right.…
Erin R. Brown
October 18th, 2010 2:12 PM

'Bald-Faced Lies' in Pennsylvania? Scranton Newspaper Distorts ObamaCa

The Scranton Times-Tribune on Thursday attacked a conservative organization's radio ad for supposedly spreading "bald-faced lies" about the sale of three Scranton-area Catholic hospitals, and labeled the organization "political hit-and-run artists who pervert the facts." The newspaper's attack-editorial actually glossed over what it had earlier reported on ObamaCare's effect on hospitals and…
Matthew Balan
October 18th, 2010 1:51 PM

Arianna Footing Bus Fare for 14,000 People - 250 Buses - to 'Restore S

Astroturfing when committed by conservatives -- as contemptible as it gets, according to liberals. Astroturfing when committed by liberals -- problem, what problem? In other words, do as we say, not as we do too.
Jack Coleman
October 18th, 2010 1:25 PM

In Alaska, It Could Be Miller Time

You know Lee Greenwood: He's the country-music star who hit patriotic pay dirt with his 1980s hit song "God Bless the U.S.A." Joe Miller, the Republican nominee for Senate in Alaska, looks much like Greenwood, to the point that he could easily be mistaken for the singer if he ever strolled through Nashville. And, listening to Miller speak, you hear echoes of Greenwood's famous tune. The tea…
Kathryn Jean Lopez
October 18th, 2010 1:18 PM

CBS Puffs Pelosi: 'One of the Most Effective Speakers in Congressional

On CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Rita Braver conducted a fawning interview with Nancy Pelosi, portraying the widely unpopular Speaker of the House as a strong leader taking on her opponents: "Nancy Pelosi is considered one of the most effective speakers in congressional history....Believe it or not, Republicans are out to fire Pelosi and Madam Speaker is firing back." Braver began the…

Kyle Drennen
October 18th, 2010 1:18 PM

Sneering MSNBC Slams GOP Candidates as 'American Freak Show

Sometimes the bias is extremely clear: A MSNBC graphic on Monday mocked GOP senatorial candidates with the headline, "American Freakshow [sic] Angle, Paul, O'Donnell: New Faces in Politics." American Freak Show is also the title of guest Willie Geist's new book on politics, but all the apparent "freaks" discussed in the piece were Republicans. Geist complained to Jansing and Co. host Chris…
Scott Whitlock
October 18th, 2010 12:42 PM

Barely News: RIP, Dr. Mildred Jefferson

Most readers are probably unaware that the first African-American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School who was also the first female surgical intern at Boston City Hospital passed away this weekend. Though the wire service did file a brief local story, the Associated Press's national site has no coverage of Dr. Mildred Jefferson's death.  I would suggest that the coverage is so…
Tom Blumer
October 18th, 2010 11:59 AM

NBC's Lauer Wonders if 'Tag Team' of Barack and Michelle Can Recapture

     NBC's Matt Lauer, at the top of Monday's Today show, touted the arrival of Michelle Obama on the campaign trail, as he trumpeted: "Tag team, the President and First Lady campaign together for the first time since 2008" and added that the President "pulled out his not so secret weapon at a rally in Ohio...the First Lady." Lauer, seemingly looking for any signs of hope for the Democrats,…
Geoffrey Dickens
October 18th, 2010 11:47 AM

AP Laments 'Productive' Congress 'Gets No Respect From Voters

To Associated Press writer Jim Abrams, the 111th Congress seems to be the Rodney Dangerfield of American politics. It just gets no respect. This despite the fact, Abrams laments in an October 18 story, that it's been a thoroughly "productive" Congress. Apparently to the AP writer, American voters are just ingrates who don't appreciate the "historic" nature of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid…
Ken Shepherd
October 18th, 2010 11:22 AM

WaPo Farms Out Hit Piece to Streisand-Funded Group on 'Firebrand Conse

The Washington Post is now farming out its liberal hit pieces to outside journalism groups. On the top of page A3 Monday was a story from the liberal Center for Public Integrity slashing Republicans (and conservative Democrats) as hypocrites for voting against the so-called “stimulus” but then sending constituent requests for “stimulus” support. This, by now, is a very tired White House talking…
Tim Graham
October 18th, 2010 11:09 AM

Bumbling Barnicle: Gore From Kentucky, Mike 'Blumenthal' For Prez

Mika chalked it up to Mondays, and gosh knows I've had some rough ones myself.  So we're happy to cut Mike Barnicle some slack.  Even so, we can't help reporting how in the course of little more than a minute on Morning Joe today, Barnicle bumbled his way into two embarrassing blunders.   First, the former Globe columnist described Al Gore, Sr. [father of the illustrious Nobel Prize…
Mark Finkelstein
October 18th, 2010 8:59 AM

WaPo Promotes the 'Gospel According to Jimmy,' But They Find Carter's

The Style section of Monday's Washington Post has an enormous picture of Jimmy Carter with the simple headline "The Book of Jimmy." The Post is jarringly behind Carter's publicity curve for his latest book White House Diary, but reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia began with the usual goo from Carter's church in Plains, Georgia: "On those scattered weekends when Jimmy Carter isn't out enforcing Middle…
Tim Graham
October 18th, 2010 7:51 AM

ABC Chastises ‘Nasty’ McCain for ‘Vicious’ Attack on Boxer, No

“With just 16 days left, it is getting nasty out there,” ABC reporter David Kerley asserted Sunday night, scolding Republican Senator John McCain because on the campaign trail he “dropped senatorial decorum and viciously attacked a Democratic colleague.” On Saturday, in California, McCain said he’s “had the unpleasant experience of having to serve” with Senator Barbara Boxer. Kerley, however…
Brent Baker
October 18th, 2010 3:02 AM