
When Obama Loses Mika's Daughter...

December 7th, 2015 7:43 AM
Given the Morning Joe reviews, if President Obama's terrorism speech were a Broadway show, it would have closed after one night. From Richard Haass to Richard Engel, Joe Scarborough to Willie Geist, the prez's performance was universally panned.  And in the cruelest comment of all, Mika Brzezinski reported that "I watched it with my youngest daughter who's very, very interested and we were…

Morning Joe Sees the President Disengaged Against ISIS

November 16th, 2015 12:17 PM
Monday’s Morning Joe began with an evaluation of the actions of the White House prior to and after the attack on Paris Friday night. Joe Scarborough began by demanding to know if the roundtable thought the President actually looked involved and engaged in understanding “the level of threat.” When Mike Barnicle tried to claim the President “looks fully engaged,” Scarborough felt it necessary to…

Morning Joe: No Evidence Marco Rubio’s Finances Show He Went 'Wild'

November 9th, 2015 3:20 PM
Even Joe Scarborough, who according to the National Review's Elaina Plott has a "vehement" dislike of Marco Rubio, thinks there's nothing to the Florida Republican Senator's credit card issue. 

Former Journalist Says 'Journalist' Hostage Means Little to Iran Deal

November 2nd, 2015 5:11 PM
Monday’s Morning Joe featured a discussion with Richard Stengel, the Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. What proceeded was a discussion of the administration for securing the Iran Deal, without any effort to release Journalist Jason Rezaian, or the other three hostages of the government in Iran. Stengel would try to defend the lack of action, by highlighting that…

Scarborough to Kristol: 'You're Trying to Cover Your A--' About Trump

October 22nd, 2015 8:24 AM
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were among the first in the media, going back months, to take Donald Trump seriously. In contrast, Bill Kristol had repeatedly declared that we had reached "peak Trump," only to find The Donald confoundingly continuing to climb in the polls.   Things boiled over on today's Morning Joe.  Despite a fresh poll showing Trump with an astounding 48% of GOP voters in…

Geist: 'My Conservative Friends' Thought Cooper Would Go Easy on Dems

October 14th, 2015 7:30 AM
Wow: an MSMer who not only has "many" conservative friends, but is willing to admit it on live national TV? On today's Morning Joe, in the course of praising Anderson Cooper's performance as debate moderator, Geist let drop that prior to the debate "many of my conservative friends" thought CNN would go easy on the Dems, but that five minutes in, they told him "oh, I guess he's not going to go…

Ignatius: Obama's Weird 'I Told You So' About His Failed Syria Policy

October 13th, 2015 8:21 AM
Michelle might want to gently tap the president on the shoulder and remind him "umm, Barack, you're not in the faculty lounge any more.  You're actually, uh, President and Commander-in-Chief.  So you don't get to criticize your own failed policies as if you're not responsible for them.  They're, umm, your policies, you know?" Commenting on President Obama's 60 Minutes interview in which he said…

Scarborough Slams CNN and Other MSM 'Trump Deniers'

October 12th, 2015 8:03 AM
Says Joe Scarborough, if Jeb Bush had Donald Trump's poll numbers, the media would proclaim the race "T-K-Over." Yet rather than touting Trump's commanding lead, the liberal media speculates instead on the Donald's "exit strategy." That had Scarborough blasting CNN and other MSM outlets as "Trump deniers" on today's Morning Joe. Why is the MSM unwilling to give Donald his due?  Scarborough…

Barnicle: 'Assault Weapon' Ban Would Take 'Real Courage'

October 6th, 2015 12:55 PM
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Tuesday, the roundtable turned to the NBC "town hall" Secretary Hillary Clinton had on gun control. Mike Barnicle began the discussion by declaring that it requires courage and hammering gun control for any gun control to be accomplished. Barnicle would then continue on against semi-automatic rifles, in particular the AR-15 and AK-47, because they are "military assault…

Willie Geist: More Laws Won't Stop Bad Guys from Getting Guns

October 6th, 2015 7:53 AM
A week ago, we noted that—negating Nicolle Wallace's notion that the woman who aided the New York prison break shouldn't do any time herself—Willie Geist observed "you can't help convicted murderers escape from jail."  An NB reader remarked: "I get the sense that Willie Geist is a good guy trapped inside the leftwing matrix." Far be it from us to cause workplace problems for Willie by praising…

Hillary's Claim McCarthy Comment 'Distressing' Makes Morning Joe Laugh

October 1st, 2015 8:03 AM
There was Hillary Clinton, telling Al Sharpton of all people that she found Kevin McCarthy's comments about the Benghazi hearings "deeply distressing."   That was too much for the Morning Joe panel, which just had to laugh.  As John Heilemann put it, far from being distressed, Hillary surely sees McCarthy's comments—implying a political motive behind the hearings—as a Christmas and birthday gift…

Wallace Sad for Break Accomplice: Can't She Just Wear Ankle Bracelet?

September 29th, 2015 11:00 AM
Our NewsBusters readers are a prescient bunch.  On an item posted earlier this morning about Nicolle Wallace calling Hillary a "terrible" candidate, one reader commented "Nicolle is pretending to be conservative again. Not to worry, she'll be back to her normal liberal self soon." And sure enough, just seven minutes later, Wallace was letting her bleeding-heart side show.  Discussing the news…

Barnicle, Wallace Clash Over Clinton: 'Strong' vs. 'Terrible'

September 29th, 2015 7:36 AM
Good ol' Mike Barnicle dutifully carried Dem water this morning, maintaining a straight face while calling Hillary Clinton a "strong" candidate.  But also on the Morning Joe set was Nicolle Wallace, who reported that "Democrats think she's terrible. I hope [Biden] doesn't run, because he's better than her." For good measure, Mark Halperin opined that Biden might want to wait until February, on…

MSNBC, CNN Ignore Fiorina's Forceful Slam of Planned Parenthood

September 17th, 2015 4:35 PM
MSNBC's Morning Joe and CNN's New Day both interviewed Carly Fiorina on Thursday after she did well at the Republican presidential debate. However, the two programs failed to bring up her dare to President Obama and Hillary Clinton to watch the hidden camera videos exposing Planned Parenthood's sale of unborn babies' organs and tissue. CNN's Alisyn Camerota and Chris Cuomo largely skirted the…