Walter Shapiro

New Republic Discovers Flaws of Presidential Polling
June 25th, 2019 12:31 PM
The New Republic, which in the past few years has faded from obscurity to invisibility, has discovered what is all too obvious to even the casual observer of politics. Namely that polls are, get this, inaccurate. The one who went on this voyage of discovery to tell us what we already knew is staff writer of long political experience, Walter Shapiro. And since Shapiro has worked as a standup…
Reid Whines Voters Rejected 'Carter's Decency' for 'Cowboy' Reagan
August 21st, 2015 12:56 PM
During a segment on Thursday’s The Last Word about Jimmy Carter’s cancer diagnosis, MSNBC national correspondent Joy Reid complained that voters rejected “Carter’s decency and goodness” in the 1980 presidential election in favor of the “bluster” possessed by “cowboy” Ronald Reagan.
Yahoo's Shapiro Sings Praises of 'Obama's History-Defying Decision to
September 2nd, 2013 6:45 PM
Walter Shapiro's column at Yahoo yesterday might as well be called, "My Hero -- xoxo."
Its actual headline is, "Obama's history-defying decision to seek Congressional approval on Syria." As Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds noted a short time ago: "You can read this entire article about Obama going to Congress over Syria without seeing any mention that Bush went to Congress over Iraq and…
CBS Does Puff Piece on Obama, Depicts McCain as Dumb ‘Punk
June 23rd, 2008 4:20 PM
On Monday’s CBS "Early Show," correspondent Jeff Glor did a report on "five things you should know about John McCain" and highlighted details such as: "Number four, a maverick even back in high school, John McCain was nicknamed ‘the punk’...A reputation that followed him to the naval academy." During the segment, USA Today columnist Walter Shapiro added: "John McCain graduated five slots from the…