Tommy Christopher

Cynthia Tucker: Christie Won't Run Due to GOP 'Crazy Tax' - Birthers
February 20th, 2011 6:00 PM
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Cynthia Tucker said Friday New Jersey Governor Chris Christie won't run for president next year because "he realizes there’s still a crazy tax that a Republican nominee has to pay at this point."
This in Tucker's view stated on the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" includes cozying up to the birthers, coddling Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, and denying…
Helen Thomas Called Al-Qaeda ‘So-Called Terrorists,’ ‘Some Peopl
June 22nd, 2010 1:07 AM
Over the past couple of years, former Hearst columnist Helen Thomas had adopted a recurring habit of employing moral equivalency between al-Qaeda terrorists and the actions of the American military as, on at least three occasions, she referred to "so-called terrorists" or "so-called terrorism."In February 2009, after she used the term "so-called terrorists" in a White House briefing, she was…
Mediaite Attempts to Elevate Pseudo-Con David Frum to Biblical Status
April 2nd, 2010 3:04 PM
Is it possible to be so wrapped up in a media culture that one could minimize a sacred religious holiday in a shoddy attempt to write a clever headline? Mediaite's Tommy Christopher and his editors seemed to have pulled this feat off. Christopher, who has had a much-publicized run-in with Andrew Breitbart, has a new hero, former American Enterprise Institute scholar David Frum. Christopher…
Tea Party Fraud Tangled in a Web of Lies
March 31st, 2010 11:40 PM
With an increasing attempt by the left to paint Tea Party protestors as racist loons, it becomes of great importance to identify those who purport to represent conservative values, but in reality are nothing more than radical individuals. As NewsBusters has previously reported, liberal Web sites - particularly Talking Points Memo (TPM) and the Huffington Post - have continually cited the Tea…
AOL Playboy Controversy Deepens
June 7th, 2009 9:57 PM
Early Saturday morning new developments arose in the controversy surrounding AOL News' decision to fire liberal writer Tommy Christopher. As first reported by NewsBusters many believed that the evidence pointed to Tommy Christopher's critique of Playboy writer Guy Cimbalo's attack on conservative women as the catalyst for his firing. However, though NewsBusters has still received no response to…
Liberal Writer Fired By AOL News For Reporting Vile Playboy List
June 4th, 2009 10:29 PM
Editor's Note/Update below: AOL editor's email and further business connections revealed.AOL News has been bending over backwards lately to make sure that they do not cover the controversy surrounding writer Guy Cimbalo's vile attack on conservative women. AOL News has taken some drastic steps to censor any mention, let alone criticism, of Playboy's screed. They have deleted posts…