Roger Simon

The Top 8 Nastiest Liberal Media Quotes Blaming the GOP for the Shutdo
October 9th, 2013 10:40 AM
The liberal media have taken sides in the government shutdown debate and not surprisingly holds only one party to blame - the GOP. In the last week liberal anchors, reporters and writers have depicted fiscal conservatives in terms usually reserved for terrorists as they’ve hyperbolically charged that Republicans were being run by a “suicide caucus” that is holding America “hostage.”

Politico's Roger Simon: 'Extreme Right-Wing' Is Taking the GOP 'Hostag
October 1st, 2013 10:42 AM
On CNN Tuesday, Politico's Roger Simon slammed the "extreme right-wing" for using "food as a political weapon," for taking the GOP "hostage," and for denying "health care to 11 million people" in favor of a shutdown.
"The extreme right-wing of the Republican Party has taken that party hostage, at least in the House of Representatives," Simon ranted. He summarized their current position on…

Politico's Roger Simon: 'How Good a Job Did Hillary Clinton Really Do
April 7th, 2013 5:17 PM
As the media predictably gush and fawn over the thought of Hillary Clinton as president, there's something extremely obvious they've been missing.
Rather surprisingly, Roger Simon, the perilously liberal chief political columnist at Politico, asked the $64 million question on CNN's Reliable Sources Sunday, "How good a job did she really do as Secretary of State?" (video follows with…

Politico’s Roger Simon: CPAC Is The ‘Militant Wing’ Of The Repub
March 14th, 2013 4:13 PM
Nothing is more amusing than having a liberal “columnist” comment on the state of the conservative movement. It seems as though Politico’s Roger Simon is one such liberal who feels it is his duty to trash conservatism on a regular basis.
Speaking with MSNBC’s Craig Melvin on March 14, Simon commented that CPAC is “the militant wing of the Republican Party.” Simon, who criticizes…
Politico's Roger Simon Blames Republicans for Obama's Nixing White Hou
March 12th, 2013 3:55 PM
Here at NewsBusters, we usually ignore commentary and op-ed pieces because there is no pretense that such items are objective news reports. But from time to time we come across something so egregious, so over-the-top, that it merits exposure and derision. Such is the case with Roger Simon's latest screed in Politico, "Save the sequester, crush the children!" which cranks the crazy up to 11…

Politico's Simon: McCain Picked Palin But Won't Vote For Rice - 'That
November 17th, 2012 2:11 PM
The liberal media cheerleading for United Nations ambassador Susan Rice to become Secretary of State despite her repeated claims that September's attack on our consulate in Libya were a reaction to an anti-Muslim video are becoming nauseating.
On PBS's Inside Washington Friday, Politico's Roger Simon actually said, "John McCain named Sarah Palin to be a heartbeat away from the presidency but…

Ed Schultz and The Nation's John Nichols Duped by Politico's 'Stench
September 27th, 2012 5:45 AM
Libtalker Ed Schultz and The Nation magazine's John Nichols could soon be receiving a flood of offers to buy swampland in Florida. Perhaps by then they will each be a bit more skeptical.
Both were among numerous liberals who yesterday took hold of a bogus story by the hook and swam for all it was worth. (audio clips after page break)

Mark Russell: 'No Comedian Wants Obama to Win
September 22nd, 2012 12:28 PM
Political satirist Mark Russell came out of retirement Friday to trash Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
Speaking to PBS Inside Washington host Gordon Peterson, Russell said, "No comedian wants Obama to win. We may vote for Obama, but we want, we want Romney" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Politico's Roger Simon: 'Clinton Had a Very Important and Elevated Vie
September 8th, 2012 1:48 PM
"Bill Clinton, whatever you want to say about how he conducted himself, had a very important and elevated view of the Office of the Presidency."
So amazingly said Politico's Roger Simon on PBS's Inside Washington Friday (video follows with transcribed highlights).

Krauthammer Smacks Down Left's Ludicrous 'Dog Whistle' Claims: 'Was Cl
August 11th, 2012 1:37 PM
NewsBusters reported Friday that Politico's Roger Simon, appearing on PBS's Inside Washington, accused the Romney campaign of employing a racist "dog whistle" in its anti-Obama welfare ad.
Also appearing on the program was syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer who scolded, "Any time a real issue is brought up here, all of a sudden it’s a silent dog whistle that only liberals hear...Clinton…

Politico's Simon Sees Racist 'Dog Whistle' in Anti-Obama Welfare Ad
August 10th, 2012 10:25 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, Politico's Roger Simon claimed to see racism in a campaign ad against President Obama which criticizes the President for granting waivers to some states to loosen work requirements for welfare recipients.
After host Gordon Peterson recalled that fellow panel member Charles Krauthammer had called the ad "accurate," Simon…

Politico's Roger Simon On Hilary Rosen: 'Obama Campaign Tied Her to th
April 13th, 2012 11:10 PM
Politico's Roger Simon on Friday criticized the White House's handling of the Hilary Rosen-Ann Romney dustup whilst also taking a poke at Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
Appearing on PBS's Inside Washington, Simon said, "The degree to which the Obama campaign was fearful of Hilary Rosen's comments: they really tied her to the top of the family car" (video follows with…

Politico's Simon Speaks of GOP 'War on Women,' Getting Govt 'Into Our
March 3rd, 2012 10:55 AM
Appearing as a subsitute panel member on the Friday, March 2, Inside Washington on PBS, Politico columnist Roger Simon recited the liberal line of attack on Republicans as he theorized that female voters were being turned off from the GOP.
After quoting the Democratic charge of there being a GOP "war on women," moments later he wondered why Republicans were trying to get government 'into our…

Charlie Rose: Obama Campaign 'So Giddy That They Want to Run Naked
January 27th, 2012 6:46 PM
Charlie Rose boosted a jaw-dropping line from Politico's Roger Simon on Friday's CBS This Morning, which concluded that the Republican presidential debates were hurting the party's chances at defeating President Obama: "It is said that in Chicago, where they are running the Obama campaign, that they're so giddy that they want to run naked in Millennium Park" [audio available here; video below…