Morley Safer

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Long Record of Reviling Ronald Reagan
June 2nd, 2024 10:21 AM
In the 20 years since his death, journalists have praised Ronald Reagan as a way to disparage today's conservatives. But a look at the record shows the media routinely derided both Reagan and his policies.

War ‘Minus the Fog’: CBS Celebrates Their Coverage of the Vietnam War
February 26th, 2019 11:00 PM
With the U.S./North Korea summit being conducted in Vietnam this week, CBS ended Tuesday’s edition of Evening News with a celebration of their efforts to help America lose the Vietnam War. Or as anchor Jeff Glor put it: it was “the realities of war, minus the fog.”

Bye-Bye Morley! Retiring 60 Minutes Correspondent’s Liberal Moments
May 12th, 2016 1:56 PM
On Wednesday, CBS News announced that Morley Safer, 60 Minutes’ longest-serving correspondent, will officially retire this week. Safer’s first season with 60 Minutes was in 1970 and while the MRC’s archive is extensive, it doesn’t go back as far as Safer’s first year. But a review does find a few revealing examples of Safer’s liberalness over the years.
What They Said Then: How the Liberal Media Savaged Reagan
June 3rd, 2014 1:35 PM
Thursday (June 5) marks the 10th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan’s passing and a look through the MRC’s archives shows that during his presidency many in the liberal media couldn’t withhold their contempt of the conservative icon.
From depicting Reagan as a puppet of the rich whose economic policies were cruel towards the poor and minorities, to denying his foreign policy vision helped…

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of
September 18th, 2012 8:04 AM
Since September 2, NewsBusters has been showcasing the most egregious bias the Media Research Center has uncovered over the years — four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all leading up to our big 25th Anniversary Gala next week.
Click here for blog posts recounting the worst of 1988 through 2003. Today, the worst bias of 2004: CBS’s Morley Safer eulogized Ronald…
60 Minutes' Safer Grills 'Right-Wing Conservative' NY Archbishop, Urge
March 21st, 2011 12:21 PM
On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Morley Safer interviewed New York Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan and pressed him on the his commitment to traditional Church teachings: "No question that you're conciliatory, that you like to have dialog, but underneath that you're an old-fashioned conservative. I mean, in the sense of right-wing conservative."
Dolan turned Safer's…

VIDEO: How the Media Have Worked to Distort, Dismantle and Destroy Ron
February 4th, 2011 4:17 PM
As the centennial celebration of President Ronald Reagan's birth approaches, the Media Research Center has released its special report on media bias against the late commander in chief, Rewriting Ronald Reagan: How the Media Have Worked to Distort, Dismantle and Destroy His Legacy. NewsBusters has complied a video montage displaying some of the worst media attacks over the years.
View video…

Bozell Column: The Media Never Loved Reagan
February 1st, 2011 10:48 PM
Is it not amazing that it’s taken the news media exactly 100 years to discover that Ronald Reagan was a role model? While he lived and even after he died, they shot every arrow and dropped every bomb they could on this man and his reputation. Now that it’s his 100th birthday and America is celebrating, they find him useful. They’re trying to rub Reagan’s magic all over a floundering Obama.…
CBS: Alec Baldwin ‘Easy Target’ for ‘Conservative Junkyard Dog
May 12th, 2008 4:40 PM
On Sunday’s CBS "60 Minutes" anchor Morley Safer interviewed left-wing actor Alec Baldwin and spent some time focusing on Baldwin's liberal activism: "And yet it's his off-screen performances that can get in the way of a truly gifted man. And often it's his liberal politics that make him red meat for his critics." Baldwin explained to Safer: "They hate liberals who can throw a punch." And when…
CBS’s Safer: U.S. Should Be More Like Denmark
February 18th, 2008 3:35 PM
On Sunday’s "60 Minutes," anchor Morley Safer did a segment on Demark being ranked the happiest country in world consistently for the past three decades and wondered: "What makes a Dane so happy? And why isn't he wallowing in misery and self doubt like so many of the rest of us?" Later in the segment, Safer discovered that low expectations of the Danish people was the key to their happiness and…
The Worst ‘Notable Quotables’ of the Past 20 Years: Conservatives
October 23rd, 2007 10:26 AM
To commemorate the Media Research Center’s 20th anniversary this month, we’ve just published a special expanded edition of our ‘Notable Quotables’ newsletter with more than 100 of the most outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes we’ve uncovered over the past 20 years.Yesterday, I wrote about the liberal media’s softness when it came to totalitarian communism. Today’s installment: The liberal media…