WashPost Reporter: Obama ‘Starting To Be A Drag…In Terms of Women’

September 14th, 2014 10:28 AM
In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s visit to the early primary state of Iowa, the folks at CNN had some surprisingly harsh words for Democrats running for reelection in 2014. During an appearance on Sunday’s Inside Politics, Washington Post reporter Nia Malika Henderson conceded that Democrats have no desire to campaign with the president and instead “want him out behind closed doors.” Henderson…

At Least Seven AP Reporters Violated Their Own Stylebook in Describing

August 19th, 2014 2:40 PM
Kudos to Ed Driscoll at PJ Media, Eddie Scarry at Mediaite, and likely others in pointing out that the Associated Press has frequently violated its own stylebook in describing Michael Brown, the 18 year-old who was fatally shot in a scuffle with police in Ferguson, Missouri, as a "teen" or "teenager." The AP's latest stylebook, in sync with the one I have from over a decade ago, states that…

Press Mostly Ignoring Feinstein's Warning That ISIS Wants 'To Attack U

August 9th, 2014 10:54 AM
Yesterday, Roll Call and The Hill both relayed Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein's call, in Roll Call's words, "for a broader military campaign against ISIL, not just the targeted missions authorized by the president." She believes it is needed because "It has become clear that ISIL is recruiting fighters in Western countries ... and possibly returning them to European and American cities to…

AP's Matt Lee 'Jokes' in a Tweet That U.S. Strategy Is to 'P*ss Off Ev

July 28th, 2014 5:04 PM
Of all the Associated Press reporters out there, Matt Lee, whose beat is the State Department, appears to have the least patience with the pablum (and worse) he is expected to swallow from the Obama administration. In September of last year, as the situation in Syria escalated, Obama administration Secretary of State John Kerry proposed a non-mandatory request for a Congressional vote on U.S…

AP Plays Defense For Obama Admin 'Fuming' Over Israeli Anger at Kerry

July 28th, 2014 4:01 PM
The Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, wants Americans to know that the Obama adminisration is really, really upset — but not at Hamas for committing terrorist acts, using women and children as human shields, and digging tunnels for the purpose of mass-murdering civilians on Rosh Hashanah. No-no-no. Team Obama is "fuming" (i.e., their poor little feeeeewings are hurt) because…

In Covering Shinseki's Sacking, AP's Pace Cites VA's Rising Caseload

May 31st, 2014 9:16 AM
Julie Pace at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, is used to carrying water for the Obama administration. Last year, she proudly reveled in how she and her wire service sat on information it had about secret U.S.-Iran negotiations for eight months. My immediate take was that "They didn't report it until the Obama administration said it would be okay to report it." The AP…

CNN's King, Panelists Hit Obama From Left on Climate Change: 'Why Did

May 6th, 2014 3:12 PM
CNN's John King, along with the AP's Julie Pace and National Journal's Ron Fournier, targeted President Obama from the left on Tuesday's New Day over the issue of climate change. King highlighted Obama's interviews with meteorologists in order to "push his agenda for climate change," and wondered, "If the President has this power...through executive authority, and this issue is so important to…

CNN's King Plays Up CBO's ObamaCare Projection; Wonders Why Dems Won't

April 15th, 2014 5:37 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's John King hyped the Congressional Budget Office's projection about ObamaCare – that "yes, ObamaCare is expensive, but less expensive than they thought – by about $104 billion over 10 years. That's a decent junk of change." King asserted that the health care issue is "the big domestic challenge for the President and for Democrats this election year: that is...trying…

Nothing To See Here: ABC, CBS, And NBC's Sunday Shows Ignore Latest In

April 13th, 2014 1:48 PM
Over the last seven days, three major revelations have emerged surrounding the IRS’ targeting of Tea Party groups. Despite the new stories, on Sunday April 13, three of the four Sunday shows,  NBC’s Meet the Press, CBS’s Face the Nation and ABC’s This Week, all ignored them, whereas Fox News Sunday was the only program to mention the IRS at all. On Wednesday April 9, The Washington Times…

AP’s Julie Pace: Media Not Covering IRS Scandal Because ‘We Don't

April 13th, 2014 10:28 AM
Last week, the House Oversight Committee asked the Justice Department to seek criminal charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner. Despite the newest revelations in the IRS scandal, the Associated Press’ Julie Pace attempted to excuse the lack of media coverage. Appearing as a panelist on Fox News Sunday on April 13, Pace argued, “If you are going to keep the story going and you want to…

Press Morphs Obama's 'Regional Power' Assertion About Russia Into an I

March 25th, 2014 11:46 PM
At President Barack Obama's press conference in The Hague, Netherlands today, as part of a much longer question, ABC's Jonathan Karl asked Obama whether "Mitt Romney had a point when he said that Russia is America’s biggest geopolitical foe? If not Russia, who?" It's important to note that Obama's response to that portion of Karl's question pertained to and was directed at Romney. A video…

Relax, Everybody; Thanks to Unilateral Executive Actions, Obama and WH

February 22nd, 2014 11:55 AM
An early-morning report by Julie Pace at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, definitely deserves space in the "You Can't Make This Up" file. The AP's White House correspondent, surely at the suggestion of the group she is supposed to be covering objectively, writes that President Barack Obama's forays into unilateral executive action have been good for his soul. The…

Media Bigwigs on the Obama State Dinner List: CNN President, Top NYT E

February 12th, 2014 8:11 AM
Every Obama fan wanted on the guest list of the state dinner for French president Francois Hollande. So it was an extra-special favor for media figures to get the invite. On the president’s very exclusive guest list Tuesday night: Rev. Al Sharpton of MSNBC, fake-conservative Stephen Colbert, New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson, CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker, and two White…

Laura Ingraham on Immigration Reform: ‘There Is No Will To Enforce T

February 9th, 2014 3:21 PM
In something rarely seen on ABC, NBC, or CBS, two prominent conservative commentators, Laura Ingraham and George Will, appeared on Fox News Sunday on February 9th to discuss the future of the Republican Party as it related to immigration reform. Appearing alongside panelists Juan Williams and Julie Pace of the Associated Press, Ingraham argued that, “The middle ground on immigration I think…