George Soros Backs New 'Progressive Agenda' with $159 Million

May 12th, 2015 12:42 PM
NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd announced on Sunday they were starting a new series called "Meet the Money: The Billionaire Donors." They started with GOP-backing Sheldon Adelson. When will they get to George Soros? In an effort to revitalize and unify the far-left Democratic party, progressives have relied on the very thing they often criticize -- the deep pockets of a billionaire supporter…

Bill Maher and Nobel Prize Winning Liberal Economist Can't Figure Out

June 16th, 2012 12:13 AM
CAUTION: Remove all food, fluids, and flammables from proximity of your computer before proceeding. You've been warned. HBO's Bill Maher and Nobel Prize-winning liberal economist Joseph Stiglitz on Friday actually couldn't calculate between the two of them how much 87 times 5 is (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

WaPo Writer: Hoping For an End to American-Style Capitalism

October 11th, 2008 6:39 AM
Was the current economic situation caused by too little government intervention in the financial markets—or too much?   I'd say the latter.  Washington used Fannie/Freddie as a political piggy bank, causing it dole out loans to people who had no business receiving them.  And because Freddie and Fannie's obligations enjoyed the implicit guarantee of the federal government, they were able to obtain…