John Harwood

CNN Allows Venomous Trump-Hating Harwood to Cover the White House

July 30th, 2020 3:58 PM

On Wednesday’s New Day, CNN co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman brought on White House correspondent John Harwood to go on a venomous rant against White House staffer Peter Navarro and President Trump. Harwood called Navarro a “crackpot” and alleged that Trump “is a child trapped in an adult's body.” The Democratic hack even claimed that Trump “is displaying actual indifference…


IRONY! CNN’s Harwood Insists Trump Is ‘Functioning’ Like ‘A Child’

July 28th, 2020 9:30 PM

Lacking any sense of irony, CNN White House correspondent and ethically-compromised hack John Harwood engaged in a tu quoque (so a common logical fallacy) during Tuesday’s Situation Room, decrying President Trump for “functioning at the level of a child” detached from reality and possessing “profoundly disturbing leadership” on the coronavirus pandemic. So how ironic that Harwood, in…


Harwood: How Many People Have to Die Before GOP Takes COVID Seriously?

July 17th, 2020 8:27 PM

John Harwood joined Friday morning's CNN Newsroom to discuss the ongoing pandemic and to lament that Republicans are in denial on the virus and wonder how many more people will have to die before they start taking it seriously.


CNNers Admit They Hate ‘Lazy’ Trump: He’s ‘Failed the American Public’

July 14th, 2020 10:32 PM

One of the more intriguing affects that Donald Trump’s presidency (and, prior to that candidacy) has been his ability to have the left and their media allies to say “the quiet part” out loud, discard masks of objectivity, and show little care for the public they serve. Such was the case on Tuesday’s Situation Room as host Wolf Blitzer and assembled guests openly stated their hatred for the “…


CNN Hacks Are Now DNC Central as Harwood Cheers on Biden

July 14th, 2020 8:15 AM

On Monday morning’s New Day, CNN co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota brought on White House correspondent John Harwood to spew campaign propaganda for their presidential candidate, Joe Biden. Harwood flat out lied by claiming that “a significant majority of the country” supports Joe Biden and even had the gall to blame President Trump for America being “on fire.”


TOP 12: Biden Is the Enlightened Alternative to Deadly Trump

June 29th, 2020 9:30 AM

The following is a top 12 countdown of the most vicious anti-Trump attacks from the ultra-left media from the last two weeks.


MSNBC's Soboroff Frets New Wall Will Inconvenience Illegal Immigrants

June 25th, 2020 6:29 AM

On Tuesday morning, correspondents on both CNN and MSNBC delivered a negative spin on the 200 miles of new border wall that has been built so far as President Donald Trump was preparing to publicly inspect some of the newly built wall in Arizona.


CNN's Harwood Won't Condemn Vandalism, Attacks Trump for 'Dividing'

June 23rd, 2020 8:53 PM

Tuesday morning saw President Trump condemn those who tried and failed to tear down a statue of former President Andrew Jackson and threaten legal action against those who would engage in similar acts of vandalism. For CNN's John Harwood on CNN Newsroom, these rather simple words were evidence that Trump was stoking a culture war and purposefully dividing the country for his own…


CNN's Harwood: 'Trump Is Not Up To This Job'

June 23rd, 2020 11:00 AM

On Monday morning’s New Day, CNN host John Berman brought on CNN White House Correspondent John Harwood to discuss the 2020 election. In the interview, Harwood proclaimed that President Trump was not “connected to reality” and that “it’s not really in serious dispute anymore that President Trump is not up to this job.”


FLASHBACK: Reporters Awed By Flyswatter-in-Chief Obama

June 20th, 2020 12:15 PM

The relentlessly negative coverage of Donald Trump has been repeatedly documented by the Media Research Center. Everything that Trump does is wrong. So it’s always helpful to remember that, according to most journalists, nearly everything Barack Obama did was wonderful and “amazing,” to quote MSNBC. It was 11 years ago this week that the network’s hosts absolutely gushed over the Democrat’s…


Harwood: It Doesn't Matter If Trump Backs Reform, He's Still Divisive

June 12th, 2020 9:03 PM

As President Trump headed to Texas on Thursday to meet with evangelical and law enforcement leaders, CNN's John Harwood argued that even if Trump embraces some sort of police reform, it would not matter because, "but we already know where the president's heart is and his heart is in continued racial division rather than unity."


CNN's Harwood Says GOP Opposed, Dems Supported Civil Rights Movement

June 1st, 2020 3:12 PM

In the aftermath of the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, CNN's John Harwood reported on Monday's CNN Newsroom that the White House was considering holding a listening session with black leaders. Harwood also cast doubt on the effectiveness of such a session, because not only does President Trump have a credibility problem on the issue, but the entire…


CNN Mocks Trump Campaign Finding Doctors Who Want to Reopen Economy

May 20th, 2020 1:17 PM
This morning on CNN Newsroom, CNN White House correspondent John Harwood attacked Trump allies in the GOP for looking for doctors who support reopening the economy to appear on television and advocate this position. CNN obtained this information from a leaked conference call between members of Trump’s reelection campaign, discussing finding pro-Trump doctors who will go on television and advocate…

CNN: Trump 'Preposterous', 'Shameless' to See Politics from Democrats

May 12th, 2020 8:22 AM
On Monday's CNN Newsroom, John King and John Harwood teamed up to denounce President Trump's accusation that there's a political reason for Democratic governors being slow in re-opening their states as "preposterous" and "pretty shameless."