
[UPDATED] CBS Fearmongers That Tax Cuts Might Hurt Charities

December 30th, 2017 6:42 AM
Since Thursday, CBS News has run two different reports -- both by correspondent Jan Crawford -- which fearmonger about the possibility that private charities and millions of people who benefit from them will suffer because the new tax cuts passed by Republicans would result in fewer people taking tax deductions for charitable contributions as in the past. Not much thought was given to the…

CBS FINALLY Notices Trump’s Supreme Court Win; Allows 51 Seconds

December 5th, 2017 12:49 PM
CBS on Tuesday finally noticed a big win by the White House in the Supreme Court. Barely. The journalists on This Morning only allowed a scant 51 seconds to Donald Trump’s travel ban being allowed (for now) to go into effect. This is after the network ignored the 7-2 victory on Monday.

Nets: Possible Kennedy Retirement ‘Terrifies’ Left, Would Spark 'War'

June 26th, 2017 1:14 PM
On Monday morning, even rumors about the possibility of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy retiring sent the network morning shows into panic mode. Reporters wrung their hands over the potential that President Trump could replace the high court’s “swing vote” and make it “solidly conservative for decades.”

Shock: CBS Examines Legality of Comey Leaking Memo to Press

June 13th, 2017 5:07 PM
Could James Comey have broken the law? In a day dedicated to live testimony of Jeff Sessions about the Russian investigation, two journalists at CBS actually circled back to a potentially big problem for Comey and his liberal defenders: Whether or not he broke the law by leaking documents to the media. 

CBS: Comey Gave ‘Every Indication’ Trump ‘in Fact' Under Investigation

June 8th, 2017 6:01 PM
One of the largest revelations to come out of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s public hearing with former FBI Director James Comey on Thursday was that President Trump was not under investigation. That fact didn’t seem to sit well with CBS’s John Dickerson when he appeared during CBS News Special Report after the hearing. Almost desperately, Dickerson tried to argue Trump had to be under…

Nets Tout Hillary’s Excuses for Losing, Conspiracy Theories

June 1st, 2017 3:32 PM
After Hillary Clinton used a softball inteview during a Silicon Valley tech conference on Wednesday to blame everyone but herself for her failed presidential campaign, Thursday’s network morning shows eagerly promoted her excuses, even pushing unfounded conspiracy theories advanced by the former Democratic nominee.

Frenzied Networks Pounce: ‘Impeach,’ ‘I-Word,’ ‘Impeachable Offense’

May 17th, 2017 11:34 AM
The frenzied liberal journalists at ABC, CBS and NBC on Wednesday smelled blood in the water. They threw around the “I-word,” “impeachment” and “impeachable offenses” for Donald Trump. Rather than waiting for actual memos to appear or for evidence unrelated to anonymous sourcing, former Bill Clinton operative and Good Morning America co-host George Stephanopoulos excitedly wondered, “The big…

Nets Swoon Over Obama’s Call for ‘Courage’ to Keep ObamaCare

May 8th, 2017 1:03 PM
On Monday, the network morning shows were openly gleeful that former President Obama used his speech accepting a Profile in Courage Award from his liberal friends in the Kennedy family to trash Republican efforts to fix the mountain of problems created by ObamaCare. The ABC, CBS, and NBC broadcasts managed to ignore any of those failures as they cheered on Democratic efforts to use the issue to…

Nets Bury Gorsuch Hearing, Confounded by Lack of Dirt and Fireworks

March 21st, 2017 10:22 PM
NBC didn't bury the story after a commercial break like the other networks, but they did try to paint President Donald Trump’s nominee in a highly negative light, literally. “Gorsuch says he met Mr. Trump when interviewed for the job,” reported justice correspondent Pete Williams on NBC Nightly News. While he was saying that, a dreary black and white clip of Gorsuch shaking Trump’s hand played in…

Nets ‘Overshadow’ Gorsuch Hearing with Four Times More on Comey’s

March 20th, 2017 11:12 PM
Capitol Hill was a hive of activity on Monday. The House Intelligence Committee conducted a hearing with FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers about the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. In the Senate, the Judiciary Committee conducted the first in a series of hearings in the confirmation process of Judge Neil Gorsuch. Both were major events on the hill but…

NBC, CBS: ‘Ugly’ Hearing for Gorsuch as Dems Label Him ‘Extreme'

March 20th, 2017 11:48 AM
Just hours before the Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch was set to begin, NBC’s Today and CBS This Morning eagerly parroted Democratic talking points against President Trump’s judicial pick and promised an “intense grilling” for the federal judge as the “ugly” process got underway.

ABC, NBC Push Dem Accusations that Jeff Sessions Committed Perjury

March 2nd, 2017 10:40 PM
It appeared that two of the Big Three networks smelled blood in the water Thursday evening as both ABC and NBC lent their aid to Congressional Democrats in their push to oust Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “Many lawmakers on both sides have been calling for Jeff sessions to recuse himself when the news of these meetings broke,” hyped ABC anchor David Muir during World News Tonight, “But tonight…

Only CBS Highlights Long History of Dem Presidents Slamming Judges

February 9th, 2017 1:10 PM
Of the three networks on Thursday, only CBS This Morning bothered to explain that there is nothing unusual about a president fighting with the judiciary. Reporter Jan Crawford highlighted the long history of Democrats, including Franklin Roosevelt, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama attacking judges. ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today skipped this point.

Nets on Gorsuch: ‘Conservative,’ a ‘Predictable Conservative'

January 31st, 2017 10:22 PM
Minutes after Donald Trump selected Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, CBS on Tuesday labeled him a “predictable conservative” with “some controversial decisions.” NBC and ABC also deemed Gorsuch a “conservative.” In contrast, the networks in 2016 rushed to declare Barack Obama’s attempted replacement, Merrick Garland, a “moderate.” In the first 24 hours of that pick, ABC and NBC avoided…