Jamie Yuccas

CBS: ‘Trust Your Teachers’ on Sex Ed, ‘Don’t...Call Your Politician’
Thursday’s CBS Mornings defended teachers seeking to discuss “sexuality and gender identity” in preschool and early elementary school, decrying efforts to restrict it as filled with “pretty extreme” “attacks,” and “explosive” rhetoric. Instead, they argued parents need to “trust your teachers to do a good job” because they’re “professionals” and don’t complain to “your politician.”…

CBS/NBC Gawk at Lack of Covid Tests, Ignore Biden Grilled on Failures
Two days before Christmas, and CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News spent part of their Thursday newscasts gawking at the long lines in major cities as people scrambled to get tested for Covid before gathering with family for the holiday. But what they failed to share with viewers was ABC World News Tonight grilling President Biden the previous evening on his ‘…

ABC/NBC Ignore Carjacking of Congresswoman, CBS Gives Just 24 Seconds
On Tuesday evening Illinois Senator Kimberly Lightford was carjacked by three suspects wearing masks, according to a report by Fox 32 News. The next day, Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon was also carjacked at gunpoint by two men at F.D.R. Park in Philadelphia. Apparently, none of the three evening broadcast shows thought these stories deserved to be covered in depth.

CBS Hypes Good Economic News for Biden While NBC Plays Skeptic
With 2021 quickly drawing to a close, and Americans beginning to travel for the holidays and tuning out the news, CBS decided tonight was their last chance to spin for the Biden Administration before the new year. Approximately nine minutes into their broadcast, CBS Evening News was quick to report on the fact that U.S. consumer confidence rose to its highest levels since July.

As Pandemic Killed Millions, Callous Press Touted Environmental ‘Gift'
Over the last year, the coronavirus has caused untold misery and destruction. Over three million people are dead. Families have been forever destroyed and businesses have been wrecked by a cruel and unrelenting virus. But that hasn’t stopped a stunningly tone deaf news media from lecturing Americans about the environmental “silver lining” and “gift” of Covid-19.

CBS Attacks Trial Judge for Rebuking Maxine Waters’ Call to Violence
In strong comments during the closing arguments in the Derrek Chauvin trial on Monday, Judge Peter Cahill rebuked radical Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA) for calling on Black Lives Matter to be more violent if the jury returned a not guilty verdict. And like clockwork, the CBS Evening News framed Judge Cahill as the problem, even the aggressor by claiming he was “lashing…

Media Skip Kentucky Protest Shooter Stopped by Armed Bystander
Over the past couple of days, the dominant left-leaning media have again demonstrated a tendency to ignore gun owners who intervene to fight back against violent criminals as most national news shows ignored the fact that an alleged gunman in Louisville, Kentucky, Steven Lopez, was taken down by a bystander with a gun who shot him in the leg.

CBS Frets Efforts to Block Stimulus from Illegal Immigrants
On Saturday's CBS This Morning: Saturday and CBS Weekend News, the shows each devoted a full report to airing complaints over efforts by the federal government to prevent illegal immigrants from benefiting from stimulus payments, such as the two families featured in which one of the spouse each is an illegal alien.

CBS Finds Environmental Upside to Deadly Pandemic Destroying Economy

CBS Praises Nevada Pro-Lifer for Accepting Defeat

CBS Skips Dem Scandals to Focus on Republicans in Tight CA Race

CBS Scares Viewers: Climate Change May Cause West Coast Hurricanes