Irin Carmon
MSNBC Cheers Planned Parenthood ‘On the Offensive’, ‘Targeting’ GOP
August 18th, 2015 4:49 PM
On Tuesday’s MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts, fill-in anchor Frances Rivera eagerly promoted Planned Parenthood attacking Republicans: “Planned Parenthood is going on the offensive, releasing ads in four states targeting these senators, urging supporters to tell them not to shut down the government to defund Planned Parenthood.”
MSNBC Bemoans Wisconsin's 20 Week Abortion Ban, Hammers Scott Walker
July 21st, 2015 9:15 AM
MSNBC’s online coverage of Scott Walker’s new 20-week abortion ban is about as biased as they come. The story was featured with a screen-filling headline which boldly stated “WALKER BANS CHOICE.” This blatant attempt to slam Walker was eventually changed to “NO CHOICE,” omitting the Republican hopeful’s name.'s Promoting Wendy Davis's Latest Project
June 12th, 2015 5:45 PM
Back in 2013 and 2014, MSNBC did their darndest to promote and, well, elect Wendy Davis. That didn't go over well, but the abortion-rights enthusiast has set about on a new project. So naturally's own Irin Carmon -- a former "Champion of Choice" laureate -- caught up with the former Texas state senator and published an exclusive at today headlined "Wendy Davis to start new…

MSNBC's Carmon: GOP Targets 'Women Who Need Abortions After 20 Weeks'
January 23rd, 2015 5:22 PM
On Thursday's All In With Chris Hayes, MSNBC's Irin Carmon bewailed the apparent inevitability that the Republican-led Congress would reintroduce a proposed ban on abortions after the twentieth week of pregnancy: "I think even if this bill were to come back and it would have a broader rape exception, it would still be an attack on all of the women who need abortions after twenty weeks."

MSNBC's Carmon: Discredited UVa. Rape Story Merely 'Disputed'
January 12th, 2015 4:36 PM
Covering Phi Kappa Psi's reinstatement at UVa.,'s Irin Carmon steadfastly refused to describe the Rolling Stone story which dragged the fraternity through the mud as a "discredited" story.
Although Charlottesville police investigated and found no evidence whatsoever to substantiate that a gang rape occurred in the Phi Kappa Psi house back in September 2012, as alleged in Sabrina Rubin…

'Liberal Lions' Stewart and Colbert Slammed for Hypocritical Lack of D
August 29th, 2014 10:29 PM
We've all heard the never-ending cry from liberal Democrats that conservative Republicans dodge diversity by favoring white males as hosts and guests on their television programs to the detriment of people in such groups as women and blacks.
However, in an article on the Reuters news service, writer Chloe Angyal charges that such “liberal lions” as Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert of the…

MSNBC's Resident Abortion Champion Irin Carmon Hails Blow to Miss. Cli
July 29th, 2014 6:30 PM
MSNBC's chief abortion rights absolutist Irin Carmon is giddy over a move today by a "conservative" federal circuit court panel to scotch an abortion-clinic regulation in Mississippi which requires abortionists to have admitting privileges at a local hospital.
"Big victory for state's last abortion clinic" trumpeted a teaser headline on (see screen capture below page break).…

CNN’s Costello: Does SCOTUS Ruling Allow ‘Religion to Make Decisio
June 30th, 2014 11:28 AM
On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby and that company's argument for religious freedom. CNN’s Carol Costello wondered if the decision will now allow for “religion to make decisions over science.”
Joined by a panel of several guests to discuss the coming ruling on CNN Newsroom, host Carol Costello was more concerned with the impact the Supreme Court ruling would have on…

MSNBC's Irin Carmon Blasts Bipartisan Louisiana Abortion Law
June 12th, 2014 5:15 PM
MSNBC’s Irin Carmon – a 2013 New York Abortion Access Fund “Champion of Choice” honoree – is at it again, savaging new legislation in Louisiana to regulate the state’s abortion clinics. The new law will hurl the Pelican State back to a “pre-Roe v. Wade condition,” Carmon quoted Amy Irvin of the New Orleans Abortion Fund in the second paragraph of her one-sided June 12 article titled…
Joy-Ann Reid: Southern Abortion Laws Taking Us Back to 'Before Roe v
May 23rd, 2014 11:45 AM
Commenting on a recent women’s health measure passed by the Louisiana state house, Joy-Ann Reid and’s Irin Carmon portrayed the bill as an aggressive attack on women’s rights. The law includes such innocuous provisions as a 24-hour waiting period for abortions and a requirement that doctors must have admitting privileges within 30 miles of the clinic where the procedure is performed.…
MSNBC’s Carmon Hypes ‘End of Abortion Access in The South
April 28th, 2014 1:31 PM
MSNBC’s Irin Carmon is worried sick about women in the South. They may soon find it harder to kill their unborn babies in poorly-regulated abortion clinics!
On Monday morning, Carmon penned an article on apocalyptically titled “The End of Abortion Access in the South?”

MSNBC's Carmon Laments Texas Raid Ending Sale of Prescription Contrace
April 25th, 2014 6:17 PM
You might think an abortion-rights absolutist, a "champion of choice," like contributor Irin Carmon would be revulsed at the notion of women potentially procuring prescription-strength abortion pills at a flea market. You'd be wrong.
Reporting from Alamo, Texas, the Lean Forward network's fearless feticide crusader groused that (emphasis mine):
'Texas All But Guts Roe v. Wade,' MSNBC Moans As Female Federal Judges
March 28th, 2014 1:45 PM
Yesterday an all-female 3-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Texas's abortion clinic regulation law. As you can imagine, this has got MSNBC, the "war on women" network, outraged.
"Texas all but guts Roe v. Wade" grouses the teaser headline for Irin Carmon's March 28 story on "One third of Texas’s abortion clinics have closed. That’s not bad enough for these… Falsely Claims ‘Nuns Take Sides as Contraception Fight Hea
March 18th, 2014 3:24 PM
Irin Carmon,’s resident abortion reporter penned a misleading piece on March 18 arguing that nuns are split over the contraception mandate in ObamaCare. Carmon, who doesn’t hide her support for “reproductive rights” chose to deceive her readers about a supposed divide within the Catholic Church.
Carmon began her piece by declaring that “What do nuns have to do with birth control?…