
Gergen Extols ‘Spirited’ Hillary; She's 'Found More of Her Voice'

February 2nd, 2016 12:19 AM
Former presidential adviser and CNN senior political analyst David Gergen did his best in the moments right after Hillary Clinton’s speech late Monday night reacting to the nail-biting race between her and socialist Senator Bernie Sanders by trumpeting Clinton as “animated, spirted” and clear that she’s “found more of her voice.” Host Anderson Cooper went to Gergen immediately after Clinton’s…

CNN's Gergen Blames GOP for Media Ignoring Holes in Clinton Testimony

October 30th, 2015 12:39 AM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN Senior Political Analyst David Gergen admitted that GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio "had a point" during the debate in calling out the media for ignoring Hillary Clinton's "clear inconsistency" in her Benghazi story, conceding that he had also joined in the media chorus focusing on "praising her performance." But the CNN…

CNN's Bernstein: Hillary Made 'Monkeys' of 'Ugly' Benghazi Committee

October 23rd, 2015 1:08 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's New Day, CNN political analyst repeated his claim that Hillary Clinton would "make monkeys" out of the Benghazi committee members as he asserted that "she did" in fact do so. Bernstein also threw out one loaded word after another to negatively characterize the Benghazi committee as "ugly," calling it a "travesty," and using the words "disgraceful" and "demagoguery…

Toobin Trashes Jordan as 'Most Misleading,' 'Demeaning' to Hillary

October 23rd, 2015 1:01 PM
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin trashed Republican Congressman Jim Jordan (Ohio) during Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360 for being “the worst” in his questioning of Hillary Clinton and acting “unprofessional,” “misleading,” and “demeaning.” Reacting to Jordan speaking with CNN’s Dana Bash moments beforehand, Toobin began his diatribe by whining that the conservative member of Congress “was clearly…

CNN Hypes: Hillary's ‘Battle Tested’ in Hearings with 'Steady Nerves'

October 22nd, 2015 12:59 AM
Previewing Hillary Clinton’s testimony Thursday morning before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 did their best on Wednesday to paint the most flattering picture possible of Clinton being “battle tested” with “steady nerves” despite “withering attacks” and the ability to turn “even a hot seat, if not comfortable, at least cooler.”

CNN: Hillary Is a ‘Calm, Steadying Force’; Some Criticism ‘Not Fair'

August 25th, 2015 7:04 AM
Amid the growing rumors on Monday night surrounding a possible presidential run by Vice President Joe Biden, CNN’s AC360 couldn’t help but still mention Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton with chief national correspondent John King ruling that some criticism of Clinton “isn’t quite probably not fair” while David Gergen touted her as “a calm, steadying force.”

CNN's David Gergen 'Can't Remember' Anyone Undermining a President

March 12th, 2015 1:35 PM
Now that Hillary Clinton has finally revealed that she broke e-mail protocol for the sake of convenience, CNN can now direct the nation’s fury toward the evil Republicans who sent a letter to the world’s foremost sponsor of terrorism, explaining that President Obama’s deal is as constitutionally strong as Iran’s sincerity in cultivating nuclear energy. Enter CNN’s David Gergen, who, despite…

Blitzer Praises ‘Good’ First Q to Hillary; Gergen Hails 'Her Bravado'

March 10th, 2015 6:16 PM
In reaction to Hillary Clinton’s press conference on Tuesday addressing her email scandal, CNN host Wolf Blitzer praised the softball question asked by a Turkish reporter about gender playing a role in the media coverage of the scandal as a “good question from Turkish television.” After expressing approval of the question from Turkish reporter Kahraman Haliscelik, CNN’s chief political analyst…

Gergen: Obama's 'Most Significant' Achievement is Climate Change

December 18th, 2014 3:34 PM
On Wednesday, David Gergen ranked a supposed foreign policy accomplishment of President Obama higher than the killing of Osama bin Laden during CNN's special coverage of the Democrat's "historic..decision to restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba." Gergen contended that "ultimately, he's going to be judged very favorably by history...on climate change. It probably is the most significant…

Year-End Awards: The ‘Move Along, Nothing to See Here Award,’ for

December 21st, 2013 9:14 AM
This week, the Media Research Center announced our “Best Notable Quotables of 2013,” reviewing the worst media bias of the year, as selected by our panel of 42 expert judges. 2013 was the year that scandal after scandal — from the IRS targeting the Tea Party, to Benghazi, to the lies surrounding ObamaCare, and on and on — hit the Obama administration, but journalists kept acting as if the…

Bozell Column: Safeguarding Obama Throughout

December 17th, 2013 10:15 PM
Liberal journalists were glowing and full of hope after Barack Obama won a second term. As 2012 drew to a close, there was the traditional hour of ABC’s Barbara Walters fawning: “Mr. President, Mrs. Obama. There is a photograph of you [hugging] that went viral, became the most shared photograph in the history of Twitter. How do you keep the fire going?” As the second inauguration neared,…

Bozell Column: Spreading 'Scandal-Free Administration' Ignorance

November 5th, 2013 10:58 PM
The latest and greatest Obama scandal is the disastrous Obamacare rollout, but it has something in common with all the others (besides Obama knew nothing). Some journalists are still brazenly trying to deny against all evidence that this scandal has any substance at all. The same people who freaked out over President Bush's one sentence in one State of the Union speech that Saddam Hussein…

WaPo's Michael Gerson: 'Assad Used Chemical Weapons and Improved His J

September 15th, 2013 3:00 PM
The award for this week's best line concerning the American-Russian agreement regarding Syria goes to Washington Post columnist and former George W. Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson. Appearing on CBS's Face the Nation, Gerson marvelously observed, "Assad used chemical weapons and improved his job security."

David Gergen: If Obama Doesn't Respect His Own Red Line Iran and Israe

April 28th, 2013 3:19 PM
CNN senior political analyst David Gergen made a statement on CBS's Face the Nation Sunday that was rather hawkish for a former Clinton adviser. "If [President Obama] doesn't respect his own red line on Syria, there is no question that Israel and Iran will look at that and say, 'Well, we can't trust the guy. He’s not going to be tough.'"