Bob Franken

NewsBusters Time Machine: Racist GOP Longs for ‘Old Days of Jim Crow'
January 12th, 2019 1:30 PM
Here at the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters, we have hundreds of thousands of hours of liberal media bias in our archives, going all the way back to 1987. We don’t just talk about spin and fake news, we show it to you. In our new series The NewsBusters Time Machine, you can watch the worst of the worst. It wasn’t just the age of Trump that journalists have been calling Republicans racist.…

MSNBC Guest: Obama White House ‘Most Hostile to Media in U.S. Histor
November 30th, 2013 6:56 PM
Here’s something I bet you never imagined someone saying on MSNBC: “This [administration] is the most hostile to the media that has been in United States history.”
Yet there was syndicated columnist and former CNN correspondent Bob Franken saying so on Saturday’s MSNBC Live (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Ex-CNN's Franken Suggests Bloomberg Waging 'Class Warfare Against Ever
September 12th, 2013 11:05 AM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, liberal columnist and former CNN correspondent Bob Franken accused those who complain about "class warfare" against the wealthy of themselves waging "class warfare," but in their case, "against everybody but the super rich class."
Franken's negative interpretation of those who support capitalism came after host…

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of
September 26th, 2012 8:00 AM
NewsBusters has been showcasing the most egregious bias the Media Research Center has uncovered over the years — four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all leading up to our big 25th Anniversary Gala tomorrow evening. (Click here for posts recounting the worst of 1988 through 2011.)
Today, the worst bias of 2012 (so far): Newsweek sees Barack Obama as “…

Bitter Former CNN Correspondent Asks: ‘How Many Vacation Homes Do Yo
September 4th, 2012 5:45 PM
After being dropped by CNN in 2007, former top political correspondent Bob Franken has gone on to market himself as a political pundit, revealing the inner liberal that more close observers of his supposedly “impartial” reporting long suspected was there.
Appearing over the weekend on the MSNBC program hosted by liberal college professor Melissa Harris-Perry, former top CNN correspondent Bob…

Ex-CNN's Franken: Romney Painted NAACP as 'Willie Hortons,' 'Grand Dra
July 17th, 2012 7:44 AM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show, syndicated columnist and former CNN correspondent Bob Franken obnoxiously accused Mitt Romney of trying to portray the NAACP audience he spoke to as "Willie Hortons" whom he could use to motivate his Republican base. He went on to claim that Rush Limbaugh, whom he called the "grand dragon of radio," represents people who wish to…

Savaging Santorum: The Top 10 Worst Anti-Santorum Quotes
February 24th, 2012 9:00 AM
Rick Santorum’s recent rise in the polls in the GOP primary has escalated the liberal media’s attacks on the former Pennsylvania Republican Senator, primarily on his socially conservative views. This is not surprising since journalists have admitted, in several surveys, to being far more liberal on social issues like abortion than even the general public. One such survey of journalists, from…
Former CNNer Bob Franken: Pawlenty Plotting 'Oligarchy
June 8th, 2011 9:01 PM
It takes a former CNN "correspondent" to make Tim Pawlenty sound scary . . .
It's kind of fun to watch former MSM "reporters" turn into totally-out, liberal partisans once they leave their "reporting" gigs. Take Bob Franken. For years a big-time national correspondent for CNN, the network let him go in 2007. Franken is now free to let his liberal freak flag fly.
Witness Bob on MSNBC this…
Shuster: Chelsea Being 'Pimped Out
February 7th, 2008 7:10 PM
Update 2-08: Shuster apologizes, suspended. Appearing on Tucker Carlson's show a few days ago, Hillary fan Lanny Davis observed that Tucker's is "about the only show on MSNBC that consistently allows a Clinton perspective to be expressed." But maybe not so much when, as this evening, David Shuster is the guest host. Employing one of the more graphic metaphors to be heard about a Clinton from…
Tucker Afraid To Accuse Michelle Obama of Pandering
January 14th, 2008 7:59 PM
When one of Tucker Carlson's guests this evening ventured into the racial minefield that our political landscape has become, the show host chose not to join him on the perilous journey . . . .Carlson began a segment by reading the recent statement by Michelle Obama displayed here. View video here.