Andrew Kirell

Poll: MSNBC Least Trusted TV News Source, Fox News Most Trusted
June 10th, 2014 9:28 PM
Most surveys regarding cable news channels focus on ratings and the opinions of their viewers. However, a recent poll conducted by the Brookings and Public Religion Research Institute sought the views of all Americans toward all news sources in the nation.
A mere 5 percent of the respondents called the left-wing MSNBC cable channel their “most trusted” TV news outlet. On the other end of the…

Viewers of MSNBC's Ed Schultz Troll On-Screen, Reply to Stupid Poll Qu
May 19th, 2014 11:01 AM
The people who watch The Ed Show, a weekday afternoon program on MSNBC, are regularly invited by bombastic host Ed Schultz to participate by tweeting comments regarding the topic under discussion and take part in polls that are so slanted, they're bound to overwhelmingly mirror the host's wildly liberal views.
While being interactive with your audience is a laudable goal, the process also…
Esquire Fixes Offensive 9/11 Graphics Goof, Issues Huffy Quasi Apology
September 11th, 2013 6:08 PM
"[T]his might be one of the most “epic” fails in recent memory," Mediaite's Andrew Kirell noted as he opened up his noontime post about how a graphics glitch at Esquire's website mashed up a photo of a man falling to his death from the World Trade Center with the headline "Making Your Morning Commute More Stylish."
While, "clearly, Esquire did not mean to do this on purpose," it seems the…

MSNBC or MSDNC? Network Taps DNC Video Director to Produce New Show
April 10th, 2013 5:11 PM
Is it MSNBC or MSDNC? Andrew Kirell of Mediaite reported today that the left-wing commentary network has hired the Democratic National Committee’s director of video production, Anne Thompson, to produce the network’s newest weekend show Up with Steve Kornacki. Yet, this is just another episode in the annals of MSNBC’s revolving door of hiring Obamaites. MSNBC has already hired David Axelrod…