GOP Presents Budget, Tax Reform Plans; MSNBC's Wagner Gushes It's 'Chr

March 20th, 2012 4:51 PM
Today Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and House Republicans unveiled a budget and tax reform plan. But for Center for American Progress alumna Alex Wagner, it was Christmas morning, with the Ryan budget as a handy cudgel with which Democrats and MSNBC could bludgeon politically hapless Republicans. "[S]ome Democrats are calling it Christmas in March," MSNBC anchor Wagner quipped on her March 20 Now…

MSNBC's Jansing Pushes 'War on Women' Meme on Intl. Women's Day, Carts

March 8th, 2012 11:45 AM
What better day for MSNBC to push its phony "War on Women" meme than International Women's Day? Morning anchor Chris Jansing neatly tied today the network's war on Rush Limbaugh with its epic battle to distort the political fight over the contraceptive mandate into an imagined titanic clash over "women's health." For the segment, Jansing tag-teamed with colleague Alex Wagner as well as…

MSNBC's Wagner Hypes 'Republican Assault on Women's Health,' Omits Fou

March 2nd, 2012 6:14 PM
After airing a clip of a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ad featuring female Democratic candidates for key U.S. Senate races this November, MSNBC's Alex Wagner effusively praised the campaign ad as an excellent response to the "Republican assault on women's health." The ad "really isolates the guys in Congress who are voting for this" and the women that stand as bulwarks against this…

Lawrence O'Donnell: Let's Take a Look at a Graphic of Rush Limbaugh's

March 2nd, 2012 12:17 PM
Lawrence O’Donnell, on Thursday’s The Last Word, actually had his production team make up a graphic of Rush Limbaugh’s sex life. As a way to mock the conservative talk radio host’s take on a Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, who petitioned Congress for subsidized birth control, the MSNBC host and his panel looked over a timeline of Limbaugh’s marital history. O’Donnell snarked: “Throughout…

Shorter Alex Wagner: Don't Let a Tragic School Shooting Go to Waste

February 29th, 2012 6:04 PM
Former Obama chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel is infamous for counseling to "never let a serious crisis go to waste." Well, self-confessed Second Amendment foe Alex Wagner seems determined to not let Monday's deadly school shooting go to waste. For a third day in a row, Wagner complained about the nation's political climate when it comes to gun control legislation, even as Wagner seems to concede…

MSNBC's Wagner Again Distorts Santorum 'Snob' Comment, Campaign Staffe

February 29th, 2012 4:42 PM
In the past few days, Brown University-educated journalist Alex Wagner has shown a penchant for deliberately distorting a remark that former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) made on the campaign trail, wherein he slammed as a "snob" President Obama for, as Santorum believes it, Obama's having said every American should go to college. Wagner repeated the distortion again on the Leap Day edition of…

MSNBC's Wagner Jumps on School Shooting Tragedy to Bemoan Lack of Acti

February 28th, 2012 4:27 PM
Sure, there is really "no way, theoretically or otherwise" that yesterday's school shooting in Chardon, Ohio, could have been prevented, self-confessed Second Amendment opponent MSNBC's Alex Wagner noted in a closing commentary on her eponymous program this afternoon. She then immediately delving into a gripe that America's fruited plain is riddled with incredibly lax gun laws thanks to that…

MSNBC's Wagner Deliberately Distorts Santorum Swipe at Obama to Be Ant

February 27th, 2012 4:20 PM
If you were to believe MSNBC's Alex Wagner -- which, I'm sure you don't -- GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum is anti-college, believing the acquisition of higher education to be a mark of snobbery. "Is it hypocritical, given Rick Santorum and the fact that he holds not one, not two, but three degrees -- more than the president, -- for him to allege that having a higher education is a…

Matthews: 'We Should Stop Inviting [Franklin Graham] to Talk About Pol

February 21st, 2012 6:29 PM
Christian evangelist Franklin Graham made some comments about President Obama on MSNBC's Morning Joe Tuesday that have liberals across the fruited plain hopping mad. So angered is MSNBC's Chris Matthews that on Tuesday's Hardball he said, "I think we should stop inviting this guy to talk about politics...he ain’t his father’s son" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC's Alex Wagner Spins Waters's 'Demon' Comment; It Reflects Dem 'F

February 16th, 2012 3:56 PM
It seems even when a Democrat Congresswoman calls Republicans demons, the host of NOW with Alex Wagner still needs to find a way to agree with her.  On Thursday's show, Wagner insisted she wasn't ‘defending the semiotics’ of the statement.  She then pivoted and sympathized, "...But I think what you see reflected especially on the side of the Democrats is an incredible amount of frustration in…

John Heilemann: 'Objections to Gay Marriage Similar to 1960s Laws Agai

February 7th, 2012 4:48 PM
On the February 7 edition of MSNBC's Now with Alex Wagner, panelist John Heilemann, who writes for New York Magazine, thought it appropriate to equate the gay marriage debate in California to racial bigotry experienced by African-Americans in the 1960s.  During an interview with openly gay former Lieutenant Dan Choi, Heilemann asked former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele…

Herman Cain Dismisses MSNBC's Fixation on Newt's 'Dog Whistle' Rhetori

January 31st, 2012 4:16 PM
On Monday’s Now with Alex Wagner, former presidential candidate Herman Cain joined the growing chorus of individuals who are denouncing the vicious attacks against Newt Gingrich.  Once again, MSNBC host Wagner implied that Gingrich’s recent comments about Obama were racially-charged, but Cain shot down such absurd attacks.  Cain, who has endorsed the former House Speaker, reiterated the…

MSNBC 'Now' Panel Bemoans How Occupy Movement's 'Moral Argument' Has B

January 30th, 2012 3:59 PM
The "moral argument" of the Occupy movement have been unfairly tarnished by violence and as well as frittered away by the group's lack of Tea Party-like political mobilization. That's the consensus of the liberal panelists on today's edition of MSNBC's Now with Alex Wagner. The Nation magazine contributor Ari Melber kicked things off by blaming the recent violence and vandalism of the Occupy…

Come Again? MSNBC's Wagner Claims Reagan 'Would Be A Democrat' Today

January 25th, 2012 8:18 PM
Alex Wagner made an eye-popping remark on her MSNBC program on Wednesday, as she hinted that she agreed with former Obama spokesman Bill Burton's assertion that Ronald Reagan would feel out of place in today's GOP. When Burton claimed that "Reagan wouldn't have a chance in this Republican primary right now," Wagner stunningly replied, "I think he'd be a Democrat probably" [audio available here…