Al Sharpton

MSNBC's Richard Wolffe Warns Republicans Against Pursuing Obama Scanda
June 10th, 2013 6:30 PM
Appearing on Thursday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe -- formerly of Newsweek -- harkened back to President Bill Clinton's impeachment and the Reagan-era Iran-Contra scandal to warn Republicans against pursuing Obama administration corruption. When host Al Sharpton wondered how Democrats can get Republicans in Congress to support their economic agenda, Wolffe started off…

Jonathan Alter: If Romney Had Won, 'Things Would Be So Much Worse
June 10th, 2013 3:49 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's PoliticsNation show, MSNBC political analyst Jonathan Alter -- formerly of Newsweek -- asserted that, if Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan had won the 2012 presidential election, "things would be so much worse," as he took relief in President Obama's ability to veto Republican-supported legislation.
He also echoed the liberal rhetoric of labeling Republican efforts to…

MSNBC’s Harris-Perry: ObamaCare Congress Was 'Most Incredible Legisl
June 4th, 2013 5:40 PM
Usually, MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry only toils for the Obama administration on the weekends. Last Friday, she worked overtime. On the May 31 edition of Al Sharpton’s PoliticsNation, Harris-Perry fawned over the Democrat-controlled 111th Congress, which sat for the first two years of President Obama’s first term, as the “most incredible legislative session in American history.”
Daily Beast Actually Highlights Republican Slamming NBC For Hiring Al
June 3rd, 2013 12:22 PM
In a rare case of journalistic integrity, the liberal online news website The Daily Beast, which owns the online magazine Newsweek, ran a piece by Stuart Stevens, former chief strategist for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, slamming NBC News for employing Al Sharpton as a cable host.
In a piece entitled “Al Sharpton’s Long Bill of Goods, From Tawana Brawley to Primetime” Stevens chastises…

WashPost’s Milbank Sneers: Conservative Leaders are 'Children' that
May 31st, 2013 3:29 PM
Although he should have a little bit of latitude as a news columnist for the Washington Post over, say, an ostensibly objective staff reporter, Dana Milbank made abundantly clear on the Thursday edition if PoliticsNation that he has a complete disregard for any sense of fairness or objectivity.
Milbank blasted Republican senators Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and other as “children,”…

Reid, Grim Blast Tea Party Movement and Republican Party on 'PoliticsN
May 30th, 2013 5:37 PM
MSNBC contributor Joy Reid – in her infinite liberal wisdom – has the Republican Party all figured out. In a sneering tirade against conservatives on Wednesday’s PoliticsNation, Reid broke the entire party into five separate groups: the “angry” Tea Party, the evangelicals that “want to litigate social issues only,” the “economic conservatives” who want to “get rid of Social Security and…
MSNBC Panel Members Slam Bachmann and GOP 'Haters
May 30th, 2013 3:25 PM
As MSNBC's Al Sharpton hosted a panel on Wednesday's PoliticsNation to discuss Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann's retirement, MSNBC analyst Karen Finney claimed that Bachmann never had an idea "that wasn't about hate or wasn't about being against something," while MSNBC analyst and former Pennsylvania Democratic Governor Ed Rendell similarly charged that historians will put her "in a…
Black Liberal Pundits Smiley, West Slam Obama, Holder for Abuse of Pow
May 28th, 2013 12:07 PM
Are liberal African-American pundits still blindly loyal to Barack Obama? Though you may not see this covered on MSNBC, there IS a growing division.
Case in point: Establishment Suck-Up Al Sharpton versus Tavis Smiley and Dr. Cornel West. While the former spends every broadcast moment lashing out at those who dare to question the Dear Leader, Smiley & West take a different approach,…

MSNBCers Fall Over Themselves Praising 'Amazing,' 'Historic' Obama For
May 25th, 2013 3:56 PM
If you have any lingering doubts about which way MSNBC "leans," you don't need to look any farther than the cable channel's coverage of President Obama's speech on Thursday regarding foreign relations and national security.
At times, it seemed that each MSNBC host or contributor was trying to outdo the other with fawning cheers over the latest address from the Democratic occupant of the White…

WashPost's Milbank Mocks Nikki Haley, 'Reached Out to' White Supremaci
May 24th, 2013 7:04 PM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank mocked South Carolina Republican Governor Nikki Haley as someone who has "reached out to a minority" in the form of white supremacists since they are a "minority," as he reacted to accusations that a member of her reelection committee is a white supremacist. Milbank:
'PoliticsNation' Panel Mocks Republican Outreach to Minorities
May 24th, 2013 5:45 PM
On his May 23 program, the Rev. Al Sharpton’s PoliticsNation panel turned to the thorny issue of race in politics. As could be expected, it was not a balanced discussion as Sharpton’s panel was an Amen pew of liberal pundits: the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank and left-wing XM Radio host Joe Madison.
For his part, Milbank snarked that the GOP is made up of “a coalition of white southern men…

MSNBC’s Krystal Ball Gushes Over Obama Speech, Claims the President
May 24th, 2013 3:42 PM
In a way you have to hand it to Krystal Ball. The former Democratic congressional candidate-turned-MSNBC co-host is always hard at work spinning for the Obama administration, come what may. Appearing on Thursday's Politics Nation, the co-host of MSNBC’s The Cycle raved about President Obama’s May 23 national security speech, claiming the president is “reining in his own power,” a “remarkable…

MSNBC Slams 'Scandal' of GOP Vote to Repeal ObamaCare
May 20th, 2013 5:24 PM
On Friday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton lambasted House Republicans for repeatedly voting to repeal ObamaCare, calling it a "scandal" and an "outrage," as he seemed to cite a questionable study from a left-wing source from 2009 claiming that 45,000 people a year die because they lack health insurance. Sharpton began the segment:

MSNBC’s Al Sharpton Ludicrously Claims Small Biz Backs ObamaCare
May 17th, 2013 4:02 PM
The “journalists” at MSNBC continued to fawn over ObamaCare on Friday’s Morning Joe, even in the midst of startling criticism for the bill from David Gregory, liberal host of Meet the Press. The discussion over the president’s massive health care overhaul came after reports that the IRS official in charge of the agency’s unfair treatment of conservative groups during its targeting is now…