Adam Ragusea

CNN Columnist: Let's Not Use 'Terrorism' For Non-Directed Attacks
August 9th, 2016 10:54 PM
Last month, yours truly, with the help of commenters (and in a supplemental post found here), shredded the idea proposed in a column at that journalists should eliminate the words "terrorist" and, by extension, "terrorism," to describe genuine acts of terrorism committed by terrorists (unless those words are uttered in quoted remarks by interview subjects). Sadly, in the course of…

Slate Writer: Journalists Should Stop Using 'Terrorist,' 'Terrorism'
July 17th, 2016 8:31 PM
Adam Ragusea, writing at, believes that the word "terrorist" has become "uselessly arbitrary and loaded," because it "has acquired a powerful religious—and specifically Islamic—connotation" that "is substantively consequential."
As a result, Ragusea believes that the Associated Press, whose Stylebook sadly exerts nearly ironclad control over language used in U.S. establishment press…
NPR Boosts Plight of Catholic School Teacher Fired For Same-Sex 'Marri
July 9th, 2014 5:46 PM
Adam Ragusea provided little balance on Wednesday's Morning Edition on NPR, as he covered a homosexual man's lawsuit against his former employer – a Catholic school – who let him go after he announced his planned same-sex "marriage" on Facebook. Ragusea played just one soundbite from a conservative legal scholar, and failed to include any from the local Catholic diocese or the school.