Sour Grapes at Rotten Tomatoes, Listed Palin Movie as 'Science Fiction

July 13th, 2011 2:28 PM
Earlier this morning, Washington Times blogger Kerry Picket discovered an unusual listing on the popular movie rating website Rotten Tomatoes. The new Sarah Palin documentary, 'The Undefeated,' was categorized not only as a documentary, but also as science fiction and fantasy. Since Picket's blog was posted, the science fiction and fantasy tag has been removed, but it begs the question of why…

Pelley Cites Tea Party as 'Problem' as ABC Relays 'Disgust,' Pelley Pr

July 12th, 2011 9:35 PM
In a relatively inoffensive interview with President Barack Obama for Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Scott Pelley implied the Tea Party (and maybe congressional liberals too) should be blamed for blocking a debt ceiling deal (“Isn't the problem that a large number of the Members of Congress will not follow your leadership or the Republican leadership?”) and fondly recalled how “it wasn't…

Ann Coulter Smacks Down Bill Maher: 'I Only Talk To Rubes Right Here

July 9th, 2011 10:52 AM
Ann Coulter marvelously smacked down Bill Maher on HBO's "Real Time" Friday evening. After the host called the Tea Partiers Coulter speaks to "rubes," the conservative author smartly responded, "I do not talk to rubes except right here" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NBC’s Chuck Todd: Anti-Tax Hike Tea Party Republicans Are the ‘Pro

June 30th, 2011 8:29 AM
“The problem is this issue with the House Republicans,” NBC’s Chuck Todd declared Wednesday night in naming the culprit blocking help to Americans whom anchor Brian Williams asserted “are hurting every day and hoping for a result to make their lives better.” In a story on President Barack Obama’s press conference, Todd maintained Obama and the Senate could come together, but he blamed the…

Piers Morgan Asks Ann Coulter if Tea Party is Modern Version of Hitler

June 8th, 2011 12:33 AM
Conservative author Ann Coulter stopped by CNN studios Tuesday to discuss her new book "Demonic: How The Liberal Mob Is Endangering America." During a somewhat rambling interview, host Piers Morgan asked, "Where is the similar mob to Mussolini’s and Hitler’s in the modern democratic era...Tea Party?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Sunday Highlights: CBS’s Smith Wonders If Tea Party ‘Losing’ Its

May 30th, 2011 9:23 AM
“Do you think the Tea Party is losing some of its appeal?” So Harry Smith cued up a hardly independent guest on Sunday’s Face the Nation: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic Congresswoman and Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Earlier, the fill-in host was astonished House Majority Leader Eric Cantor would want to find cuts to afford extra spending for tornado recovery efforts…

Andrew Sullivan Shocks Chris Matthews: Palin Can Beat Obama as the 'Pr

May 29th, 2011 9:56 AM
Andrew Sullivan this weekend seemed to shock Chris Matthews when he said that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin could actually beat President Obama in next year's elections running as the "principled candidate" representing "this grassroots movement of cutting government down to size." Maybe even more surprising, Time's Joe Klein seemed to agree telling the host of "The Chris Matthews Show…

CBS: Ryan Budget Opponents 'Poignant'; Touted 'Nasty' Tea Parties in

April 27th, 2011 5:51 PM
CBS's Early Show on Wednesday played up how opponents of Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan shouted down GOP representatives at recent town hall meetings, but downplayed them as "less than friendly," and marveled at their apparently "poignant" questions. The network also omitted how liberal groups targeted these meetings, and trumpeted the "nasty national shouting match" at health care town hall…

On Letterman, Maher Charges Racist ‘Tea-Baggers’ Are ‘Corporate

April 26th, 2011 2:50 AM
Regurgitating the same kind of derogatory comments he regularly spews on his Friday night HBO show, Bill Maher showed up Monday night on the Late Show with David Letterman where CBS, unlike HBO, excised his vile terminology for Tea Party activists. Maher denounced Tea Party followers as “sad, unfortunate people” because they are “corporate America's useful idiots” who don’t allow “facts” to…

CBS Highlights Tea Party Rallies, But Also Plays Up Bad Poll Numbers

April 18th, 2011 5:56 PM
CBS's Jan Crawford spotlighted the Tea Party movement on Monday's Early Show, but also played up how it might present a "challenge" for potential Republican presidential candidates due its apparent unpopularity: "Recent polls show 47% of Americans have an unfavorable view of the movement. So candidates looking for Tea Party votes have to be careful not to alienate moderates." Midway through…

Tea Party Congressman Scolds Christiane Amanpour and Media for Not Cri

April 17th, 2011 12:55 PM
Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) had quite an illuminating discussion with Christiane Amanpour Sunday. As the host of ABC's "This Week" pushed for higher taxes, Walsh correctly pointed out that Barack Obama's first 2012 budget proposed earlier in the year didn't address entitlement programs saying, "The President of the United States ought to be ashamed of himself, and I don't know…

Rick Santelli Sounds Off Again on Government Spending

April 7th, 2011 11:03 AM
On Thursday morning's "Squawk Box," CNBC's on-air editor Rick Santelli sounded off against raising the debt ceiling, the Democrat-controlled congress' failure to pass a budget last year, and "spendthrift" politicians. The rant echoed his famous 2009 diatribe where he called for a Chicago "Tea Party." "It's a matter of principle. If we can't do the discretionary spending now, what chance do…

Lawrence O'Donnell: 'Stunningly Ignorant' Cantor Would Fail Citizenshi

March 31st, 2011 2:59 PM
Kicking off the March 30 edition of "Last Word," MSNBC anchor Lawrence O'Donnell unleashed a torrent of insults aimed at Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.). "House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is the most stunningly ignorant member in the history of the Congress," bellowed O'Donnell. "That's right. Eric Cantor revealed today in a press conference that he does not know how a bill becomes a law. Seriously…

Monica Crowley Refutes Eleanor Clift's Claim Tea Party Candidate Can't

March 28th, 2011 12:56 AM
After getting laughed at by Monica Crowley for making a foolish comment about the disparate ways Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan handled Libya during their respective presidencies, Newsweek's Eleanor Clift doubled down on this weekend's "McLaughlin Group" by saying a Tea Party candidate can't win a national election. Crowley was once again up to the challenge and correctly pointed out, "If the…