CNN's Roland Martin Suggests Most Pro-Lifers Seem 'Hateful

January 5th, 2008 7:15 PM

Whoopi and Joy Spar Over Huckabee Christmas Ad

December 19th, 2007 2:29 PM

ABC's Sam Donaldson: Evangelicals Long For a 'Christian Theocracy

December 10th, 2007 3:58 PM
According to veteran ABC journalist Sam Donaldson, evangelical voters are longing for a "Christian theocracy" to rule the United States. Donaldson, appearing on the December 9 edition of "This Week," made the comment while discussing GOP candidate Mitt Romney's speech about religious faith. He also labeled the address "very, very frightening." Responding to host George Stephanopoulos's assertion…

CBS ‘Early Show’: Religious Right Turns Left for Hillary

November 30th, 2007 1:17 PM
Furthering the media’s love affair with Hillary Clinton, Friday’s CBS "Early Show" featured a segment on her recent speech at Saddleback Church in Southern California and how Evangelical Christians may be moving to the left in 2008. As co-host Harry Smith wondered at the top of the show, "Hillary Clinton addresses an Evangelical megachurch in California. Is it really possible that the Christian…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Guest: ‘Killing Has Nothing to Do With Atheism

November 28th, 2007 6:23 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show,"co-host Hannah Storm, who reports will soon be leaving the show, teased an upcoming segment about the controversy over the atheist-inspired movie, "The Golden Compass": "And Nicole Kidman on why the Church doesn't want your children to see her new movie." Of course, the "Church" has said no such thing, but rather the Catholic League has called for a…

ABC's Sawyer: Huckabee's 'Heavy Handed' Ad Plays 'Religion Card

November 27th, 2007 12:30 PM
"Good Morning America" host Diane Sawyer apparently has a significant problem with 2008 GOP contender Mike Huckabee's new ad that identifies the candidate as a "Christian leader." On Tuesday's program, Sawyer fretted over whether "we crossed a line here" and asked guest Newt Gingrich if the campaign spot is "just too heavy-handed about specific denominations?" The GMA host also speculated that…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Focuses on Giuliani Scandal, Never Mentioned Hsu

November 8th, 2007 3:41 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Russ Mitchell introduced a news brief in which reporter Byron Pitts speculated on a potential indictment of former NYPD Commissioner and Giuliani friend, Bernard Kerik. Mitchell began the segment by exclaiming: Republican presidential hopeful, Rudy Giuliani, has stood by his good friend and associate, Bernard Kerik, through good times and bad. But that…

Gay Dumbledore: Somewhere, Jerry Falwell Is Smiling

October 22nd, 2007 1:21 PM
"It’s a children’s show, folks. To think we would be putting sexual innuendo in a children’s show is kind of outlandish." -- spokesman for Itsy Bitsy Entertainment Co., which licenses Teletubby characters in the United States.Yeah, outlandish. I mean, how could anyone imagine there could be undisclosed gay characters in pop-culture materials for children? That Jerry Falwell, what a Christian…

CBS ‘Early Show’: ‘Dispirited’ Christian Right May Bring ‘Re

October 19th, 2007 5:59 PM
On Friday’s "Early Show," co-host Julie Chen and reporter Chip Reid analyzed the Values Voters Conference in Washington this weekend and how conservative Evangelicals "are deeply frustrated because they can't find a Republican candidate they can coalesce around," according to Reid. He went on to exclaim that "There's one Republican candidate, though, who really has some Evangelicals dispirited.…

'Progressive' Christian Jim Wallis: 'Stay Unborn as Long as Possible

October 19th, 2007 3:38 PM

ABC Equates 'Christian Right' With 9-11 Terrorists as Driving People t

September 30th, 2007 9:23 AM
ABC may have set a loathsome new MSM low in insulting traditional Christians. On today's "Good Morning America," the network lumped the "Christan right" with the 9-11 Islamic terrorists as driving people to atheism.Keying off an atheists convention being held this weekend, GMA ran a segment on the "Rise in Atheism." Seeking to explain the phenomenon, as images rolled first of the WTC in flames…

Newsweek Columnist to GOP: Kill Your Base! Win Friends

August 31st, 2007 3:54 PM