
WATCH: CNN’s Smug Erin Burnett Bleats Trump Blinked in Tariff Standoff
Even in a world where President Donald Trump clearly racks up foreign policy wins, CNN’s smug harpies desperately try to convince all eight of the network's viewers that he’s really losing.

NYT BRAIN ROT: Labeling Drug Cartels ‘Terrorists’ Could ‘Hurt’ Economy
No, the headline does not deceive you. The New York Times got its pants in a bunch over President Donald Trump daring to refer to violent Mexican drug cartels as “terrorists” because it could supposedly harm the economy.

Morning Joe Literally Points the Accusatory Finger at Trump Tariffs!
In a fear-mongering Morning Joe segment on Trump's proposed tariffs, reporter Hallie Jackson literally points the finger, warning that companies would often pass tariffs down to "you," the consumer. No word of to whom companies would have passed the huge corporate tax increase that Kamala Harris proposed.

REGIME MEDIA: ABC World News Tonight Advances The Bloodbath Hoax
Despite clear, documented context to the contrary, ABC continues to push the discredited piece of Biden campaign propaganda known as the Bloodbath Hoax, and ties it to the Capitol Riot. Additionally, ABC promoted a 2024 version of an immigration narrative that was trotted out both in 2015 and 2019.

CNN Hosts Defend Biden Gaffe THREE TIMES By Referencing Trump
CNN This Morning hosts Phil Mattingly not once, not twice, but three times defended President Joe Biden on Friday as they sought to deflect from his Thursday gaffe where he claimed Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was actually the president of Mexico by referencing what they considered to be similar examples from Donald Trump.

The New Gold Rush — The American Border
I recently traveled to give a speech. I stayed in a hotel where a group of U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents were also staying. I spoke to several, mostly men, but a couple were female. The average person I spoke to had been with the agency for over seven years. Many people told me, all off the record, that before the Biden administration, they thoroughly enjoyed their job. Many were…

MSNBC's Hinojosa Lies About Illegal Aliens Not Sneaking Across Border
Appearing as a guest on Friday's Jose Diaz-Balart Reports, MSNBC political analyst Maria Hinojosa lied to the audience as she accused former President Donald Trump of lying about the millions of illegals flooding across the southern border.

¿Biden a favor de #BuildTheWall? ABC y NBC cubren el cambio de opinión
El jueves por la mañana, Good Morning America (GMA) de ABC y Today de NBC sorprendentemente dedicaron tiempo en el aire a una noticia que sin duda debe haber sido decepcionante de reportar: el presidente Biden y el secretario de Seguridad Nacional, Alejandro Mayorkas, han decidido unirse al equipo #BuildTheWall y continuar el trabajo iniciado por su predecesor, Donald Trump, a lo largo de la…

ABC, NBC Cover Biden's Border Wall as CBS Airs Police Fighting Cartels
On Thursday morning, ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA) and NBC’s Today surprisingly gave airtime to what had to have been disappointing news to report in President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas having decided to join Team #BuildTheWall and continue the work started by predecessor Donald Trump along the southern border.

CNN Tries to Claim Mexico, Not the U.S., Is 'A Beacon of Human Rights'
CNN’s week of abortion promotion continued on Thursday’s CNN This Morning as correspondent Rosa Flores joined the show to suggest that Wednesday’s ruling by the Mexican Supreme Court decriminalizing abortion now means that country is more of a “beacon of human rights and women’s rights” than the United States.

Thanks to Biden, the Chickens Have Come Home to Roost
That loud clucking sound we are hearing from “sanctuary cities” and other cities run by Democrats is the consequence of lax immigration policies coming home to roost. After declaring with a straight face that the southern border is “secure,” Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas is dispatching civilian employees to the border to help “process” migrants who have been coming in waves…
Viral Influencer Gloria Alvarez Fights Socialism
There’s a socialist wave in Latin America. Mexico, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil recently elected leftists. These politicians at least distance themselves from thugs like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, but all propose socialism-lite policies giving government more control over more people. Why don’t people in Latin America learn from the mistakes of the past? Gloria Alvarez, a social media…

Nets Play Lapdog for Biden on Border Crisis; CBS Plays Massive KJP Lie
After first rediscovering the border crisis Tuesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC used their flagship Wednesday morning news shows to spin on behalf of President Biden and his administration, insisting they’re “bracing for” the surge, “taking this seriously,” or paint them as not responsible for the unfettered surge of illegal immigration. ABC’s Good Morning America…