Medical Insurance
$1 Billion Obamacare Contractor Gives Employees Little or No Work; Wil
May 14th, 2014 10:39 AM
The government is paying private contractor Serco $1.2 billion over five years — and likely more, as will be seen later — to process paper Obamacare applications. In turn, according to a report by television station KMOV, Serco has hired and continues to pay a reported 1,800 workers who have virtually no work to do.
Massive waste like this should develop into a national story and create a…

When Did That Happen? AP's Retail Sales Coverage Sharply Cuts Predicte
May 13th, 2014 2:58 PM
The Associated Press's unbylined coverage of the Census Bureau's April retail sales report — sales rose 0.1 percent, falling far short of consensus expectations of 0.4 percent, a result Reuters predictably called "unexpected" — slipped in a sentence that had me rubbing my eyes.
In early May, after the government announced that first-quarter gross domestic product growth came in at a barely…

Sharpton Mocks ‘Death’ of GOP ObamaCare Talking Point, Convenientl
May 8th, 2014 5:58 PM
On Wednesday’s PoliticsNation, host Al Sharpton trotted out a pair of red-framed glasses, a podium, and the image of a chapel’s interior on the green screen behind him. The reverend was pretending to preside over a funeral for what he called “another bogus GOP talking point on the Affordable Care Act.” As somber organ music played in the background, Sharpton announced, somewhat inarticulately, “…

Ho Hum: $6.2B in Improper Payments at USDA, Three Straight Years of Le
April 30th, 2014 7:17 PM
When several members of Congress set out in the early 1990s to improve fiscal reporting and internal controls in the federal government, one thing they certainly had a right to expect is that the press would report on lapses as embarrassments, and that otherwise nonchalant or reluctant bureaucrats would figure out that it would be in their best interest to tighten their ships. It hasn't…

Not News: Health Care Division at Jeffrey Immelt's GE Hurt by Obamacar
April 30th, 2014 4:03 PM
General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt has made nice with President Barack Obama on several occasions. Among other things, he chaired the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which met a grand total of four times in 2011 and 2012 before it was unceremoniously allowed to expire a year later. He fully expected that his company would benefit from its involvement in green energy and its…

AP's Crutsinger, As Dismal First-Quarter GDP Report Looms: Happy Days
April 29th, 2014 3:24 PM
At the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Martin Crutsinger has pretty much proven that he's been on some kind of workout regimen. If he wasn't, he couldn't possibly have carried so much Obama administration water in his 1:45 p.m. report on the state of the economy (saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) as he did.
Crutsinger's message: Pay no…

MSNBC Panel Trashes Paul Ryan, GOPers 'Fuel Racism' and 'Attack Minori
April 29th, 2014 1:32 AM
On the Monday, April 28, The Ed Show, MSNBC host Ed Schultz devoted the first segment of nearly 15 minutes of his show to trying to link prominent conservatives like Paul Ryan to the racist views of people like Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling, whom the MSNBC host failed to label as a Democratic donor.
Schultz charged that Ryan and other GOPers "support policies that attack minorities" and…

CBS Covers Oregon 'Pulling the Plug' on Health Exchange, But Omits 'Ob
April 25th, 2014 10:17 PM
Friday's CBS Evening News was the lone Big Three evening newscast to spotlight how the State of Oregon decision to scrap its multimillion dollar health exchange website, and join the federal government's ABC's World News was too busy covering violence over spots at mall parking lots to notice, while NBC Nightly News zeroed in on baby Prince George's first trip to Australia.…

MSNBC's Melber: Tea Partiers Want to 'Make Sure More People Are Uninsu
April 24th, 2014 1:03 AM
On the Wednesday, April 23, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC, guest host Ari Melber ignored concerns expressed for some time by conservatives that ObamaCare regulations would cause Americans to lose private health insurance plans they already had as the MSNBC host suggested that Tea Party Republicans do not care about people being uninsured and claimed that the goal of repealing…

NBC's Martha White: 39 Paragraphs on All-Time Record Number of Temps
April 21st, 2014 11:25 PM
If there's a prize for most words spent in Obamacare avoidance, NBC News's Martha C. White is definitely in the running.
White managed to burn through almost 40 paragraphs and nearly 1,600 words in a report carried at CNBC on the all-time record number of workers employed by temporary help services. But she somehow managed to completely avoid mentioning Obamacare, which used to be known as…
Column: Insisting ObamaCare Debate Is Over Won't Save Democrats, Mr. P
April 21st, 2014 6:17 PM
Apart from gutting America's military, our standing in the world, our fiscal stability, the economy, the office of the presidency, conventional energy sources, the free market and religious liberty, Obama has little to boast about other than Obamacare, so let him go for it.
Yes, let him gloat, because the more he bloviates in defense of the indefensible — the more he spins the unspinnable —…
MSNBCers Insist GOP Strategist Lying About His Healthcare Costs
April 21st, 2014 5:45 PM
Some liberals refuse to believe any bad news about ObamaCare, and MSNBC contributor Angela Rye is clearly one of those people. On Saturday’s Weekends with Alex Witt, Rye got into a heated argument with Republican strategist Joe Watkins about the nature of Watkins’ own health insurance coverage, which he says is worse under ObamaCare than prior to the law going into effect. [Video below. MP3…

MSNBC's Harris-Perry Mocks People Who Lost Insurance: Suggests Dems Sa
April 20th, 2014 5:51 PM
On the Sunday, April 20, Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, as host Harris-Perry chastised Democrats for not bragging about ObamaCare for the year's midterm elections, she at one point mocked Americans angry about having their health insurance plans cancelled, which she referred to as "crappy plans," as she lamented that Democrats are not boasting about ObamaCare or declaring, "Yeah, you can't…

George Will On ObamaCare: Claiming ‘The Debate Is Over Is Something
April 20th, 2014 12:51 PM
Conservative columnist and Fox News contributor George Will mocked President Obama’s claim last week that the debate over ObamaCare is over and that Republicans need to stop trying to repeal the law.
Appearing as a guest on Fox News Sunday on April 20, Will argued that “The debate is over is something of a mantra. The debate is over about climate change, everyone be quiet. The debate is over…