
Thanks Capt. Obvious! Reuters Admits Net Zero a ‘Resounding Failure’
Wow, who knew that setting insane and arbitrary emission goals to “net zero” would be an exercise in utter futility, eh Reuters?

Politico’s Anti-Trump Energy Prices Agitprop Barely Mentions Biden
Ah, old habits die hard. Politico apparently learned nothing after being exposed for being a government-funded lefty propaganda mill and is already trying to pin energy inflation on President Donald Trump.

BREAKING: USAID Granted $1M to Soros’s Radical Global University
The scandal surrounding the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and its abuse of taxpayer dollars to support causes backed by leftist billionaire George Soros continues to get worse.

WATCH: O’Leary Slaps Down Lefties Blowing a Gasket Over Elon Musk
Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary — aka “Mr. Wonderful” — took a blowtorch to CNN and other lefties experiencing a mental collapse over emails from Elon Musk’s DOGE to federal workers asking them to give an account of their work progress.

SUCK IT UP: NYT Finds 7 Former IRS Chiefs to Kvetch Over DOGE Cuts
The New York Times acted like getting former IRS commissioners to bellyache over President Donald Trump’s cuts to one of the most hated agencies in Washington was some kind of a flex.

Oh, So Now Axios Suggests the US Inflation Outlook Actually Sucks?
What a joke. The same outlet that tried to paint America’s inflation situation before the 2024 election as Yankee Doodle Dandy! is doing the backstroke now that Donald Trump is president.

Politico Calls Out Dems for ‘Dramatic Swerve’ on Economy to Get Trump
Politico either advertently or inadvertently just exposed the Democrats’ grotesque hypocrisy in trying to yoke President Donald Trump to the inflation-plagued economy that his predecessor's insane spending policies created.

CBS Airs Possibly the Dumbest Segment Defending DEI as Popular
CBS News must have decided they haven’t suffered enough self-inflicted wounds of partisan quackery as Thursday’s CBS Mornings Plus defended diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as not only necessary, but widely popular and doesn’t at all conflict with concerns about “merit,” and actually exists to benefit white women and military veterans.

EXCLUSIVE: Leftist Media Falsely Blamed Trump for Q4 GDP Slowdown
The media didn’t even wait for the first quarter of President Donald Trump’s second term to blame him for GDP events that transpired before he was even elected to office.

Nutsy CNN: Jury Is Out on If Spending Caused ‘Inflation — If At All’
CNN, to no one’s surprise, tried to play Gotcha! by claiming President Donald Trump was “bucking” his campaign promise to cut prices immediately upon taking office, and ended up making the network look more idiotic than it already does. That is a feat unto itself.

STUDY: Mapping Alex Soros’s Growing Dominance in Washington
Finding links to the Soros family in the Joe Biden White House should come as no surprise. In addition to George’s decades-long meddling in our politics, he spent tens of millions backing Biden and other Democrats in 2020, and Alex got in on the action too, throwing $700,000 at the would-be worst president of the 21st century.

Blow It Out Your Nose! Krugman Tries to Make ‘Trumpflation’ a Thing
Amazing. Just amazing. The consummate Bidenomics simp and former New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is trying to make “Trumpflation” a thing in the public discourse.

EUREKA! Politico Admits ‘Voters Were Right About’ Biden Economy
Politico may be trying to re-ingratiate itself with the American public after its government funding scandal by finally admitting what voters already knew about the Biden economy: It sucked.