
CNN Conspiracy Theory: Pompeo Allowed Possible 'Benghazi' in Ukraine!

January 15th, 2020 12:51 PM
CNN commentator Joe Lockhart spouted the conspiracy theory that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo possibly could have allowed "a Benghazi" against Marie Yovanovitch, who at the time was the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine. 

Moore Compares White Trump Voters to Pro-Apartheid South Africans

October 22nd, 2019 9:53 PM
Far-left filmmaker Michael Moore joined MSNBC’s Hardball and host Chris Matthews on Tuesday to not only trumpet his endorsement of Bernie Sanders (despite previous skepticism about the 2020 field) but offer the hideous claim that white Trump voters of all economic stripes are racist on the level of pro-apartheid South Africans. This ugly comparison came about part way through the block thanks to…

MSNBC Pushes Myth Bush Admin Outed CIA Agent As 'Retaliation'

October 1st, 2019 11:10 AM
Late last week, after word came that the former ambassador to Iraq, Joe Wilson, had passed away, MSNBC repeated some of the misinformation that journalists and other liberals pushed during the George W. Bush era as anchors Joy Reid and Katy Tur lauded Wilson for disputing President Bush's claims that Saddam Hussein had tried to acquire uranium in Africa before the invasion of Iraq.

This MSNBC Republican Confesses: 'I Hate to Give Ivanka Any Credit'

July 19th, 2019 8:32 AM
Here's a working definition of an "MSNBC Republican:" one who is loath to say anything good about anyone associated with President Trump. Susan Del Percio gave a perfect illustration of the genre on today's Morning Joe. Discussing President Trump's disavowal of the "send her back" chant at his recent North Carolina rally, Del Percio said: "We hear—and I hate to give her any real credit—but we…

It’s Time for Ingrates to Go

February 6th, 2019 6:24 PM
Crying “hate” is a lazy way to debate. But in the Beltway, where honest discussion and vigorous deliberation are desperately needed, the rhetorical sloth is so thick you need a Big Foot circular saw to cut it. Take Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, who thrust a Liberian immigrant, Linda Clark, into the limelight as her State of the Union special guest and poster child. “She has lived here…

ABC Ignores Mississippi Dem’s Ties to Despot on Trial for War Crimes

November 21st, 2018 9:07 PM
The final race of the 2018 midterms will be held next Tuesday in Mississippi between Republican favorite Cindy Hyde-Smith and Democrat Mike Espy. The liberal media have been desperately trying to turn the tide by smearing Hyde-Smith with charges of racism over mostly innocuous things. And they’ve been turning a blind eye Espy’s ties to an African despot on trial for war crimes in the…

CNN on Melania's Kenya Visit: 'African Queen--Stylist Should be Proud'

October 5th, 2018 7:57 AM
CNN international correspondent Farai Sevenzo says of First Lady Melania's Trump visit to a Kenyan game reserve: "she was dressed, really, in the classic Out of Africa by Sydney Pollack way, or even John Huston's, The African Queen: the jodhpurs, the boots. The color was all there. The stylist should be very proud of himself."

HBO's Bill Maher Slams 'Patriotic Bulls***' at Sporting Events

September 15th, 2018 1:46 PM
On Friday's Real Time show, HBO host Bill Maher not only complained about what he called "patriotic bulls***" at national sporting events, but he also lauded former Secretary of State John Kerry as someone who "told the truth" about the Vietnam War, and gave him a forum to take credit for the program that fights AIDS in Africa without noting that it was President George W. Bush who pushed for its…

South Africa Question

September 5th, 2018 12:49 PM
South Africa has been thrown into the news because of President Donald Trump's recent tweet that he instructed his secretary of state to "closely study" alleged land seizures from white farmers in South Africa. Earlier this year, a land confiscation motion was brought by radical Marxist opposition leader Julius Malema, and it passed South Africa's Parliament by a 241-83 vote. Malema has had a…

Media Silent as South Africa Seizes Land from White Farmers

August 20th, 2018 9:41 PM
The South African government has begun seizing land from white farmers, following an August 1 ruling which amended that nation’s constitution to legalize the practice. Despite the disturbing ramifications of this human rights abuse at the hands of a foreign government, both cable and network news have remained stubbornly silent on the issue. 

Morning Joe: 'Tyrannical' Trump Turning America Into 'Real S-Hole'

January 15th, 2018 1:55 PM
After nearly three hours of hyperventilating about President Trump’s purported comments last Thursday describing Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries as “shitholes,” Monday’s Morning Joe brought on author and NBC Political Analyst Anand Giridharadas to discuss Trump’s “radical,” “reactionary,” and “racist” comments. Predictably, Giridharadas did not have many kind words for the President,…

MSNBC's Rubin Slams GOP Guest As 'Inhumane Beast,' 'Raised by Wolves'

January 14th, 2018 3:37 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, as frequent guest Jennifer Rubin was finally being credited as an "MSNBC political analyst," the alleged "conservative" Washington Post columnist demonstrated that she will continue to use her new MSNBC contributor status to deliver liberal analysis as she demonized a Republican guest by asking her if she is an "inhumane beast" who was "raised by wolves."

Stephanopoulos Exploits Death of US Soldier to Take a Shot at Trump

January 14th, 2018 12:06 PM
ABC Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos stepped up the liberal media’s condemnation of President Trump during Sunday’s This Week by heinously exploiting the heroic death of a U.S. soldier to take a snide shot at the President for his recent immigration comments.

Johnson: 'Terrorist Sympathizer' Trump Is Danger' to Minorities

January 12th, 2018 7:28 PM
On the Thursday edition of MSNBC's All In, The Root's politics editor and MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson demonstrated how difficult it is for liberal commentators to settle for giving sober criticism and avoid going into over the top hysterics when when reacting to President Donald Trump making incendiary comments that are actually worthy of rebuke. During a discussion of Trump reportedly…