The liberal media spend an inordinate amount of time fawning over Hollywood actors and reality stars who come out in support of liberal politicians and causes. They are less interested in those who embrace conservative beliefs and issues. The most recent example of this is a Marco Rubio endorsement ad by Rick Harrison of the History Channel’s hit reality show, Pawn Stars.
On Tuesday, the hard-negotiating pawn shop owner went on Fox’s Hannity to discuss his support of Rubio’s campaign, as well as his fiscally conservative business ideals. Harrison opined that tax-and-spend liberals are making it increasingly difficult for businesses to get on their feet and find constant financial success:
I’ve met him [Rubio] a few times. He gets it. He understands that the number one thing in this world that’s brought people out of poverty, is the ease of doing business. And it’s getting harder, and harder, and harder.
I mean, you have Democrats out there saying I should pay more and more taxes on all the profits I make. What they don't seem to realize is, I don't spend that money, I just reinvest it. And the majority of the time when I reinvest it into a new business or something like that, it fails. But luckily, that minority [of successful investments] more than makes up for it.
He also suggested that Rubio is a better speaker than Hillary, and can better handle himself in non-scripted situations:
He's an incredible speaker. He doesn't have to use a teleprompter for everything. I also believe that Hillary will most likely implode when she actually has to answer a real question from the press.
Of course, Harrison is assuming someone from the left-wing media might actually be willing to ask Hillary a hard question, or hold her accountable for her record and past scandals. Because right now they seem to be stuck on red light tickets and the terms of Rubio’s latest auto lease.