Obama Stands Against Lobbyists? Well, Not To Fund His Big Party He Ain't

July 16th, 2008 9:31 AM

The leftists of the nutroots went gaga when Barack Obama claimed that he'd stand against taking money from lobbyists with his campaign for president and so did the media. It was because, of course, he was for a "new era" in politics. He is for "change." Isn't he special, the nutrooters and media sigh contentedly.

Well, apparently Obama's standard of a "new age" in politics doesn't carry too far into his campaign. Obviously Barack Obama has no real power over the Party from which he claims to head because the Democratic National Convention is being funded by... you guessed it... lobbyists.

As the New York Times reports, the man being tapped by the DNC to head the fundraising for their national convention is well connected lobbyist Steve Farber.

Mr. Farber’s vast contact list could prove crucial in raising the millions of dollars needed by the Denver host committee to showcase Senator Barack Obama and the Democratic Party in August in Denver. But Mr. Farber’s activities are a public display of how corporate connections fuel politics — exactly the type of special influence that Mr. Obama had pledged to expunge from politics when he said he would not accept donations from lobbyists.

And where is the media reporting this hypocrisy? Where is the media to highlight the empty promise that is Obama's "change" message? After all, who can doubt that if such a major contradiction were occurring in the GOP candidacy, the media would be on it like white on rice!?

Well, so much for getting the influence of lobbyists out of politics, eh Mr. Obama? And so much for the media bothering to notice.