With the recent racial slur outburst from "Seinfeld" actor, Michael Richards, we will have to pay close attention to see if Richards gets a softer treatment than Mel Gibson did with his own racial slur laden rant earlier in the year.
But, if this AP report is any indication, it seems sure that "Kramer" won't be as maligned as Mel Gibson.
Richards Apologizes for Racial SlursSo, Richards is not "famous" enough to be scolded by the MSM?Daryl Pitts, a Laugh Factory audience member interviewed by CNN, compared the incident to another recent celebrity controversy.
"You think about Mel Gibson and what he said, and put that in the context of this, it's very upsetting," Pitts said, referring to Gibson's anti-Semitic outburst during his arrest for drunken driving.
Scrutiny of Richards' remarks likely will continue but won't match the level prompted by Gibson's behavior because Richards is far less famous, (Veteran publicist Michael ) Levine said.
And, how many will point out that Gibson said his comments while impaired by mood altering substances (alcohol), and that Richards was ostensibly in his full faculties?
Probably not many.
And, we are sure to see Gibson raked over the coals with EVERY "Kramer" story for the rest of the day, for sure. This story will be an excuse for the MSM to dive into Gibson all over again.
My guess would be that "Kramer" will not get near the amount of venom spewed at him. Of course, "Kramer" didn't make a movie about Jesus that made millions despite Hollywood's best efforts to laugh it out of theaters, either!
After all, did Mel Gibson get 7 some minutes of David Letterman's show to apologize?
Finally, I wonder if we will get Howard Dean and John Kerry to back Richards' "botched joke"??