ABC Touts Bill Defending Hillary Clinton: ‘He’s Back!’

September 30th, 2015 11:40 AM

Good Morning America’s Tom Llamas, a vocal critic of Donald Trump, on Wednesday touted Bill Clinton’s defense of his wife against the candidate. Llamas narrated, “He's back. Former President Bill Clinton making the rounds and the case why his wife should be president, defending Hillary from one of her harshest critics.” 

He then included a clip of Clinton attacking Trump: “You shouldn't be able to insult your way to the White House.” The journalist allowed that Mrs. Clinton had faded in the polls, but hyped her “using Trump's own words to rally donors.”  

Llamas related: 

TOM LLAMAS: In an e-mail to supporters the Clinton campaign painting the remark as sexist saying, "Is the woman who asks for the raise she deserves shrill?" Trump saying the comment wasn't sexist. 

In August, Llamas got in a heated exchange with Trump over his “offensive” language. On September 25, the reporter noted Clinton’s “stunning” fall, but allowed only seconds on it. 

A transcript of the September 30 segment is below: 

7:06am ET

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: The race for president now. Your voice, your vote. And this morning, Bill Clinton takes on Donald Trump. The former president firing back after Trump's attacks on Hillary Clinton as Trump takes a new tact with Fox News. ABC’s Tom Llamas covering it all from New Hampshire. Good morning, Tom. 

TOM LLAMAS: George, good morning to you. A busy day here in new Hampshire. Donald Trump, Jeb Bush and Dr. Ben Carson all campaigning in the granite state and Trump saying he is working on his likability since his unfavorables have been so high in poll after poll. And this coming as a fresh round of attacks are facing Donald Trump, including one from a former president. 

BILL CLINTON: Heck, it's a crazy season. 

LLAMAS: He's back. Former President Bill Clinton making the rounds and the case why his wife should be president, defending Hillary from one of her harshest critics, Donald Trump. 

DONALD TRUMP: He asked her to come to his wedding when he found out we were going to be in Florida and I don't know how many times he told me what a wonderful job she did in New York as a senator. 

LLAMAS: President Clinton firing back after months of Trump's attacks on Hillary's time as Secretary of State. 

BILL CLINTON: You shouldn't be able to insult your way to the White House. 

LLAMAS: And Hillary Clinton, who has seen her lead in the latest national poll nearly evaporate, using Trump's own words to rally donors. 

TRUMP: You know the word shrill, she's become shrill. 

LLAMAS: In an e-mail to supporters the Clinton campaign painting the remark as sexist saying, “Is the woman who asks for the raise she deserves shrill?” Trump saying the comment wasn't sexist. 

TRUMP: I’m back. 

LLAMAS: The billionaire ending his self-declared boycott of Fox News and defending his tax plan, which one conservative tax group said would add more than $10 trillion to the deficit. Trump saying he'd also save money by cutting waste. 

TRUMP: Department of Education, tremendous cuts. Department of Environmental Protection where they're actually going around and causing damage as opposed to saving damage [sic]. 

LLAMAS: This as Senator Marco Rubio keeps hammering Trump that he's unfit for the presidency. 

MARCO RUBIO: The presidency is a tough job. You're going to be criticized and you can't flip out every time somebody says something about you. 

LLAMAS: Money is so important at this point in the race and this morning, news that one of the three super PACs that was supporting Rand Paul is no longer raising money for him. This as Ted Cruz is out with a video, Senator Ted Cruz showing Paul supporters in Iowa, New Hampshire now supporting Cruz. He's clearly going after that libertarian vote and finally this morning, Donald Trump on yet another cover. This is the cover of People magazine this week. You can see Donald Trump there with his wife Melania and their son Barron. It’s inside Trump’s life right now. George, back to you.