Rooney: Days of CBS News as “Paragon of Journalistic Virtue” Are “Gone”

April 12th, 2006 11:10 AM

Wow, the CBS Christmas parties are sure going to be fun. Veteran commentator Andy Rooney recently amended his earlier comments about designated Evening News anchor Katie Couric. I don’t think these statements will be popular over at CBS either:

Rooney: "I have this ancient view of CBS News as a paragon of journalistic virtue, and that time is gone."

The most charitable way to characterize that statement would be as a backhanded compliment. In an interview with TV Week, (registration required) Mr. Rooney went on to say that he realizes this is a "skewed vision." He also added, "I ought to get over it. I mean, there are people who can do television other then Walter Cronkite and I should be ready to admit that." Rooney’s latest comments were picked up and reported on the April 12 edition of Fox and Friends First, airing at 6:41AM EDT.

The CBS veteran also stated, "I guess if I had it to say over again, I’d be a little softer with it. I like this woman and I think she’s very good." Well, there you go. That should make those accidental meetings between Rooney and Couric on the set of 60 Minutes a little less awkward.