The View: Biden Needs to Show ‘Vitality’ at Debate, Trump Must Be Sane

June 21st, 2024 7:11 PM

On Friday, ABC’s The View shared their expectations for the upcoming presidential debate between President Joseph Biden and Former President Donald Trump. They strongly encouraged Biden to “mock him” and “get under his skin.”

Moderator Joy Behar began by identifying Biden as the “oldest living president” and Trump, unsurprisingly, as “the oldest living convicted felon.” Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin tagged on by indicating that Biden needs to “take head on the issue of age and vitality” whereas Trump needs to just “appear not crazy.”



As Farah Griffin continued her Trump rant, she declared, “But on the other side he might shout out a domestic terrorism organization like he did in the last first debate” in regards to Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back, and by.” But Griffin concluded that what will matter the most at the end of this debate would be what moments go viral.

Despite the numerous videos of Biden falling, freezing, or forgetting what to say, co-host Ava Navarro decided to condemn these videos as fake by declaring, “But you know I think Republicans and Trump and his minions have done themselves such a disservice with all of these edited cut and spliced videos that they’re spreading around of Biden seeming lost and decrepit.”

Navarro went on to claim that Republicans have set the bar so low that all Biden has to do is show up and not “keel over on his way to the podium.” On a roll, she professed, “I also think that it's part of the reason that you now see Trump saying, oh, he's on drugs. Which, by the way, I can't believe we have to say this, but it's patently false.” 

Trump requested that Biden take a drug test before the debate which, expectedly, the Biden administration has made no comment on.

She wanted Biden “to mock him, get under his skin, he needs to cure Trump amnesia that this country has and remind us of the horror of the four years, he needs to tout and take credit for all the things his administration has done.”

Some accomplishments the Biden administration have were raising gas prices by 40 percent and watching the inflation rate go up by 3.8 percent compared to under Trump’s administration.

But Haines wanted to weigh in by giving her strong opinion of Trump, “he is a highly emotionally reactive human being.” She suggested that Biden ask Trump who won the last election as a way to get under his skin. Haines encouraged Biden to “Beat him on the small topics that will just make him lose his mind.”

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ABC The View


11:03:11 – 11:06:04

JOY BEHAR: So Joe Biden is the oldest -- he would be the oldest living president and Trump would be the oldest living convicted felon. So, who -- who has got more to prove here?

ALYSSA GRIFFIN: I think the stakes are incredibly high for both. I think it's important that's happening for democracy, seeing them side by side, seeing the contrast and the juxtaposition. For Biden, I think he needs to take head on the issue of age and vitality. He needs to show up. He needs to look forceful and commands of facts. Donald Trump needs to appear not crazy and they’re gonna have to --

SARAH HAINES: That's gonna be hard, Alyssa.

GRIFFIN: There is a world in which he could get through 90 minutes, keep it substantive, focus on policy. I've seen him do it. They shouldn’t dismiss that he can. But on the other side he might shout out a domestic terrorism organization like he did in the last first debate so we don’t know but I think a record number of people will tune in to this, but also what matters is what ends up on TikTok. What are the viral moments? What are the pull quotes that people see? People -- six in ten Americans didn't want this rematch but here we are, and they're gonna tune in to see who the best option is.

ANA NAVARRO: But you know I think Republicans and Trump and his minions have done themselves such a disservice with all of these edited cut and spliced videos that they’re spreading around of Biden seeming lost and decrepit. Because it’s -- they've made it so they've lowered the bar so that if Joe Biden shows up, and doesn't keel over on his way to the podium, he's had a good night.

And, you know, and I also think that it's part of the reason that you now see Trump saying, oh, he's on drugs. Which, by the way, I can't believe we have to say this, but it's patently false. Everything you just saw in that video, there is no evidence for, it's absolutely false. He's making it up.

I think Joe Biden needs to get under his skin. I think he needs to mock him, get under his skin, he needs to cure Trump amnesia that this country has and remind us of the horror of the four years, he needs to tout and take credit for all the things his administration has done, but also be forward looking.

SARAH HAINES: He doesn't need to mock him, though. I think it’s so easy to rattle him and you could stay --

BEHAR: Rattle who? Trump?

HAINES: Donald Trump. You could stay the more like regular person and be the contrast to his crazy, just by talking about things that enrage him. Start by talking about who won the election, go from there. Like you can literally -- he is a highly emotional reactive human being. It's not response. Responding to someone takes thought and is usually careful. He is only reactive. So I think he just has to start slow, and I would prefer he doesn't mock him because mocking is Donald Trump's weapon. He does it well. Let him do that. Beat him on calm topics that will just make him lose his mind.

BEHAR: What if Trump says something about his son, Biden's son, that's a trigger point I think?

SUNNY HOSTIN: I think Biden is a real statesman, and I think he will rise to that occasion right? And we know who Trump is: he's a convicted felon. 34 counts.

BEHAR: 34 times.
