MSNBC Glosses Over the Lyrics of an Obama Supporting Rapper

July 31st, 2008 6:01 PM
  If a tree falls in the forest and nobody sees it fall, did it really fall? If a supporter of a campaign scores a vitriolic tune and nobody reports the lyrics, does the song matter? MSNBC hopes not.

On the July 31st "Morning Joe" during the "News You Can't Use" segment, co-host Willie Geist brought attention to a recent rap song penned by platinum selling rapper and Barack Obama supporter, Ludacris . The song calls for Senator John McCain to be paralyzed. Geist first attempted to down play the hate-filled nature of the song by saying "I think it's an actual controversy. Isn't it? Some are saying it is."

Geist proceeded to play only a short non-offensive part of the song. Guest-host David Shuster agreed that the tame lyrics MSNBC selectively showcased were "pretty good."

After Geist agreed with Shuster that the harmless lyrics "Morning Joe" aired were pretty good, Geist promised to shield the audience from "nasty stuff about the other candidates" and then read an Obama campaign press release condemning the song without ever referring to the exact part of the tune that was so offensive.

Had a musician supporting Senator McCain recorded a similar song, MSNBC likely would not have been so "protective" of the audience.

Never in the segment did the hosts mention that the melody called for John McCain to be paralyzed or that Ludacris ridiculed President Bush for being mentally handicap. While pretending to protect viewers from harmful lyrics, MSNBC was actually guarding Barack Obama from the fallout that follows a supporter like Ludacris saying such atrocious things. 

Fortunately the mainstream media are not the only ones in the forest.

Full song lyrics as well as a full transcript is below:

Willie Geist: I think she's a fine young lady. Let's talk about this Ludacris controversy.

Joe Scarborough: Oh please

Geist:  I think it's an actual controversy. Isn't it.

Some are saying it is. Here's the deal, Ludacris, the rapper, Atlanta-based guy. Obama has said he's a fan, he's appeared with him a couple times. Says he likes the guy. Calls him a great talent, great businessman. So Ludacris puts out this mixed tape with an Atlanta group, with a song called politics, Obama is here. We're going to play part of it for you. The part we leave out is the part that's stirring the controversy where he goes after Hillary Clinton, John Mccain and George Bush in what some might consider an inappropriate fashion. But here is the part we can show you. 

All you other politicians trying to hate on my man, watch us win a majority vote in every state on my man. You can't stop what's bout to happen. We bout to make history. The first black President is destined and it's meant to be. Get out and vote or the end will be near. The world is ready for change because Obama is here!

David Shuster: I think those lines are pretty good.

Geist: Ok, those lines are pretty good. I am not going to repeat what he said, some nasty stuff about the other candidates. So Barack Obama's campaign said he should be ashamed, Ludacris. Barack Obama said many times in the past rap lyrics today too often perpetuate misogynistic, materializing, degrading, images, exc exc so -- they are not down  with luda apparently.

Song Lyrics [via]:

 Hillary hated on you, so that (bleep) is irrelevant Jesse talking slick and apologizing for what?

if you said it then you meant it how you want it have a gut!

and all you other politicians trying to hate on my man, watch us win a majority vote in every state on my man you can't stop what's bout to happen, we bout to make history the first black president is destined and it's meant to be the threats ain't fazing us, the nooses or the jokes so get off your ass, black people, it's time to get out and vote!

paint the White House black and I'm sure that's got 'em terrified McCain don't belong in ANY chair unless he's paralyzed Yeah, I said it cause Bush is mentally handicapped Ball up all of his speeches and I throw 'em like candy wrap cause what you talking I hear nothing even relevant and you the worst of all 43 presidents get out and vote or the end will be near the world is ready for change because Obama is here!

'cause Obama is here!

The world is ready for change because Obama is here!