Clint Eastwood made quite a splash when he spoke at the Republican National Convention in Tampa this summer.
Continuing his ringing endorsement of Mitt Romney on Fox News's Hannity Thursday, the actor/director said, "He is just a perfect guy for the job" (video follows with transcript):
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Joining us now, Hollywood star himself, the one and only -- I guess star of the Republican National Committee, as well, that's Clint Eastwood. Clint, welcome to the program. It's great to finally meet you.
CLINT EASTWOOD, ACTOR/DIRECTOR: Good to be with you. Good to be with you, Sean.
HANNITY: I appreciate it. You said you wanted to make three points at the Republican National Convention. You said one, you wanted to point out not everyone is left in Hollywood. You made that point.
You talked about -- you know, Obama made a lot of broken promises. And then the biggest point, if somebody doesn't do a good job, it's OK to let them go. Tell us how you got involved in this?
EASTWOOD: Well, they asked me if I wanted to come back there and be involved in the convention. I didn't know exactly how to be involved. And they -- most of the people are speaking pretty much a scripted, kind of thing.
I just don't -- maybe I just -- I talk a little bit about -- being about things just from the heart. I mean, things, the average citizen wonders about. And wondering why we are at the stage we are with the economy. Why we are at the stage we are in the world?
HANNITY: You know, I tried to warn people about who I thought Barack Obama was. We did a lot of work in 2007 and 2008. You know, kind of came out of nowhere. Never did a big deal in his life. Voted present a lots a state senator. No real accomplishment in the U.S. Senate.
So I looked at his is background. He is a community organizer. He is with ACORN, hangs out with some pretty radical people, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, et cetera. So I tried to warn people a little bit.
You kind of summed up how I feel now four years after him being president. You said, he's the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people. I think this story's going to be written and, you know, I just -- I don't think, for some reason people got caught up in 2008 and it seems many are still caught up today. Your reaction?EASTWOOD: Well, there are people -- and a lot of -- a lot of people who are -- who feel dissatisfied, from voting for him last time are afraid to admit that they may be made a mistake. It's better to be overly defensive and just say I am voting for him again.
I just try to give people, when I was at the RNC, the idea that maybe they could -- they should think about other alternatives. And you know, rather than just promoting a party line. And of course, a lot of people who are on the Republican side, who voted for him last time, will probably have regrets.
But if you have regrets, think about somebody else, somebody who offers something else, like a business background. Governor Romney is a great business background. He is extremely well educated. He has several degrees from Harvard, including, you know, business and including a law degree.
He is just a perfect guy for the job. And I think along with Paul Ryan, you have a great team that is out there, ready to I think they can correct a lot of the problems we have had -- I don't know.
I just eye think it's kind of -- I hate to get too simplistic, but I also don't want to complicate it. It just the certain feeling you have within yourself. It is time to speak up.
I have nothing against this fellow that's in. I have nothing against any of the people on the staff. I do -- I find -- in myself, feeling very resentful about the whole thing in Benghazi.
That's been kind of a tragedy that should have never happened or shouldn't have been an attempt. All you can ask when there is a crisis like that is to make an attempt. That's the American way.