Tea Partier to Sharpton: I Couldn't Listen to Any More of Your Insanity Without My Earpiece Falling Out

August 20th, 2011 12:23 PM

Dallas Tea Party founder Phillip Dennis turned a wardrobe malfunction on Friday's "MSNBC Live" into possibly the best line of the week.

When his earbud dislodged during a heated discussion with Al Sharpton, Dennis marvelously quipped, "I don’t think I could listen to any more of your insanity there without my earpiece falling out" (video follows with transcript and commentary, vulgarity warning):

AL SHARPTON, HOST: The issues -- look at the issues that the Tea Party represents and how unpopular they are to the American people. Protect .

PHILLIP DENNIS, FOUNDER DALLAS TEA PARTY: Which American people, Reverend Al?

SHARPTON: (INAUDIBLE) the people -- the American people that you claim brought in these 63 Congressional people, remember them? All of a sudden, when you win elections then the American people, when people are saying that those peoples have turned against you all of a sudden you don’t know who they are? I mean, the American people have clearly said that they don’t have the same view of you. I showed you the poll and before the mid- term election last year you had 18% disapproval and now it’s up to 40%. That doesn’t concern you?


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SHARPTON: I think you’ve got to put your earpiece back on if you want to hear me.

DENNIS: (INAUDIBLE) I’m sorry, I lost my ear piece. I lost my ear piece there.

SHARPTON: That shows that you’re not listening to the American people. That’s kind of symbolic. That’s what I’ve been trying to say. But, go ahead Dennis.

DENNIS: I don’t think I could listen to any more of your insanity there without my earpiece falling out. That was a poll that was done by the New York Times. If the New York Times said to me, "Good Morning," I would duck in fear. We don’t trust what comes out of the New York Times and the mainstream media.

With the way Sharpton treats his conservative guests, it's surprising more earpieces don't fall out.

That said, nice recovery, Phillip. Bravo!