Comedian Jon Stewart Thursday mocked MSNBC's Chris Matthews for his absurd comment about having forgotten President Obama was black during the previous night's State of the Union address.
"If you watched the speech, and afterwards just wanted to have your mind blown, you gotta stick with Chris Matthews," teased the "Daily Show" host.
After showing the video of Matthews' foolish remark, Stewart quipped, "You know what else you might have forgotten? You're miked!"
Once the audience stopped laughing, the Comedy Central star said, "I swear to God, this guy's one scotch away from being Ron Burgundy" (video embedded below the fold with transcript):
JON STEWART, HOST: If you watched the speech, and afterwards just wanted to have your mind blown, you gotta stick with Chris Matthews.
CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC: He is post-racial, by all appearances. You know, I forgot he was black tonight for an hour.
STEWART: Oh, uh, you know what else you might have forgotten? You're miked. I swear to God, this guy's one scotch away from being Ron Burgundy.
Actually, I think Will Ferrell's character in the hit film "Anchorman" wouldn't have said something this stupid.